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Dutch GAF |OT| We're just going our gang


So not worth it
Me either. I'm just baffled how someone can allow your healthcare system to become more and more liberally privatized, something that has been proven not to work beyond any reasonable doubt.

To be honest, you can blame VVD for this, of course, but our current system was introduced well before the current administration came into office.

Yes, they increased the prices and eigen risico, but that would have happened under EVERY party. Because every one of them lacks the initiative to cut on goverment spending and make us pay every time they need some extra cash to spend on something else.

In all fairness, the current cabinet gets alot of blame of stuff that was set in motion or implemented long before they became the biggest party last election.

That's my main gripe with our current political climate, all the opposition does is just tear into whoever is in power at that moment and are no longer working constructively together on solutions. Even if most of the laws in Holland were made by the entire Tweede Kamer, and not just Vak K. They're all to blame and none of them are actually trying to change for the better, just making sure they get on TV and get another zetel in De Hond's weekly peiling.

Fk that really.



BE (Flanders) GAF represent! It's nice that we can post in the Dutch thread, because I don't think there are THAT many Belgian guys here. We would be so lonely in a Belgium OT :(


For a Finer World
As an expat can't vote in parliamentary elections. If I could, it'd probably be for D66. But love Amsterdam, dropjes and bitterballen anyway.


No mention of bicycles and Dutch bicycle lanes? Disappointing!


I love my bike! And I love the fact Dutch traffic takes cyclists into account.


I've been in the Netherlands for the past month, I'm studying abroad here until the end of December. Living here in Utrecht and starting fall courses at UU next week. Been having a great time. I've spent a few days in Amsterdam, but I've yet to experience its nightlife. Utrecht's is pretty good though. Anyone else in Utrecht?


I've been in the Netherlands for the past month, I'm studying abroad here until the end of December. Living here in Utrecht and starting fall courses at UU next week. Been having a great time. I've spent a few days in Amsterdam, but I've yet to experience its nightlife. Utrecht's is pretty good though. Anyone else in Utrecht?

Utrecht! My most favourite city in Holland! I myself am in Goirle near Tilburg but I know some Gaffers live there though.


I've been in the Netherlands for the past month, I'm studying abroad here until the end of December. Living here in Utrecht and starting fall courses at UU next week. Been having a great time. I've spent a few days in Amsterdam, but I've yet to experience its nightlife. Utrecht's is pretty good though. Anyone else in Utrecht?

Everyone in this topic should be in the Randstad (the big four) anyway, otherwise they're not Dutch and just some lawless savages.


How about oppressing Indonesians? Where is that in the OP?

i keed i keed

sort of

Anyways, I am disappointed this has not been added yet!



Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
Our qualification match is against Turkey tonight.

Going to be a tough battle since Van Gaal has drastically changed our Dutch team with new blood.


To be honest, you can blame VVD for this, of course, but our current system was introduced well before the current administration came into office.

Yes, they increased the prices and eigen risico, but that would have happened under EVERY party. Because every one of them lacks the initiative to cut on goverment spending and make us pay every time they need some extra cash to spend on something else.
What? That's not true. SP would've abolished it alltogether, GL would have lowered it/adjusted it towards one's income.

In all fairness, the current cabinet gets alot of blame of stuff that was set in motion or implemented long before they became the biggest party last election.
Meh, there were a billion things they could have fixed or prevented. Millions of simple things that can be easily fixed, wietpas should have been legalization, eigen risico should have been nationalization, mortgage subsidies should have gone, longstudy fines should have been prevented, etc.

Politicians have all the power, plans that have been set in motion can be cancelled. There's no excuse when you're handed virtually full power over the entire country (as a whole that is)

That's my main gripe with our current political climate, all the opposition does is just tear into whoever is in power at that moment and are no longer working constructively together on solutions. Even if most of the laws in Holland were made by the entire Tweede Kamer, and not just Vak K. They're all to blame and none of them are actually trying to change for the better, just making sure they get on TV and get another zetel in De Hond's weekly peiling.
I agree there, the election PR sham should be gone. Either provide a level playing field for each party and make it illegal to campaign outside it, or just let us fucking vote on points already.


So not worth it
Yeah, I'm done adding stuff for now. Added hagelslag and beschuit met muisjes.

En wat mij betreft spreek je gewoon Nederlands kerel, GAF zal er niet om malen gezien er ook een Duitstalig topic is.


Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
Limburg is the best part of Holland, this is fact.
That reminds me, André Rieu hasnt been mentioned yet.
Neither has Andre Kuipers.

Still on the fence. Common sense says VVD due to them being the least impactful on my income/spending, but quite frankly all the main parties have been dissapointing me for at least a decade now.

