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Duke to use Unreal 3.0 + new release date


I had to take the time out of my busy schedule at the new store to give everyone a pretty interesting tidbit of news. Our super secret inside gaming guy, Ninja X, droppd off some very, very interesting news late last night. It seems as though 3DRealms is starting to slowly drop hints about what is happening with Duke Nuke Forever. Here is what he had to say.

3D Realms has something up their sleeves. They also picked up a lethal artist by the name Feng Zhu (see 'freelance info' on the lefthand side) Feng is currently working with famed director James Cameron and has finished working on Star Wars Episode III. He has also worked with Epic Games. I can assure you...from a very reliable source...DNF IS using the Unreal Engine 3. Also 3DRealms is planning for a 2005/2006 release to tie-in with the anniversary of Duke Nukem.

Well what can I say but I hope all of this pans out as I still would like to see a new Duke game sometime.

shamelessly copied from http://www.unrealops.com/
I do think once Duke comes out it'll be a good game, but nothing as original as Duke 3d was. All the same I'm sure I'll be purchasing it the day it comes out be it 05 or 2015.


go eat paint
Years from now, we'll tell our children about Duke Nukem Forever like parents tell kids today about the Easter Bunny. Hell, you're just as likely to see one as the other. Course, kids get candy for Easter.... what would we give out on Duke Day? Porn? Cigs? Escape from LA on DVD?



Another change in engine?? This game is the most ludicrous joke ever hoisted on the gaming public. I hope this thing bombs massively if it's ever released.
I think it's kind of harsh to wish it to bomb. 3DRealms made so much off Duke Nukem 3D that everything they've done so far has been completely finanaced by them.

I know it's obnoxious, and they probably shouldn't expect anyone to care when the game comes out, but it's not like they're really fucking with anyone but themselves.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I have it on high authority that DNF will in fact be using the BUILD engine and will now simply be released as an expansion pack for the original Duke Nukem 3D. Expect exciting new one-liners (or "Dukeisms"), gigantic sprite bosses, and quite possibly...a new weapon.

Sho Nuff

Are there any new pimped out versions of the BUILD engine that support GL or super-sexy graphics, similar to jDoom/Doomsday?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Sho Nuff said:
Are there any new pimped out versions of the BUILD engine that support GL or super-sexy graphics, similar to jDoom/Doomsday?


Yep. Here's JonoF's engine showing off OpenGL and 3D model support.

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