Hello world,
I"ve got some good news and some bad news.Lets start with the good.... (tumble weed passes by)Ok, and now onto the bad: DVD Decrypter is the last version you"ll ever see.We hoped this day would never come, but it has, and I can promise you, nobody is more gutted about it than I am.
Ok so it has taken a while (almost 2 years), but eventually "a certain company" has decided they don"t like what I"m doing (circumventing their protection) and have come at me like a pack of wolves. I"ve no choice but to cease everything to do with DVD Decrypter.I realise this is going to be one of those "that sucks - fight them!" kinda things, but at the end of the day, it"s my life and I"m not about to throw it all away (before it has even really started) attempting to fight a battle I can"t possibly win.
So anyway, from this point forward, I"m no longer permitted to provide any sort of assistance with anything that helps people infringe the rights of "a certain company".That means, no more emails, no more forum posts, no PM"s, no nothing! END OF STORY.The domain name will be transferred over to the company by the end of the week (9th June, according to the undertakings I have to sign) so don"t email it thinking "Oh, I"ll just ask LIGHTNING UK! for support on this". You"ll not be getting the intended recipient and could be landing yourself in sh1t!
With being the last version, it makes sense for everyone to disable the "check for new versions" feature, as obviously there won"t be any. Of course what I really mean is that you should all stop using the program out of respect for the companys rights.
source: cdfreak
Well that sucks. I own over 350 dvds now, and I did backups of my rarer disks (Criterion imports, and movies I really really like), and it just sucks that a certain company is trying to do things like that.
They dont realise that casual people will just turn around and download the massive 4.5gbiso images from the internet instead of renting and burning. I do understand where they are coming from, they do want to protect their shit.
Oh well.