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Driving Test Tomorrow

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I'm taking my road test tomorrow for my lisence and I'm nervous as hell. I've been told my some people that sometimes they fail you for the hell of it, even if you made no mistakes. I don't want to fail and then have to wait another two weeks to get my lisence. Anybody got any tips or advice?


Just be calm and have a positive attitude.

Also, for me the only part of the test that made me nervous as hell was the written. After that I was fine.
I remember the driving test I took at the school before the state test. I parallel parked into someone's lawn and my instructor was like "We better get outt here!".

I passed the state one. Just remember, dont try to change lanes in an intersection, they try to trick you on that a lot by asking you to do so in an intersection. They love to TRICK SO KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN AND AGUN!

Its easy. Just recall any trailer trash bastard you see on the road in his truck and realize that if that can get a license, so can you.


People are messing with you. They aren't going to fail you for the hell out of it. The only tip to give you is listen to the instructor. If they say stop, then stop.

Hell, you know where my local DMV tests are? A freaking parking lot. You're an idiot if you fail that thing. The parking lot! Lol.


I have mine today, heres to hoping i dont get hit by any old ladies. Thats what happened to me last month. Bitch ran off too a hit and run. So they disqualified me. Man and i need to be driving.


asking dangerous questions
I was nearly perfect on mine.
If you've practiced and can do everything (e.g. parallel park, angle park, lane changing, etc) well, then you should be fine. Just remember to stay below the speed limit.
Just pull yourself together, follow all the rules, and pass the test....then you can break all the rules you want!


MAF the dmv where you took your test was on city streets? I made sure to avoid the places where they take you outside, can't afford getting nervous because of other cars.
Try driving around the area you'll be tested in with a parent or something. It would help you get familiar with the area and some of the trickier situations there. And most likely your tester will go pretty easy on you, I think they just mostly look to make sure you understand the rules of the road and can drive decently. They should understand that you'll be nervous and probably won't fail you for no reason at all.
i failed my first time. I was going down a hill which happened to be by a school. I was barely going 4 or 5mph over teh limit too :( I wanted to kick that old hag from my car and make her walk back to the DMV>


The most common mistake people do is not making full stops at a stop sign. Make a full stop, not just decelerating. The car must stop moving completely.

Another mistake is not stoping before the white line on a stop light.

Good luck.


I turned right on a red without looking to both my sides. (Didn't look at my left... doesn't make sense to me, but whatever... still passed next time)


MrAngryFace said:

It says specifically on the Washington State drivers book that they will not trick you.


retardboy said:
I turned right on a red without looking to both my sides. (Didn't look at my left... doesn't make sense to me, but whatever... still passed next time)

Uhhh, that doesn't make sense to you? Your left is where the CARS ARE COMING FROM.

Also, looking to the right is also pretty important to check for pedestrians.



I have no real advice to offer, but wish you the best of luck!

I took mine last Thursday actually. Passed, with only two problems. The first was that I always look over my left shoulder instead of my right. Which she removed as a mistake once I told her that I'm blind in my right eye. The other was just that I didn't roll out into an intersection far enough on a green light as I waited to turn. No biggies, and I passed. Just make sure you don't hit the curb parallell parking, buckle your seatbelt, and don't drive over the crosswalk at stop signs and you'll be all right.


before you get in the car stretch your arms out and say "boy it sure is a nice day to run someone over"


I passed my road test and highway test with first tries. Just make sure you don't park too close to fire hydrants (they'll try to trick you like MAF mentioned). Do well in your parallel parking, back-in, etc. IF you stop on a red light and a public transit bus is next to you, MAKE SURE YOU LET THEM PASS FIRST. I nearly failed because I let go of my brakes in this situation. All in all, the hardest part of a road test is the waiting for your turn. Good luck.


Vlad said:
Uhhh, that doesn't make sense to you? Your left is where the CARS ARE COMING FROM.

Also, looking to the right is also pretty important to check for pedestrians.