Ah, typical Dutch behaviour... self, self, self.

More of this rightwing goverment bullshit and we're going to end up like Greece, or worse...
Your glorious castle is now standing in what's soon to be a swamp of despair if VVD and CDA get another chance to enforce their sick ideology.

I'm voting for the SP , but if i weren't, i'd vote for Marianne Thieme.


I totaly support what she stands for!


So not worth it
What? That's not true. SP would've abolished it alltogether, GL would have lowered it/adjusted it towards one's income.

SP would have had a 100% tax, if it was up to Roemer at least. If that's your cup of tea then we will never see eye to eye. :D

Ah, typical Dutch behaviour... self, self, self.

My primary concern is indeed myself, that seems to be typical human behaviour though. Wouldn't claim it was Dutch. Survival instinct and what not.


When I was getting some new fish for my aquarium the guy at the Intratuin damn near jumped down my troat when I said "Nah, vijf zijn er teveel voor mijn vissekom."

My aquarium is square, but really, those things have a 10 second memory, like they're gonna remember when they make it around once. :lol:
Haha, vraag me nou af of intratuin nog vissenkommen verkoopt :p.


SP is worthless, a vote on Roemer is a lost vote.

Let's enjoy some Dutch speakwords in English here.


Gold Member
I've been in the Netherlands for the past month, I'm studying abroad here until the end of December. Living here in Utrecht and starting fall courses at UU next week. Been having a great time. I've spent a few days in Amsterdam, but I've yet to experience its nightlife. Utrecht's is pretty good though. Anyone else in Utrecht?
Amsterdamsestraatweg represent! Near Julianapark and Miranda XXL
Hallo allemaal! Hier Nederlands praten voelt vreemd.

Wat ik ga stemmen? Zat nog te twijfelen maar ga toch voor de PvdA.
Ah, typical Dutch behaviour... self, self, self.

Don't blame him.

Some are just set in their ivory tower with an average income of €2,500,- per month, so they do not give a flying fuck that the average Dutchmen and women have a hard time finding a job, has to live with an average income of €1,300,- per month while still having to provide for his/her kids.
Only been once but my Grandparents are both born and raised in Amsterdam. I loved it and want to go back very badly. Love representing my half Dutch blood here in the US. :)


Don't blame him.

Some are just set in their ivory tower with an average income of €2,500,- per month, so they do not give a flying fuck that the average Dutchmen and women have a hard time finding a job, has to live with an average income of €1,300,- per month while still having to provide for his/her kids.

This post :lol
My primary concern is indeed myself, that seems to be typical human behaviour though. Wouldn't claim it was Dutch. Survival instinct and what not.

This isn't exactly a life threathening situation for you personaly, is it?

If that is the case i can understand your reasoning.

Though, the species that have the best survival rate works as a community, like ants for example.
Not trying to argue with you or anything, just adding to the topic.
I'm considering de-friending an old high school classmate on Facebook after he posted he's voting for the PVV. Probably voting SP or PvdA myself.


Clichés aside, I always hope foreigners find that Holland brings more to the table (is that also an English saying or is this Dutchspeak? :) ) than "Weed, hookers and Mayonaise on our fries"...

...although it's hard to come up with examples right now, lol!
Clichés aside, I always hope foreigners find that Holland brings more to the table (is that also an English saying or is this Dutchspeak? :) ) than "Weed, hookers and Mayonaise on our fries"...

...although it's hard to come up with examples right now, lol!

While it is fun considering that Weed and Hookers are not really all that prominent than it was in the 80's/90's.


So not worth it
I said 'don't blame him' though. Everyone thinks for himself until the beating starts at his/her own door.

When your income is 1,300 euro's a month you get to spend less, I understand this.

But I currently pay 660 euro's a month for rent, I pay off my student loans for 214 euro's a month. I spend 120 euro's a month on health care (not counting the 300 euro's eigen risico), etc. If I made less money then I did I would get discounts, my rent would be alot less, my health care would be more like 60 a month, etc.

I understand it's easy to say "you have more money then me, that's unfair" but fact of the matter is, everytime people go "oh, the higher incomes can pay for it" it means less income for me.

I won't suddenly get huur- or zorgtoeslag though, my rent stays the same. My spending stays the same, only my income gets less and less.

Might be sucky to go "I'd like to keep some extra money for myself" but hey, I work 40 hours a week as well.

In a perfect world we would all be rich, but it isn't a perfect world. And simply going "oh, you have more then person x does, give it here" is not a solution to me.


So not worth it
100% tax on what? You don't mean nationalized healthcare right?

No. Income tax, I read an interview with Roemer that said that if it was up to him, he would introduce a flat 100% income tax for everyone.

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