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Driving while brown: NYC hijacking hundreds of cars driven by innocent motorists

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Kareeal Akins still gets chills thinking about the long, frigid walk home that he and his then-pregnant wife were forced to make this past winter after the city seized his car.

At about 9 p.m. on Jan. 24, he drove his white 2002 Honda Accord from his Sheepshead Bay apartment to the corner of Church Avenue and Ocean Parkway in Kensington to pick up his wife, Natalie, from her friend’s home.

He remembers pulling up to the intersection, his wife getting into his car and then a vehicle behind them flashing its sirens.

It wasn’t police officers stopping them. It was two Taxi and Limousine Commission inspectors, enforcement agents tasked with policing livery cars and yellow taxis to protect New Yorkers from dangerous and uninsured illegal cabbies.

What many New Yorkers don’t know is TLC inspectors also have the power to seize a vehicle they suspect of operating as an illegal cab.

The inspectors separated Kareeal and Natalie. They accused him of being an unlicensed hack. They asked Natalie whether she was a paying passenger and, if not, to prove how she knew him.

“She told them my name, address, Social Security number,” Kareeal, a Barclays Center security guard, recalled. “They didn’t want to hear it. They still took the vehicle.”

The inspectors seized Kareeal’s car and issued him a summons for being an unlicensed cabbie. Stranded, the Akins made the hour-and-a-half walk back to Sheepshead Bay as temperatures hovered in the low teens.

“By the time I got home, I had like frostbite,” Natalie said.


The Akins aren’t the only ones to have their lives upended by TLC inspectors. A DNAinfo New York review of decisions by the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings' Taxi and Limousine Tribunal judges shows that in the past year and a half, hundreds of people going about their daily routines had their cars seized because TLC inspectors suspected they were unlicensed cabbies.

DNAinfo found that, between Jan. 1, 2013, and June 13, 2014, the tribunal adjudicated 7,187 cases involving accusations that a driver was operating an illegal cab or the owner of the car allowed someone to use their vehicle as one.

Tribunal judges — who are independent decision makers — dismissed 1,442 of those cases. Many of them were dismissed because the inspectors didn’t follow the law or ignored the explanation of the driver or passenger. Of those, 176 drivers had their cases dismissed after proving that their passengers were family members, friends or neighbors.

They included a retired MTA worker dropping off his girlfriend at her job at the Queens racino, an Astoria dad taking his teenage daughter and her friend to school and a Brooklyn retiree who volunteers at a convent giving nuns a lift to JFK Airport in his minivan.

While the drivers proved their innocence, they still had their vehicles temporarily seized and either went without a car for weeks while they awaited their hearing at the tribunal in Long Island City or shelled out hefty sums to get it back from the impound lot.


In one case, inspectors seized the car of a Japanese man who was showing his three non-English-speaking friends visiting from Japan around the city. The inspectors relied on the passengers’ English-Japanese translation book to question them.


Inspectors seized Cirilo Fortunato’s son’s minivan last year when he borrowed it to drop off nuns who were visiting from another country at JFK.

The 70-year-old retiree volunteers for an order of Catholic nuns who run Centro Maria, a Hell's Kitchen residence for young women. Every Friday, Fortunato drives 29 miles outside the city to pick up bread that’s donated to the sisters. However, last July the order asked him to take two nuns to the airport because its car wasn’t working that day.

“The way it was explained to me, some of [the nuns] come from countries with a lot of crime so they don't feel safe getting in a taxi," said Fortunato, who speaks limited English. "The nuns ask me to drive them so that they don't have to get a taxi."

Fortunato’s son’s car was seized and he spent three hours getting back to his Coney Island home.


By December 2013, halfway through the city’s 2014 fiscal year, TLC inspectors had seized 4,470 vehicles, according to an agency press release. By comparison, inspectors seized 1,222 vehicles for the entire 2010 fiscal year, records show.

The seizures are a revenue producer for the city.
Accused drivers or the owners of the allegedly illegal cab can plead guilty, but must pay a fine of at least $600 and hundreds of dollars more for the cost of towing and impoundment.


Normally, defendants who win get paperwork so they can immediately retrieve their cars. But when Brunson went the next day to Knights Towing’s impound lot in Bushwick, he was told that the TLC hadn’t signed off yet. He said he had to wait three more days and was forced to pay $320 in impound fees.

“The only thing they're interested in is taking your car away and making you pay money,” Brunson said.

He and his girlfriend are both black. He believes that the TLC inspectors racially profiled him.


