A few suggestions for improvements / expansions to driveclub popped up in the online sesh we had the other night so I thought I'd share the wisdom(!?!) on here to see what peeps think / likelyhood of them happening etc...
1. AnythingBut - Paid track editor app. If they made one would you buy it? How much would you be willing to pay? GPS version so you can drive a real life road and get it accurately mapped into the game?
2. Shannow - Block players. I believe some games allow you to block a player that you've had issue with so you never have to race against them again. The ability to block some of the worst online bashing cheaters or just render them ghosted would be great for those of us who like to race clean.
3. Ainsz - Why don't online time trials count towards the records? It's not like you can draft or get any kind of advantage and it'd be good to see where your laps rank in the world at the end.
4. IKizzLE - Not mentioned in this sesh but several times before, please can we have a lap time summary at the end of a race...
Anyone else got any to add?
I'd love Evo to rip off Gotham TV from PGR3. Being told your MP race was being featured on Gotham TV was really cool. Some nights I'd just watch MP races on Gotham TV. More action than F1 these days