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Driving stoned on SPEED right now...

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Speed Channel has this show called "Fifth Gear". I've been meaning to watch it since the promos are really cool. This is the first ep I've caught and they're testing the effects of weed on driving. They got a "volunteer" who smokes regularly. They're exposing him to a test course straight and stoned. So far so good. Anyone interested should tune in. This has to have some pretty funny results. PEACE.


I think it's on again at 1am EST and 1:30am. That's what my cable box is showing. I wouldn't sweat it though. I though it was gonna run the full half-hour, but the weed test only lasted for the first segment. Basically, the guy did better stoned than when he was straight. They did a stopping test, a slalom and some other stuff, then an emergency stop. Basically, it corroborates some of the wacky stoner theories. You get more paranoid when driving stoned, so you drive a bit more cautiously. Meh, I was really hoping for an in-depth study. Oh well, the show was still fun. It's from the makers of Top Gear, so they had Tiff Neilson bad-assing around in one of the quickest cars ever. He broke the 0-60 record of 3.07s in his first try. Did a 2.97, then grenaded the engine. LOL! That car looked like it would be a hell of a lot of fun. I wish we had Top Gear on these shores. Eats the lunch of every car show we currently have, and Tiff's the fucking man. PEACE.
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