Oops, meant right. When you're already on the right, you already see whats on the sidewalk so why do I have to look at it again? I've been looking at it the whole time when I drove up to the light. I already know nobody is there.


retardboy said:
Oops, meant right. When you're already on the right, you already see whats on the sidewalk so why do I have to look at it again? I've been looking at it the whole time when I drove up to the light. I already know nobody is there.

Someone could be biking and run into the right side of your car. You'd be responsible for potentially killing a pedestrian.


insert blank space here
MrAngryFace said:
Here in Ontario they would lose their job if they tried to trick you into doing something unsafe.
Your getting the test with a dmv? DOOMED

The dude, it's not that he fucks you over... It's just that he won't help out a single fucking bit. Don't expect answers to any questions. Pay attention to the instructions they give, as they will only do so once. I fucking kept asking him a question about where he wanted me to go and SILENCE. Pissed me off so much, I came really close to failing the whole thing. Ugh. I'm getting steamed just thinking about it. He was sitting there, telling me where to go, and when I fucking ask a question about it NOTHING. EXACTLY WHEN WILL THAT EVER HAPPEN? THE FUCKING PASSENGER ALWAYS TALKS, AND ALWAYS ANSWERS QUESTIONS. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE CUNTBAG IS GIVING DIRECTIONS.

Ugh. I just came really really close to failing that thing for no good reason at all, and thinking about it is just ugh. I had gone out driving for whats required by the school with the guy before, so I was used to him being normal and answering my questions about shit.


MrAngryFace said:

because of my instructor i hit a mail box when he told me to look in the rear view mirror!!!!!


I took one two weeks ago and failed for some stupid reasons, I thought. I'm going again tomorrow (8 am! bleh). These are the reasons I failed the first time:

*I stopped completely at the Stop Sign, then moved up to get a clearer view of the road, and then took a turn. My instructor said that I stopped to far back and not to stop at the stop signs, but the white lines after them. She gave me this reason, "Stop Signs are often incorrectly placed and you should always just look for the white line." :rolleyes:

*I didn't use the gas pedal when I was doing my 10ft. backing (in Driver's Ed I was taught to not use the gas pedal when backing :/)

*I went 10 mph below because there was no speed limit sign posted until near the end of the test. I was going 35 mph (because in Driver's Ed, I was taught that when there is no speed limit sign posted, then you must go 35 mph and when you see the speed limit sign, adjust accordingly) on a 45 mph road.

When she told me these reasons, I just sat there and was like...wtf?

Oh well, hopefully I get it tomorrow.


insert blank space here
Once again, here they repeat their directions twice and then ask the driver if they understand the directions.

I passed my first time :D... only thing I did wrong was at the start of the test when I left the parking brake on when we pulled out of the parking lot. I wasn't familiar with the vehicle so I had no clue why it was beeping lol.


Bowser said:
*I stopped completely at the Stop Sign, then moved up to get a clearer view of the road, and then took a turn. My instructor said that I stopped to far back and not to stop at the stop signs, but the white lines after them. She gave me this reason, "Stop Signs are often incorrectly placed and you should always just look for the white line." :rolleyes:

ok, thats just retarded.

i'm taking my test on the 27th...i just never got around to getting my license. i know how to drive for a while now, and i've been driving for a while w/ licensed drivers accompanying me.
my permit expired last year and due to lazyness i didnt bother renewing it till now. and it was due to lazyness that i didnt take the road test in the first place, while i had my permit.
so this time aorund i just went back, took the written exam, got the permit, did the 5 hour class and got my road test date.
problem with living in nyc is that, all beurocratic procedures take too long, it took me a whole day of standing around huge lines to take my written exam...and the 5 hour class is another huge hassle. not to mention you can get by without a car. all these things culminated in me always putting it off.
anyway, road test on the 27th...hope all goes well.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Scoobert said:
People are messing with you. They aren't going to fail you for the hell out of it. The only tip to give you is listen to the instructor. If they say stop, then stop.

Hell, you know where my local DMV tests are? A freaking parking lot. You're an idiot if you fail that thing. The parking lot! Lol.

