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Driver: San Francisco |OT| A whole generation, with a new explanation


The game suddenly froze on me when the saving icon appeared but the save file was still intact. I would have raged otherwise.


I played two hours yesterday, and I agree that the handling seems to have somehow been improved from the single player demo. The game really has its own charm so far, and 60 FPS is always nice. I can't wait to try the MP since everyone is gushing about it.


DRM and security updates don't really bug me, it's just a fact of life we have to deal with due to pirates spoiling the party.


Waiting on a PC Demo before I bite, Ubisoft burned me too much as of recent to warrant any blind pre-order. Having said that, I really have high hopes on this!
Played a bit more tonight (guess I am 5-6 hours into this now). Shift just got even more awesome :)

It's a pity Shift is such a weird specific mechanic, as I think other games should use it in the future - although it would be weird without the coma element to back it up.


This game is the surprise of the year for me so far! Having so much fun, and driving with the in-car camera perspective makes it extremely tense.

I don't usually have a stupid grin on my face when playing games, but I just can't help myself wih this.


Credits are rolling, nice game although having played Driver 1,2,3 I think this one's much shorter?!
Now will dive into the multiplayer.
Also cool custom soundtracks works on the PS3


Bollocks said:
Credits are rolling, nice game although having played Driver 1,2,3 I think this one's much shorter?!
Now will dive into the multiplayer.
Also cool custom soundtracks works on the PS3

How long would you say the story mode is?


xXJonoXx said:
How long would you say the story mode is?
According to the statistics total playtime is 9h 37m so I would say around 7h 30m.
You have to do certain side missions in order to unlock the next story mission but I consider them part of the story.
Now that I have numbers I do think it's ok. They really tried their best to keep it fresh as far as variety goes in a racing game. No mission was ever the same and they do have some really cool surprises up their sleeves ;)

So far I've completed the story, completed half the dares(80 total) and unlocked half the movie challenges, game says 55% done, I can live with that ;)

My only concern is that I get it all done by Friday so I can hop onto Resistance 3. 4th quarter gaming madness is in full effect!


Buckethead said:
Just seeing this thread makes me want to play DRIV3R.

I actually really liked that game, but I am sucker for realistic car damage and this game was way ahead of the competition back then. Plus getting to drive an 18-wheeler with trailer, and it be sort of realistic was cool for a console game.

Driver: SF looks to continue the tradition.


Junior Member
Having poured even more time into the game has made me come to the conclusion that it's the best arcade racer i've played in a very long time. It isn't boring, it's very fun. The stunts, the chases, the missions in general get better and better as you go on.
I'm a car nut and notice the small things that otherwise seem irrelevant but the application of torque in the game and it's associated effects feel and look absolutely spot on imo. Accelerate hard, the back end squats, brake hard and the front end dips. It's very well done.

Anyway, if anyone is sitting on the fence, lean over a little and fall into the awesomeness!


has anyone's dlc codes worked from gamestop. it's strange because there are not even the correct number of letters and numbers. i thought "there's no way this thing will work". hopefully it's just too soon but i have my doubts.

edit: may be too soon as my warhammer code is not working either. but i've never seen a 360 code without a "full set" of numbers and letters. weird i tell ya.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I actually pre-ordered this even though I know I'll be playing Resistance 3 (and probably Space Marine) first, and then the week after Gears of War 3 and God of War Origins. Probably a bit hasty to pick this one up but I have fond memories of Driver and despite the ridiculous explanation for the gameplay mechanic, it does look like fun.


Anyone know where to do the "show off" trophy?
250m drift/jump, I'm going for the jump but the longest jump I was able to do was 220m already with the fastest vehicle according to the stats, Lamborghini Muceliago ## ?!

Also how do I complete the overtake dares, 15vehicles in 30sec, sounds easy but I'm not even close, not even on the highway. 30 in 60sec pfff
Sometimes the overtake counts, other times it wont :/

I also hate those invisible walls. I wanted to jump from the ground to the highway bridge, would have made it but invisible wall blocked me ._.


