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DS Movie Connectivity / Game Downloads


"The Nintendo DS' greatest features are its revolutionary control schemes, such as the touch sensitive screen and the microphone input," Iwata began. "And its other major feature is the wireless connection. With it, we're going to revolutionize the way that games are played.

"The DS's wireless connection isn't just a substitute for the link cable that was used on the Game Boy [for multiplayer games]. The DS has wireless download capability, which allows it to receive a program and to execute it. With it, people can play games together using only one cartridge," commented Iwata, citing as one example Super Mario 64 DS' four-player, one-cartridge simultaneous game play.

While game-session sharing isn’t totally new since it was possible with titles on the Game Boy Advance, the DS can do far more. "Although this won't be available at launch, we're thinking of using the wireless download function to change the way in which people try out upcoming games at retail outlets," said Iwata. "We're thinking of a system where people can download a demo program [from the store’s machines], with a time or a usage limit, to their own DS. We hope that this system will allow new potential hits to be recognized by everyone, and that it will help to buck the trend where only sequels are hitting the sales charts."

Iwata also went on to talk about plans to integrate the DS' download capability with theatrical movie releases, starting off with a short mention of former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi's conviction that Nintendo should enter the animated film business.

"We are absolutely considering the idea [of going into the movie business]," Iwata said. Although we don't have anything to talk about right now, we hope to make an announcement by the end of the year.

"On a related subject, we're planning try integrating the DS with movie theaters. By using the system's wireless functionality, users that bring their DS and GBA Pokémon cartridge to designated theaters will be able to download game data that will be distributed during certain scenes of the next Pokémon movie. In one scene where the main characters meet a new Pokémon, that character's data will be sent to their cartridges. This will be the first time such a distribution scheme has been used anywhere in the world."

(We can deduce from this statement that the Game Boy Advance cartridge slot on the DS must be somehow compatible with the wireless link functionality. Although it is known that the Game Boy Advance link cable will not work with the DS, it seems likely now that GBA titles with wireless support will indeed be able to link up while in a DS system, although this has not been confirmed nor denied.)

While most of Iwata’s comments were based on the Nintendo DS, he assured the crowd that Nintendo is still supporting the Game Boy Advance. “The DS isn’t the only thing that Nintendo will focus on. Ever since the price reduction of the Game By Advance SP on September, it’s been selling better than last year, when it was in high demand to begin with. We forecast that there will be over 60 million units of shipped throughout the world within the year when including the Game Boy Advance, and we are anticipating further market expansion [of the handheld and its games].”

shit, DS to movie connectivity. that sounds pretty nuts.

the download info isn't really new since it was in the PictoChat patent, but hey, atleast it's confirmed now.


We hope that this system will allow new potential hits to be recognized by everyone, and that it will help to buck the trend where only sequels are hitting the sales charts

Once again Nintendo saves the game industry.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
All of it sounds fantastic. I can only hope it all works out, as most of it seems to be ideas they're going to try to make happen rather than things which will happen.


This is all very cool but I have a bad feeling that something like this would never come to the UK :'(


Drensch said:
Once again Nintendo saves the game industry.

At the same time, how many sequels did they provide ?
As a fanboy I kinda like all the stuff they're doing but man, Nintendo is the overusing licence emperor and sequel master.


Maybe it's just me...but I'm hoping that companies will do things NOT related to Pokemon with these things.

Like, get Disney on board. Put a download station in Disney Store outlets and in selected Movie Theatres that sends a short demo of the upcoming licensed game coming out for the system to the DS, and then when you beat the demo, the trailer for the movie plays.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
HooDoo said:
At the same time, how many sequels did they provide ?
As a fanboy I kinda like all the stuff they're doing but man, Nintendo is the overusing licence emperor and sequel master.

License emperor? That would be EA

Sequel master? That would be capcom. :p

Kon Tiki

Nintendo DS Network
The biggest technological innovation in gaming since the first coming of 3D gaming...

This is looking like major news, and the whisperings and hints being dropped in our ears. We are not sure if this is the Demasked project or not, but we do not what the project is, what it does and what it means for gaming, and to be quite honest it is amazing!

This news is something that should be breaking across the gaming industry in a few days or so, but we have managed to get hold of a few details first and from this we have been able to work out exactly what is going on.

Ever since the DS was announced we have known that it will be able to communicate with other units without wires, but it turns out that this isn't the half of it. With the Nintendo DS users will be able to pluck information 'out of thin air'. So technically you could download new levels, high-scores, news...everything, from the air around you. No cables, no 'download' stations, just you, a DS and...thin air.

We are hearing that Nintendo will be able to communicate with all DS' in the world to send out updates, requested software and just about anything that they store. You will also be able to play against anyone on any game, so long as you or they (or anyone else involved in the multiplayer match-up at the time) has a copy of the game, everyone else will download the information they need out of thin air and be able to play the game regardless of if they own it or not.

We don't have a clue how it works, but we know what it means: the Nintendo DS will provide one of the biggest instant networks in the world...ever. We recommend you buy a winch for your jaw as more on this amazing news comes out over the next few days...

LOL. I just love the way they explain it. " No cables, no 'download' stations, just you, a DS and...thin air."


I asked this earlier to no reply... if you can bring a DS with a GBA pokemon game to the theater and get a new pokemon, does this mean that the games CAN somehoe interface with the DS' wireless capabilities? Could someone put out a DS card that would emulate the wireless adapter or link cable?

Kon Tiki

rawk said:
I asked this earlier to no reply... if you can bring a DS with a GBA pokemon game to the theater and get a new pokemon, does this mean that the games CAN somehoe interface with the DS' wireless capabilities? Could someone put out a DS card that would emulate the wireless adapter or link cable?

I think I read that GBA games can be programmed to be 'DS aware' and use DS features.

I am sure a 3rd party will think of some way to use a GBA link cable.


rawk said:
I asked this earlier to no reply... if you can bring a DS with a GBA pokemon game to the theater and get a new pokemon, does this mean that the games CAN somehoe interface with the DS' wireless capabilities? Could someone put out a DS card that would emulate the wireless adapter or link cable?

Of course the games will use the DS wireless capabilities. That's how you would play multiplayer games.

I think you're asking if you could bring a PDA in the theater and grab the same information as the people with DS's. The answer is no because Nintendo is using a proprietary protocol that your PDA wouldn't understand. Also, it's likely your PDA wouldn't even see the signal because no one is sure if DS is using 802.11b or another range of the 802.11 spectrum.


No, I guess I wasn't being clear enough. Here's what I was wondering about:

If I read that right, they say that if you have a GBA Pokemon game in your DS and you bring the DS to the movie theather, you'll get a new Pokemon creature or something in your game. This might suggest that Game Boy Advance games can access the DS's wireless capabilities. But Nintendo has said that GBA games will only be playable in single player mode because of the DS' lack of link cable port. What this says to me is that, if the DS wirelessly receive instructions to add a pokemon to a GBA game, it could also be tricked into emulating a GBA wireless adapter / link cable. See what I mean?
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