“When I went to court, 95 percent of the people there were immigrants and minorities, just hardworking people trying to make a living,” Brunson said.


Black Man Driving Wife to Work Accused of Being Illegal Cab Driver: Lawsuit

City investigators wrongfully accused a black man of being an illegal taxi driver after they spotted him dropping off his wife at work, believing she was a white livery cab passenger, a lawsuit charges.

Married couple Dan Keys Jr., 66, and Symone Palermo, 53, are suing the Taxi and Limousine Commission for $3 million, claiming that in an act of racial profiling its agents seized their Lincoln Town Car for eight days and gave each of them summonses — despite their attempts to explain they are husband and wife.

The couple claims that TLC investigators pulled over Keys, a car salesman, because they mistook Palermo, who is biracial, for being white and assumed she was a customer.


On Sept. 2 last year, two Taxi and Limousine Commission inspectors pulled over a driver in Midtown they suspected of being an illegal cabbie. Little did they know the driver's passenger was one of the wealthiest princes in the world.

The driver, Ibrahim Senturk, was a handyman who works for Qatar’s consulate in New York. He was taking a son of the country’s billionaire king and another person to a gym on the west side of Manhattan.

The inspectors didn’t buy that Senturk was a private driver. They slapped him with a summons for being an illegal taxi driver and seized his Chevrolet Suburban, stranding the prince on the corner of East 53rd Street and Third Avenue.

Six weeks later, Senturk proved his identity to a judge during his hearing at the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings’ Taxi and Limousine Tribunal in Long Island City.

The judge dismissed the case, noting that Senturk was simply an employee of the Qatari consulate, legally performing his job duties.


Sometimes inspectors put the brakes on a vehicle seizure when they realize a passenger is famous.

TLC enforcement sources said that last month inspectors at LaGuardia pulled the plug on the seizure of a car because the passenger was Giants wide-receiver Mario Manningham.

The sources said the inspectors’ superior told them to let the driver go because they didn’t want to draw attention to the TLC, which has been taking heat for its seizure program.

“Mario Manningham’s driver got a break because he was going to bring some negative press,” a source said



Damn. Born and raised in NYC and I've never heard of this.

Hope this gets more attention and is looked into seriously. Some of these examples are absurd. Not to discredit all the less absurd but equally wrong ones that are assuredly taking place daily.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
This is just some straight up bullshit. Through and through. What a bunch of thugs.


No bald cap? Lies!
That is some crazy bullshit. de Blasio has his work cut out for him. There's way too much shit like this going on in the city that needs to stop.
That's...that doesn't sound like it oughta be legal. Is there an alternative to getting your car "legally" jacked? Like, can you call the police or something?
I remember this coming up last year, in particular them grilling people picking people up at the airport.

This shit, however, is inexcusable, and probably gets them in severe trouble.
Since when does the TLC have inspectors acting like cops? This is new shit to me.

That is some crazy bullshit. de Blasio has his work cut out for him. There's way too much shit like this going on in the city that needs to stop.

I believe this is the fault of our new Mayor more than anything. He has a vested interest with the Taxi unions to keep Uber and the other ride-sharing services out of the city.

The fuck is this TLC bullshit? First firemen are trying to give people tickets now these assholes have the 'right' to seize vehicles? What next? The mailman can move into my house if he thinks i'll be receiving a 'suspicious' package?

Wait, what?


Um.....what? This seems like the sort of thing that should be going up on April 1st or something....are you sure it's not April 1st?
What the.....what's stopping an individual saying "you're not police, piss off you're not taking my car" and then driving off?


Passing metallic gas
The fuck is this TLC bullshit? First firemen are trying to give people tickets now these assholes have the 'right' to seize vehicles? What next? The mailman can move into my house if he thinks i'll be receiving a 'suspicious' package?


"The cars are innocent. The drivers are not." aka New York's new policy?

The fuck is this TLC bullshit? First firemen are trying to give people tickets now these assholes have the 'right' to seize vehicles? What next? The mailman can move into my house if he thinks i'll be receiving a 'suspicious' package?

He'll use that excuse if you catch him coming in to visit your wife.

"Oh hey..., I thought I saw a 'suspicious' package..."


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Precisely why I left that shit hole of a city. Seize a car over suspicion!?

Are you fucking kidding?!


Just to add some perspective it's not without cause that there exists a bias towards minorities and immigrant looking drivers.


Scroll down to page 9. The TLC is disproportionately filled with such drivers to the point they wouldn't pass affirmative action standards for their inability to employ drivers who are white in sizable numbers.

