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Drunken Brawl Outside my House!

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I don't know what the fuck is going on! one minute just a bunch of piss heads standing on the corner of my street, mumbling drunk talk waiting for taxis or their ride. Then the next minute scuffles galore break out! pretty much meters from my house.

Urgh! I'm peeping out my window at the moment, seems like about 8 or 9 guys, looks like some shit started between two of the guys and the rest are in on it. I'm not scared, but I don't want a fuckin' brick or a beer bottle through my window or something.

I'm thinking about dialing 000 if things get too out of hand (if the neighbours haven't already) but damn... it sounds pretty vicious.


I can't, all I have is a webcam and it won't extended far enough to catch anything, plus its bitch black outside. I'd need sufficient lighting, which I'm sure the voilent drunken mob will provide as I record their brawl. :p


Mejilan said:

Bitch black?

Is that a racial slur or a slip of the finger? ;p

Ooops, slip of the finger.

Yeh, it ended rather quietly, the group dispersed about 5 minutes after my second post. A patrol car did a couple of rounds through the neighbourhood & a couple of neighbours came out. A few bottles were smashed up the road, but nothing that bad.


Better Question is what the fuck is 000?

I wasnt trying to be mean i just keep hearing a lot about 000 and i'm in double 0 seven mode right now so i'm thinking license to kill so yeah. Well at least its easier than freaking 911
This isn't as cool as when a car swerved off the road while I was standing at the gate of my house waching traffic. It was going to fast and tried to pass a car, but the driver turned to heard, swerved and zoomed by only a foot from my face and crashed into the ditch next to me. I was a bit taken back by that.
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