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Driving Test Tomorrow

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Haha, I remember I was like 10 minutes late for mine, and it was in the middle of a blizzard, yet I still passed. :D

I've heard they actually have to meet a quota of failed tests or something, which is why they might fail you for the hell of it. I'm not sure how true this is though. Mine was the first one of the morning, so I guess I lucked out there.

Parallel parkin is damn near hard enough even with a 2 door midget car....i learned the hard way so people like you dont have to


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Good idea for practicing the parallel parking is to (assuming you have some place to practice in, like a cul de sac) set visible markers, but also set them at a significantly shorter distance than you'll get on the actual test. I'm not sure what the usual distance is, but it's pretty forgiving.

I did fine on that part on my first test. I failed, however, due to thinking there was a turning lane where there was not. The instructor also said I failed to yield at a yield sign, despite my actually stopping for several seconds and very conspicuously looking backward. I think she just wasn't paying attention at that point.


Well, that was easy. The guy that I had was really nice, giving me little tips and stuff along the way. I was really nerveracked, and he kept telling me to breathe. He was like, "You might wanna loosen your grip on that steering wheel, otherwise your mother will kill me!" He was really laid back and I was just glad to get my license! This is what happened:

*Drove a little on a main street
*Turn into a neighborhood and did these things: 3pt turn, 10ft backing, quick stop
*Drove back to DMV, parked.
*Smiled, had my picture taken, and voila! I had a license!

No Traffic Signs test, no Parallel Parking, no written exam, no eye exam, nadda. It was great!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The Faceless Master said:
actually some DMV's are known to fail people for the hell of it...
*roll's eyes*

The people who say this are just trying to cover up their own embarassing failures.


Well I just got back from the test, It was the most nerve racking 10 minutes of my life but in the end I came up victorious. I'm enjoying this new freedom I have now that I got my lisence.
Only thing though I didn't have any proof of address with me, so now I have to wait untill tomorrow to get my actual lisence, is the 6 points of identification a NJ thing or do they do it everywhere esle?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Scorpion said:
Well I just got back from the test, It was the most nerve racking 10 minutes of my life but in the end I came up victorious. I'm enjoying this new freedom I have now that I got my lisence.
Only thing though I didn't have any proof of address with me, so now I have to wait untill tomorrow to get my actual lisence, is the 6 points of identification a NJ thing or do they do it everywhere esle?

I don't think we need 6 proof in texas. I brought a water bill, social security card, and birth certificate. You can also use passports and school ids, but those are optional.
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