Argh argh argh bloody terrible handling on the dune buggy thingies, I guess it comes with the territory but still. Gah cashed in second instead of first. Ah well, mission complete, that's the main thing

This PS3 controller thingy doesn't half hurt your hand, ey?


Old ?

Hi Driver Players,

We wanted to make you aware of an issue with copies of Driver: San Francisco. Due to a printing error on the insert of some copies of Driver: San Francisco Ubisoft has elected to provide the Uplay Passport content for free for all users. When players begin DRIVER: San Francisco they are prompted with the Uplay Passport menu. The menu has 4 options: “Purchase Uplay PASSPORT,” “Activate my Uplay PASSPORT,” “Start my 2-Day Free Trial,” or “Remind Me Later” There are two ways to access these online features:

1. Select Start My 2-Day Free Trial, which will not expire, OR
2. Select Purchase Uplay Passport, which will be provided at no charge.

Either option will unlock the 11 multiplayer modes and the Film Director feature on either Microsoft Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation 3 versions.


nope, thanks. it wasn't too early, it was borked. good to know. uplay passport downloaded and now i'm back to playing the second best game released all year. i think deus ex edges it out a bit, but not by much. i am having so much fun with this game. love it.
Grrr.... Another great game doomed to shoddy sales numbers by releasing at the wrong time of year.

If this had come out at the beginning of the summer, I would have been all over it. But with so much money to be spent over the next three months, I'm going to wait til next year. And by then, it will probably have dropped in price.


if this game had came out this summer against shadows of the damned and alice (both games i dearly loved, so don't get me wrong) it would have sold like gangbusters in my opinion. companies need to realize there is a gaming dry spell they can capitilize on with more than just downloadable titles. of course the sales numbers of sotd and alice may speak otherwise. i just hate to see this game get shit on in sales and word of mouth. in my opinion it is a fucking jewel of a driving game.


Trucker Sexologist
They may not expect it to make money. The best they can hope for is that it restores confidence in the franchise and paves the way for the sequel to make money.


Man, the handling of the cars is great. I love being able to drive cars you wouldn't normally get to drive like a Lincoln Towncar, Ford F-150, etc and with the handling that they should actually have? It's like I am in a dream or something......
So this game is amazing. Of the three big multiplatform games that came out today, this is the best.

As for the sales numbers, for what it's worth my Eb games sold out of all of their ps3 copies. Granted, they only got 12, but still...


easily the best game released yesterday.

anyway, am i missing something? is there any way to select the color of your car before you leave a garage? so far they have been random. all have been cool believe it or not but still random. also, i unlocked the charger police car with the uplay points but i cannot find it in any of my garages. of course i only have two so it probably shows up in a later garage. now i'm off to earn 100k so i can get my hands on that vette. thank god you get willpower for every little thing in this game. i have earned some serious cheese just driving around town.


you can't really go wrong with either one. pick which controller you prefer. i prefer the 360 controller for driving games. i can't stand the ps3 controller's triggers (if you can even call them that, and yes i have the real trigger clip on things) so i went 360. i tried both demos and they are pretty much identical. 360 may have looked a tiny bit better but i mean very tiny.


After reading some of the hype for this game I tried the single player demo a few days ago. There were some things I liked about it, and a couple things that really annoyed me. Questions:

- The demo had A LOT of dialogue banter. Although the voice acting wasn't bad, I found it got annoying. How is it in the full game?
- The city had a very drab color palette, like there was a yellow/orange filter over everything. Is this consistent through the whole game?



vermadas said:
After reading some of the hype for this game I tried the single player demo a few days ago. There were some things I liked about it, and a couple things that really annoyed me. Questions:

- The demo had A LOT of dialogue banter. Although the voice acting wasn't bad, I found it got annoying. How is it in the full game?
- The city had a very drab color palette, like there was a yellow/orange filter over everything. Is this consistent through the whole game?


- For story missions and 'main' secondary missions there's a lot, but they're heavily outnumbered by dialogue-less activities, so you won't get too mad about it. It's great writing in any case.