That said. It's pretty dumb our city gave the TLC the power to take cars of people they suspect. At the very least it is the TLC who should be forced to pay impounding fees to motivate them to be more diligent and smart about accusing other people of being illegal drivers.


Well the stop and frisk energy had to go somewhere.
This aren't even cops though! Just some dudes with a toy batch issued by an irrelevant commission.

That shit is insane and I can't imagine this happening anywhere outside of the US.
TLC is a god damn joke. This is why I'm glad companies like Uber, Hailo and Lyft, despite being dicks themselves at times, are eating their lunch.

E92 M3

I have never heard of this before - a rather shocking practice. I'm no lawyer, but this sounds very constitutionally broken.


I don't understand if you are proven innocent why you still have to pay hundreds in court/towing/impoundment fees. This is ridiculous.


Wow! NYC making new ways to fuck over their residents with ridiculous traffic laws? I guess, welcome to NYC?

From short yellow lights at traffic lights with cameras, to ridiculous traffic laws based on the time of day, to selective enforcement of traffic and parking laws, and now this. I would say the city needs to make it's money somehow, but is it really the city that is profiting off of this or the impound lots? Maybe it's both? IDK.


Passing metallic gas
"The cars are innocent. The drivers are not." aka New York's new policy?


He'll use that excuse if you catch him coming in to visit your wife.

"Oh hey..., I thought I saw a 'suspicious' package..."

If my wife was cheating on me with the mailman of all people i would pray for a suspicious package.

I would just tell them to fuck off, and drive off.

I took the liberty of editing that for you.
Why the fuck do they have to pay for the impound fees after they prove their innocence? If the city had to pay those, you best bet they'd be less trigger happy about seizing. Having to have the documents on the spot to prove your relationship is some "Where are your papers?" bullshit.


I would just tell them to fuck off, and get a warrant. Then when they don't have one, drive off.

yeah I really couldn't see myself going along with this if they weren't armed.

in fact I'd probably suspect it was an elaborate car theft ruse.
I don't understand if you are proven innocent why you still have to pay hundreds in court/towing/impoundment fees. This is ridiculous.

It's called revenue and they are ripping people off, 1 month ago a drunk driver crashed into my cousin's parked car while he slept at 3 am, the rear of the car was badly damage and the cops took the car away without asking him, he had to pay $180 for them to release his car so it could be fixed...


It's called revenue and they are ripping people off, 1 month ago a drunk driver crashed into my cousin's parked car while he slept at 3 am, the rear of the car was badly damage and the cops took the car away without asking him, he had to pay $180 for them to release his car so it could be fixed...

After my stolen car was found, by a friend btw, NYC's finest part time Sherlock fuckin Holmes tried accusing me of insurance fraud while his partner did all the work taking my report. Why did he think I was lying? Because there was a small mark I couldn't explain.


Why the fuck do they have to pay for the impound fees after they prove their innocence? If the city had to pay those, you best bet they'd be less trigger happy about seizing. Having to have the documents on the spot to prove your relationship is some "Where are your papers?" bullshit.
You could change it, but the officials will start bleating about how all the due process and regulation is getting in the way of them doing their jobs and it will be gotten rid of again.


Do these TLC inspectors have guns? If not, no one is taking my car without me calling the police first.

The police will probably side with them and then angrily arrest you for wasting their time. They don't care that you may be right since they also partake in excessively ticketing minorities for made-up nonsense.

"Driving while brown"? Are there any stats to back that up or just a few hand-picked quotes from thousands of cases?

Yeah, try reading the full article before you come here implying that anyone is reaching.
You could change it, but the officials will start bleating about how all the due process and regulation is getting in the way of them doing their jobs and it will be gotten rid of again.

Which is why seizing the car shouldn't even be a thing. Just give them a ticket and leave it at that. So absurd.


"Driving while brown"? Are there any stats to back that up or just a few hand-picked quotes from thousands of cases?

Curious about this myself, especially since the given evidence is a couple of anecdotal suspicions amongst the reported 7187 cases/1442 dismissals. Honestly based on all the uproar I've been hearing around other metro areas it makes a ton more sense that this would be backlash against lyft and uber services which don't have to pay the insane licensing fees or follow the same regulations the cities hold the cab companies to while being in direct competition with them. Absolutely does not excuse insane mafioso tactics like random car seizures, but it fits the bill perfectly of the group suddenly cracking down as a scare tactic in lieu of local government enforcing their monopoly/rules on the competition.
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