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Game Information
Game Title: Dynasty Warriors: Origins
- PC (Jan 16, 2025)
- PlayStation 5 (Jan 17, 2025)
- Xbox Series X/S (Jan 17, 2025)
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 82 average - 81% recommended

Metacritic - 80 average based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic Reviews
Areajugones - Joel Isern Rodríguez - Kaym - Spanish - 8.5 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins marks the revival of a legendary saga, blending the frenetic action of the musou genre with fresh ideas that bring both depth and innovation. In this installment, large-scale battles reach a new level thanks to the impressive number of enemies on screen and strategic tactics that make every move count. With a more refined narrative, a charismatic protagonist, and an interactive map that ties the Three Kingdoms together, this title delivers an experience that sets a new standard for the franchise. If you're a fan of the series or a lover of epic action, this is a game you can't afford to miss.
Atomix - Sebastian Quiroz - Spanish - 90 / 100
Koei Tecmo and Omega Force kick off the year in a fantastic fashion. Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the best Dynasty Warriors game yet. A love letter to the series, the perfect entry point for new players, and it makes it clear that the future of the series is something we should all be paying attention to.
But Why Tho? - Eric Van Allen - 8.5 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a brilliant new iteration of a classic formula, with some breathtaking bouts and intense action. It might not be exactly the Dynasty Warriors formula that got me into the series, but it feels like the right step for right now.
CGMagazine - Philip Watson - 8 / 10
Omega Force has been chasing the ultimate one-versus-1,000 power trip since the release of Dynasty Warriors 2 on the PlayStation 2 in 2000. Nearly 25 years
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 80 / 100
By not numbering this latest game, the developers are signaling a rebirth of the series. In many ways that’s true. The action-RPG mechanics and narrative-heavy design bring the franchise in line with other ARPGs. At the same time, Dynasty Warriors: Origins is still a Musou game at heart. The immense battles fans of the genre love are still there. There’s less of a repetitive feeling this time around, and the game should be successful in courting new players coming from other ARPGs.
Cerealkillerz - Nick Erlenhof - German - 8.5 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins wipes the floor with its predecessors and finally shows how it's done again. Greatly staged mass battles, a story from a new perspective and blunt and fun gameplay. The presentation is lacking here and there, but the Musou game origin is back and is extremely fun
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - 8 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins contains many significant improvements in gameplay, giving us an excellent return to the series after an extended absence.
Daily Mirror - Aaron Potter - 4 / 5
If you’re in the mood to lay waste to hundreds with a single sword swipe you’ll have a good time, but layered in on top of this simple joy are a countless number of extra reasons to keep on doing so for dozens of hours. Origins leaves me excited for this new dynasty.
Dexerto - 4 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins manages to tread that delightful line between nostalgia and a genuinely impressive technical offering. It retains all of the magic that makes the series so immediately recognizable while taking advantage of current-gen tech to blow previous efforts out of the water. As longtime fans will expect, the combat remains the highlight and it’s just as bonkers as ever.
Digital Trends - Giovanni Colantonio - 3 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is thrilling fun so long as you don't overthink its hollow story.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5
Overall, Dynasty Warriors Origins is a big, explosive, and massively entertaining action game, and true to its title, a conscious effort by Koei Tecmo to get back to the qualities that so many people have enjoyed from the series over the years.
Digitec Magazine - Domagoj Belancic - German - 4 / 5
Dynasty Warriors Origins offers by far the most epic battles I have ever seen in a video game. The scale of the clashes with thousands of warriors fighting each other is breathtaking. My actions as a one-man army feel immensely satisfying thanks to well-designed controls and a fun selection of weapons. The strategic elements spice up the colossal battles with a welcome dash of strategy.
However, the audiovisual presentation outside of the battles is somewhat disappointing. The monotonous mission design can also become somewhat tiring later on in the game - despite the seeming variety provided by the large number of unlockable items and skills. Overall, however, these are minor points of criticism. If you are even vaguely interested in action strategy games, you should not miss out on “Dynasty Warriors Origins”.
Final Weapon - Angelus Victor - 4 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a great time, acting as an excellent entry point for newcomers and a treat for series verterans as well. There's an interesting story told across five meaty chapters, with plenty of content to see and discover. If you've yet to experience a non-spinoff in the series, Origins is the perfect place to start.
GAMES.CH - Fabrice Henz - German - 79%
With " Dynasty Warriors: Origins " there is a new start, but the battles of epic proportions remain the heart of the game.
Game Rant - Nick Rodriguez - 8 / 10
Simple, sleek, and endlessly rewarding, Dynasty Warriors Origins is a huge improvement over previous entries, and the best musuo game of the decade.
