Soldier returning from recent iraq war
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Now there are some who say, this stuff is toxic and some who say it ain't.
I tend to think it is toxic, what do you guys think?
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Shortly after his return [sept 2k3], his wife, Janice, became pregnant. On June 29, she gave birth to a baby girl, Victoria Claudette. Matthew and his wife believe Victoria's shocking deformity has something to do with her father's illness and the war - especially since there is no history of birth defects in either of their families.
They have seen photos of Iraqi babies born with deformities that are eerily similar.
In June, Matthew contacted the Daily News and asked us to arrange independent laboratory screening for his urine. This was after The News had reported that four of seven soldiers from another National Guard unit, the 442nd Military Police, had tested positive for depleted uranium (DU).
The independent test of Matthew's urine found him positive for DU - low-level radioactive waste produced in nuclear plants during the enrichment of natural uranium.
"I think, when its all said and done, Iraqis gonna look back and say Thank God for America! "-Bush
"I just want answers. Are they [the Army] going to take care of my baby?"
bbc related article
Now there are some who say, this stuff is toxic and some who say it ain't.
I tend to think it is toxic, what do you guys think?
MOD cereal it's good for you