Nope, I had my driving test (back in '98) in a parking lot at the DMV near me, and ended up failing solely because the instructor I got was a COMPLETE BITCH. I did everything she asked of me, but then had problems when some schmuck decided to go into the test lot to turn around. Without saying a word, she gets out of the car, yells at the guy to leave, tells me to drive out of the lot, then fails me, like I somehow had something to do with it. My mom came over aftet this, smiling, and thought I had passed, too. :\

So a week later, we drove way out to another DMV; this one had a more "relaxed" atmosphere, no one was in line (the other DMV took HOURS), and I did everything great until the parallel parking part, where I hit a cone at the very end. I couldn't believe it, but then the instructor got out of the car, picked the cone up, and she said "I didn't see anything if you didn't....I doubt you'll have to parallel park in this city anyway" (and she was right), and passed me. :)

Ask around and see if one DMV has a better rep than the others; it actually can work in your favor.


Jinx :D

I can't be the only person who failed the test once. I messed up the 3-point turn. I really hadn't driven enough and started in the wrong direction and backed over a garbage bin before fleeing the scene (I didn't know I hit anything). That's what I get for taking a test in a minivan. But I took the test the next day and passed no problem. My parents took forever to take me for my license and there was this big rush the week I was leaving for college. Driving's easy though. Driving slow is hard. :D PEACE.
I guess I'm the only person that didn't have to take a road "test"

We had 3-4 weeks of classes, a written test, and 6 hours of driving time with an instructor. I guess this could be counted as a road test, but it was much more relaxed and the instructors were always making casual conversation. I made mistakes here or there, but they didn't grade us real strict like some of these stories.

The driving times were in 6 sessions of 2 hours each. Each session you drove for an hour and then you had a partner who drove for an hour, so you could observe and learn from things they did.

It was freaky though, my first driving time they sent me directly on a fairly big road. Sure, I had driven around a bit with my family before that, but they sent me on a 45 MPH within a minute.
Wow! What a fitting post! I just took my second driving test today at 2PM :D Of course, I passed! It was very easy. She just gave me directions, "turn right, turn left, go straight, etc." I didn't have to do parallel parking again (thank gawd, coz I was in a minivan :/ ), because I pwned parallel parking last time I took the test.
Speaking of the last time... I really messed up then ;P I failed to yield to two cars, and I was going 30mph in a 25 school zone area (during the test she said act as if school is in session). Also, I didn't come to complete stops. Thankfully, I fixed all these problems and passed NO PROBLEM OKAY!
I'm so glad I finally have this stupid card though...I hate driving.


i did mine in the dead of summer and the reviewer was a fat guy who wanted the ac on, but my ac was broken, so he just made me drive around the block making all right turns and i almost ran a red light and he still passed me.


I really don't see how anyone could fail the driving test, unless there's some super anal instructor that marked down every little thing. All of the 'automatic failures' are completely obvious, like running a stop sign...

Then again, my instructor was a way cool jolly fat black guy who wrote happy birthday on my report and everything :D

When I asked if I had to parallel park he asked if I wanted to, I said no and he was like "Ok, no parallel parkin!"

96/100, I turned too wide at some point I guess...


works for Gamestop (lol)
Driving test is easy, although I didn' thave to do any parallel parking. I should have gotten a perfect 100 but for some reason the guy decided to deduct 4 points from my score for some bs reason. It's probably cause I'm aznn kekekEKE


Geeker said:
Do you have to drive with manual transmission in america when you take the test?
If you go to a driving school, the car is automatic, but if you take the test at the DMV, you have to supply your own car.


Well i didnt fail, but i ddint go. I got it moved to 2 weeks from today. I'm hoping it all works out. Though i dont know. It might now work out for me.


well not really...yet
ahah I remember mine, I was told I was either the worst driver in the world or unbelivebly nervous.

I Passed nonetheless :D
Scoobert said:
People are messing with you. They aren't going to fail you for the hell out of it. The only tip to give you is listen to the instructor. If they say stop, then stop.

Hell, you know where my local DMV tests are? A freaking parking lot. You're an idiot if you fail that thing. The parking lot! Lol.
actually some DMV's are known to fail people for the hell of it...
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