GameSpot - Richard Wakeling - 7 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins evolves the long-running series, meshing its hack-and-slash core with an action-oriented slant that enhances its extravagant 14th-century warfare.
Gamer Guides - Nathan Garvin - 62 / 100
Another attempt to reinvigorate the Dynasty Warriors franchise, but a lackluster protagonist, sidelining of series favorites and tedious dialog distracts from some solid gameplay additions. - Øystein Furevik - Unknown - 8 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the most ambitious title in the series to date. In addition to actually telling the story it's based on, the game gives us the biggest and most entertaining battles we've seen from Dynasty Warriors.
Gamersky - Chinese - 9 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins takes a bold step towards RPG elements while retaining the classic core that has defined this long-running franchise. It breaks new ground for the series, offering a storyline that masterfully balances historical accuracy with dramatic flair. Even if you're well versed in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, this game offers a fresh perspective, evoking new emotions and insights. The combat system retains the franchise's trademark excitement while incorporating modern innovations to deliver the most immersive battlefield atmosphere in the series to date.
GamesRadar+ - Oscar Taylor-Kent - 4 / 5
I think Dynasty Warriors: Origins – with its focus on Ziluan as a character, and focused on telling a more complete RPG-like story – does a tremendous job, and focusing on those elements really helps that come to the fore.
GamingBolt - Matthew Carmosino - 8 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is not only the best entry point for newcomers, but one of the best offerings the series has had in recent memory. The intimate zoomed-in story portrays the Three Kingdoms figures as likeable and complex characters with compelling motives. Combat can be hit or miss, but there's no denying the unmatched scale and spectacle of the 1-v-1000 battles.
GamingTrend - Henry Viola - 70 / 100
Dynasty Warriors: Origins represents a commendable yet contradictory effort to rejuvenate the series. In balancing familiar elements with new features to create a refreshing experience, it loses sight of what made the originals fun and fails to improve on what made them monotonous.
Generación Xbox - Adrián Fuentes - Spanish - 83 / 100
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a return to the origins of all that is good about this veteran saga. It could be given a few more nuances regarding its evolution, but within its genre, this game is the best we can find and the best exponent on Xbox Series.
God is a Geek - Lyle Pendle - 9 / 10
Dynasty Warriors Origins is the best this series has ever been, with epic battles and a variety of exciting weapons to master.
Hardcore Gamer - Chris Shive - 4 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins offers a new take on the long running series.
IGN - Jada Griffin - 9 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins doesn’t just have the largest amount of enemies the series has thrown on screen at once, it also deepens its combat, improves its storytelling, and provides a healthy amount of replayability.
IGN Deutschland - Michael Cherdchupan - German - 9 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the reboot the series needed - a successful mix of over-the-top wuxia action, a bit of strategy and really massive armies.
IGN Italy - Alessandro Digioia - Italian - 8 / 10
One of the best musou on the market, fun despite some structural flaws and some shortcomings.
INVEN - Jaihoon Jeong - Korean - 9 / 10
The Dynasty Warriors series has a solidly enjoyable gameplay experience, but this paradoxically presents a weakness in its difficulty to innovate. However, Dynasty Warriors Origin is a definitive work that demonstrates how the series can evolve while maintaining its traditional values.
Manual dos Games - Vinicius Caldas - Portuguese - 8.5 / 10
Dynasty Warriors Origins brought a much-needed revitalization to the franchise without losing sight of the elements that made it famous. With stunning graphics and the best gameplay in the series, Koei Tecmo's new title delivers one of the best — if not the best — Three Kingdoms experiences ever seen in a game.
MonsterVine - Spencer Legacy - 4 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is an enjoyable hack-and-slash title that features an exciting story, pleasant characters, and delightfully over-the-top action gameplay. You likely know what to expect with a musou game, but this is certainly one of the better ones, even if it’s best played with some breaks in between sessions.
Noisy Pixel - Azario Lopez - 9 / 10
Dynasty Warriors Origins breathes new life into the Musou franchise, blending a gripping narrative with refined combat mechanics and expansive exploration. While the game offers engaging storytelling and strategic depth, occasional pacing issues and repetitive side quests may deter newcomers. - Paweł Musiolik - Polish - 8 / 10
Omega Force has shown that it can still make good musou games that are not licensed or commissioned by someone else. The soft (and probably temporary) reboot of the series did exceptionally well.
Pizza Fria - Matheus Jenevain - Portuguese - 7.8 / 10
DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS is a respected musou who ranks among the best in the franchise. It maintains the solid foundations we already know, while promoting innovation and opening up space for new directions and styles for a genre that often doesn't tend to innovate much.
PlayStation LifeStyle - Tyler Treese - 9 / 10
With a rehauled gameplay and a more honed focus on storytelling, Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the best Dynasty Warriors game ever made.
Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 8 / 10
In many ways, Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the series at its best. The gigantic, jaw-dropping battles, the tense wartime drama, the player-driven power trip - it's a thoroughly impressive return to form for a franchise that came so close to dismantling itself seven years ago. Origins isn't just some water-testing spin-off - this is both an evolution of the formula and a fantastic realisation of what Dynasty Warriors has always strived to be.
RPG Fan - Wes Iliff - 93%
So long as those flaws don’t seem like deal breakers, Dynasty Warriors Origin is the easiest recommendation I’ve had in the mainline series. It’s got a more substantial format, more potent storytelling, and more engaging combat than the series has seen before. While individual elements of other games may stand out, Origins is the most complete package currently, even though it’s not the full Romance of the Three Kingdoms story.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Nic Reuben - Unscored
A largely uninteresting original story and an otherwise bloated word count aside, Dynasty Warriors Origins is a joyous balancing act of tension and spectacle that's completely reignited my interest in the series.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 8 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a strong comeback for the famous Musou franchise, it paved it's way towards a better future for the Warriors games but it didn't reach peak just yet with few missteps here and there
Siliconera - Kite Stenbuck - 7 / 10
Dynasty Warriors Origins is heading towards the right path to revitalize the gameplay actions and presentations, but the numerous corners cut in the lore and character roster will sour the experience for long-time fans.
SteamDeckHQ - Noah Kupetsky - 4 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins grew on me the more I played it, and it quickly became one of my favorite entries in the series. The focus on a singular character was one I didn't expect to enjoy so much, and Koei Tecmo did a great job with the progression system to keep me playing with the variety of weapons instead of just settling on one. The battles are just as intense as ever, and with the new mechanics and more cinematic angles, I was having a blast.
I also appreciate the overworld map with the smaller Skirmishes and other missions, so I didn't have to battle the larger ones all the time. They are great ways to break up the story moments with some solid rewards. However, I do wish the story revolving around our protagonist's back story was more fleshed out. Some of the mechanics that are locked until you beat the game should really be usable before beating the game, but it does give a good reason to come back and play more.
I was also quite impressed with how well it runs on the Steam Deck. It isn't perfect, but the preset for the settings works quite well, and it doesn't need upscaling, which keeps everything looking sharp. For a game like this, it is essential, and because of the optimization they put in, it's very playable on the go. I love playing this in the palm of my hands, and even with the sacrifices to battery and frame rate, it's still very worthwhile.
The Nerd Stash - Julio La Pine - 9.5 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a perfect new approach to a beloved franchise. With highly customizable combat options, epic battles with a lot of variety, and superb storytelling accompanied by excellent character development moments, it is a remarkable game from start to finish.
The Outerhaven Productions - Scott Adams - 4.5 / 5
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the series returning to a war simulator that adds a lot of tension with pushing your army closer to the enemy as a focus. The morale system comes back, but you are no longer able to play as any character you want.
TheGamer - Stacey Henley - 3.5 / 5
A mostly bland story and a lack of additional playable characters are the major faults with Dynasty Warriors: Origins. It is the most polished, mechanically rewarding, and technically impressive game in the series so far, and an easy pickup for fans of the franchise, provided they're open to new ideas like the parry system and original, single lead.
TheSixthAxis - Jim Hargreaves - 9 / 10
As someone who has zealously played every entry in the series since its inception more than two decades ago, I'd say Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the best Musou game ever. After years of unsurprising reiteration and plenty of misfires, Omega Force has delivered a smart and super polished reinvention of the Musou franchise that corrects so many of its past shortcomings.
Windows Central - Michael Hoglund - 4 / 5
While the absence of being able to select from a roster of heroes pains me, the across-the-board gains to other gameplay systems, as a result, pay off. Especially after the disaster that was Dynasty Warriors 9, Origins gets Omega Force back to their roots in a way I didn't know I craved. A must-buy for any fan of the series.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 8 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a solid addition to the franchise. It's not the newest numbered game in the series, but I enjoyed it more than Dynasty Warriors 9. It has a solid core set of mechanics and some really excellent level design. The only thing holding it back is that the focus on a single character and a relatively smaller number of weapons makes it feel empty compared to the games it will likely be compared to. If you're a fan of the franchise, there is a lot to like in Origins, and it's the ideal starting point for newcomers who want to get into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms part of the Warriors franchise.
XboxEra - Jesse Norris - 8.3 / 10
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a brilliant reboot of the series. Playing as a central character instead of hopping between classic heroes works. It looks damned good most of the time, sounds great, and features an excellent mix of group and single-fighter combat. For those new or returning to the series you’ll find dozens of hours of combative bliss.
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