- I think so but I wouldn't call it drab so much as, like... San Fransisco'd. Like a lazy Saturday afternoon. But yeah, that doesn't change so mcuh.


ok, i just played my first mission/challenge that made me realize this is probably the best driving game i have ever played. move over deus ex, this is my game of the year. granted i am a huge car nut and a even bigger car movie nut. i just played Gone!, the first movie challenge. the love for car movies reflections has shines through. the sepia tones, period accurate cars, the music. holy shit. there were even hairs in the "film". fucking amazing. bravo reflections. bravo. i hope to christ that it sells enough for them to make a sequel. hopefully word of mouth will make this a long haul seller. i know i am going to tell not only my gaming buddies but my movie buddies about this. we all love a good car flick. this is like the collision of both worlds. i knew they were talking the movie missions up in the interviews leading up to the release but i figured they might be overhyping them. if anything they did not focus enough on these challenges. if the care they put into the first one carries on into the rest this will be my favorite game of this generation. bar none.


I've never played a Driver game before, but after skimming over some reviews, I might have to pick this up. I love "arcadey" feeling driving games, and the Shift mechanic looks bananas.


Nintaiyo said:
I've never played a Driver game before, but after skimming over some reviews, I might have to pick this up. I love "arcadey" feeling driving games, and the Shift mechanic looks bananas.

go buy it. you won't be disappointed. my rant above was influenced by alcohol. but i still stand by the fact that this is my game of the year. driving game of the generation. closely followed by midnight club la. as a matter of fact, this game reminded me of midnight club in places. difficulty level for sure. that is if you don't use shift when trying to outrun the cops. seems like this game is harder than the demo. but it is a dynamic difficulty level. you never choose a difficulty level. it's basically if you want to make it easier by using shift. i have played both ways and shifting into cars and using them to help yourself out makes the game easy.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
really blown away by the fact that this game is getting good reviews. After playing the demo I thought al hope was lost. Glad to see this turn out well though, looking forward to the pc release.
StarEye said:
Yup. The demo to me screamed 6/10, what makes the full game so much better I wonder?

Context. The core driving remains the same, but there is so much to do in the city and so many interesting situations.

The music is great, the writing is funny, and the whole game makes you feel like you're in a crazy car chase movie.

It's also really polished, which coming from playing Dead Island is a refreshing change.


canadian crowe said:
Context. The core driving remains the same, but there is so much to do in the city and so many interesting situations.

The music is great, the writing is funny, and the whole game makes you feel like you're in a crazy car chase movie.

It's also really polished, which coming from playing Dead Island is a refreshing change.

It's kind of polished in an odd way. Gameplay wise it's super polished. I miss extra stuff you might see in other games like pedestrians actually turning to look at you or people in cars doing anything other than their stock driving animation, but whatever, the game itself is awesome!

I love the little picture avatars whenever they chat. It's funny as shit. Also, Tanner has some great lines when interacting with passengers.

Nelo Ice

too much coming out this year but i'll look into picking this up and space marine during the holiday sale or whenever theres a good sale. surprised to see its getting such positive reviews and impressions.
Jintor said:
It's kind of polished in an odd way. Gameplay wise it's super polished. I miss extra stuff you might see in other games like pedestrians actually turning to look at you or people in cars doing anything other than their stock driving animation, but whatever, the game itself is awesome!

I love the little picture avatars whenever they chat. It's funny as shit. Also, Tanner has some great lines when interacting with passengers.

It's funny, I never even notice the extra stuff. I guess that's a testament to how fun the game is.

I like to think that if you can point out the little things, the game must not be that captivating.

I'm so glad Tanner is funny. I was expecting him to be really stoic.


canadian crowe said:
I like to think that if you can point out the little things, the game must not be that captivating.

I don't think that's true, it's very rare a game has me totally immersed 100% of the time so I always have room to notice subtleties.


Is this the thread where I giggle about Driver possibly having a higher Meta than Dead Island and Resistance 3?
End of Chapter 4 and the start of Chapter 5 is amazing. It was kinda obvious, but I did not see that twist coming.

I am taking my sweet time with this game, cause it is amazing!
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