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Driv3r gets a pasting at Eurogamer


It seems the game has been released a week early in the UK, and the knives are well and truly out.

The bottomline:

DRIV3R is a very disjointed mess of a game. There are some highs (most not concerning gameplay) and a lot of lows. While I can sympathise with Reflections for opting to include on-foot missions initially, the part should clearly have been scrapped in development once they had realised their complete and utter inability to deliver on that front. Atari really has no excuse for releasing this game in the state it is in. It is far from finished at this stage ( as suggested by the variation in the quality from one mission to the next).

While the driving missions are fun, from the hours i've put into the game so far, I can't tell you to expect any new ground to be explored here. It shouldn't have mattered so much had there not been so much hype surrounding this game. Atari made a lot of promises, none of which they could have had any possible reason to believe they could deliver on (had they seen the game running).So while it is reasonable to assume that the pre-release hype will still carry the game some distance, should it be a complete bust, it would only serve Atari right.

High production values and some above average driving sections accompanied by very very sub parr on foot missions, obvious lack of polish in the gameplay department and no coherence at all, leave a lot to be desired. In the end it doesn't matter how big a fan of the series anyone is (even the GTA enthusiasts dying to get their hands on it) or how willing they are to put up with the bad parts to get to the good parts, DRIV3R simply cannot be recommended to anyone because it is not a finished product (far from it). Anyone considering buying it must first give it a good long look once it comes out.

Ranger X

My god. This is pretty straight forward!
Oh well, there's so many AAAAAA titles this years that if it's true that Driv3r is bad it will be a welcomed good news for my finances.


This new trend of adding on foot missions into what were traditionally vehicle based games needs to die before more shit hits the shelves.
I played this maybe 30 minutes before deciding to never touch it again. The cars handle terribly, there is no sense of speed whatsoever, and the motorcycles do the same speed on sand as they do on concrete.

I decided to go on a killing rampage, shooting random people as they ran around in circles, then watched a guy jump into the ocean and start swimming. I found it funny, until he disappeared 30 feet from shore. When you jump, your character does an almost ballet maneuver. It's like he's prancing. But my favorite is when I tried stealing a motorcycle from this guy. I attempt to knock him off the bike, but instead I just jump on while he stays on the bike. I start to go, and the guy hops off and stands there.

The graphics are tremendously average, as is the sound. Bleh.


driver 3 was HORRIBLE at e3. so bad in fact that i went to gamestop after day 3 and cancelled my preorder after alpha explained how it couldnt get any better because the game was already set to go gold. horrible horrible game.


Banstick Emeritus
BeOnEdge said:
driver 3 was HORRIBLE at e3.
A-men. What a clusterfuck of a game. Horribly unfinished - there's no way they could have made their earlier release date, 10 million in sales is a pipe dream in some executive's cocaine-addled fantasy.


Is it true that Atari expects this game to sell 10 million copies?

The parallels are clear;

-They see the sucess being taken by some other entity
-They decide to cash in with a game
-They give not nearly enough time to finish it
-They release it NOW NOW NOW
-They expect astronomical sales.

-They want to repeat E.T.?


"Is it true that there are no people on the street while you drive??"

no but it IS true that when you try to hit them, they go half way thru your car before finally being detected and flying into the air. It IS true that the pedestrians are as stupid as if not WORSE than the ones in true crime.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
If it bombs hard, we'll probably hear about it before the July NPD comes out in August (June will only cover it's sales for a week or so).

You'd think after delaying it a few times already they'd try to put a quality product out, especially with GTA San Andreas being around the corner. The Getaway Black Monday will probably be much better too.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Didn't they reveal this game 2 years ago? That should have been plenty of time to develop this game
Wario64 said:
Didn't they reveal this game 2 years ago? That should have been plenty of time to develop this game

From what i've been reading it doesn't seem like they could figure out whether they wanted it to be a GTA killer or just an improvement over Driver 2. So what you've got is something in the middle that doesn't really fit together.


the pedestrians? look at the cars physics? i find it ironic that the game is named driver and it drives like shit with wheels.


Man i really had high hopes for this game i didnt want it to be a wannabe GTA clone, i wanted it to be like the the first Driver.....movie style intesnse Chase scenes and the running from the cops mini game :(


Mistaken iRobbery!
mj1108 said:
LOL @ the forklift lifting up the car. While it's being lifted, the pedestrian just gets out and stands there like a dumbass and doesn't bother getting out of the way when the car comes straight down and crushes him.
Looks as if the pedestrian fell down before the car crushed him... LOL


Really? Weren't people drooling over this game here a month ago?

Likely, but all the signs of a bid budget bomb were there. If you knew your history, I think you could tell it was going to be bad. Judging from Enter the Matrix though, it still may be a sales success.

Don't make any ET comparisons, because that discerning sort of buying public doesn't exist. Hope I am wrong though.
I can't really fault them for dumb pedestrians. I can't remember how many times i'll be driving around in GTA and some pedestrian will just drive directly into my car.
If in April had someone asked me if i was getting Driv3r or Showdown:LOW i would have punched them in the throat.

Now its still a no brainer but this time im buying the game made by ACKLAIM!!!

If Driver 3's physics are anything like Stuntmans i'll love the driving portion of the game. They should leave the driving part exactly as it is in Stuntman.


SolidSnakex said:
If Driver 3's physics are anything like Stuntmans i'll love the driving portion of the game. They should leave the driving part exactly as it is in Stuntman.

i LOVED stuntman. Driver 3 plays NOTHING like stuntman unless by some miracle the e3 version WAS really busted.


Damn, I was looking forward to getting this game. Looks like I'll just be getting the my gamecube Sonic Mega Collection and LotR Two Towers for $15 at Target and Megaman Anniversary Collection. What is that, $30?
I guess we should've known there was something wrong with Driver 3 when they replaced the "e" with a 3. It's never a good sign when they're trying to be "cool".


wow...sounds like another matrix in the making. guess this is what caused my friend to finally get fed up and leave atari.


So how did Driver 1 manage to be so good? Everything Reflections has touched has turned to shit ever since.
Wasn't expecting much, you never really heard anything about the actual game just look att he pretty cars and the locations. Also it from Atari, they made a worse DBZ then the ones on SNES....now that a huge feat.


Scary Euro Man
BeOnEdge said:
no but it IS true that when you try to hit them, they go half way thru your car before finally being detected and flying into the air.

Better than Wreckless, where solid objects can pass right through your car and out the other side...
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