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E3 2008 Sony Conference


Loudninja said:
OMG where is GOW3
*Sony shows GOW3*
OMFG its CGI Sony sucks!


OMG where is GOW3
*Sony shows gameplay footage*
OMFG it looks unfinished the frame rate sucks, why they show this so early Sony sucks!

Conclusion: the bitching will never end.


why the hell aren't they farther along and why does it seem like the big games are always coming out next year.
Tormentoso said:
Ok lest revert this.

Most of the 360 games show are also going to be on PS3,and the only megaton was that now the 360 will get FF13 on US and EU but on on Japan and on the same time as the PS3,oh by the way FF versus still is exclusive.

Sony most have been laughing backstage after MS ended their conference.

The console war is over alright and the company with the worst presentation is winning it.

In fact is a joke because people use to complain about the PS3 been a movie player,now the cheer for netflix,they hated install now installs are good and they flamed Home from hell and back,and now are in love with avatars...:lol

And the worst part is that they actually believe that MS won something...

Most of the 360 games showed were exclusive what are you talking about?

So Sony people were laughing when they found out their biggest exclusive of 2008 went multi?
laserbeam said:
I have to ask what was the point of Blu Ray if Digital Distribution movies etc are moving into mainstream.

Sony went on and on Pre-launch and uptil now about how Digital Distibution of movies etc were years off etc now they are offering HD movie downloads etc

Sony also makes DVD players. Does that mean they arent supporting Blu-ray? Sony is an electronics company. They are going to have all of their bases covered for the future. Blu-ray will be the successor to DVD and will become mainstream way before digital distribution does. And when/if digital distribution becomes mainstream, Sony will already have an infrastructure in place to compete in that market.


Ken Masters said:
anyone else find the Resistance 2 demo to be incredibly dull?

I was really impressed by the graphics and scale but yea, the gameplay looked pretty dull. It didn't seem like the player was affecting anything in the scripted sequence. They could have found a better demo for sure.

Blu-ray will be the successor to DVD and will become mainstream way before digital distribution does.

SACD and DVD-Audio say hi. There's a point where just upping the quality gives diminishing returns and convenience becomes more important.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I just really think they're taking the wrong approach in promoting it. This is where my stance on CG trailers really wins out. A game like this looks janky as fuck right now. But if you threw down a CG trailer like the one I described, or a first person thing where you're making your way through a JLA meeting, as "the new guy" or something, it would get the point of this game across SO MUCH BETTER.

The hardcore gamers' obsession with seeing gameplay over allowing a developer to slickly encapsulate the main focus of their game at an early stage is so damaging to the perception of games in early stages of development.

As long as you don't do what Microsoft did to "unveil" the Marvel MMO, CGI of...character models....standing. But we know where that went and possibly that's the reason Sony went ahead with a weird gameplay teaser, to show that it might actually exist in development. I do agree over the " new guy" approach, in the background that's what he's talking about, playing alongside these heroes, and then for the gameplay footage they just show the popular DC heroes hitting eachother. Mixed message on what the game is actually going to be like.
Loudninja said:
OMG where is GOW3
*Sony shows GOW3*
OMFG its CGI Sony sucks!


OMG where is GOW3
*Sony shows gameplay footage*
OMFG it looks unfinished the frame rate sucks, why they show this so early Sony sucks!

Conclusion: the bitching will never end.
Revisionist history at its best, everyone knows GOW 3 is coming, and a fifteen second meaningless teaser does nothing to broaden that. A release window, some more footage, some more background on the title would be interesting. Just saying hey GOW 3 is coming somewhere in the nebulous future is meaningless when everyone knew that already.


Ken Masters said:
anyone else find the Resistance 2 demo to be incredibly dull?

I think I got motion sick from it. The person controlling it was all over the place. The GOW2 demo, however, was well scripted.


Ken Masters said:
anyone else find the Resistance 2 demo to be incredibly dull?

It was extremely scripted, friendly AI looked beyond dull and the only impressive graphically was the big Cloverfield monster. Wall textures looked last gen.


laserbeam said:
I have to ask what was the point of Blu Ray if Digital Distribution movies etc are moving into mainstream.

Sony went on and on Pre-launch and uptil now about how Digital Distibution of movies etc were years off etc now they are offering HD movie downloads etc

Because consumers may have a choice to purchase movie via online or physically depending on their personal preference or situation where purchasing movies online isn't possible ex: no credit card, slow connection, bandwidth cap, limited hardrive space and so forth.

Heck, do you know that buying music physically is the preferred method of choice by consumers since its CD based sales eclipses its download sales? And Music is even less restrictive than HD movies in terms of space and file size.


Truespeed said:
When they issue that firmware patch that makes PS2 games stop looking like ass on HDTV's then I'll agree with you.

My PS2 games look stunning on my HDTV. The 80GB upscales everything beautifully. This is something every PS3 owner should have access to.
LCfiner said:
well... yeah.

I hope you're not just coming to this realization now. :)

Sony cost themselves huge marketshare in the gaming space by forcing in Blu-Ray into the PS3, driving up the price and delaying the launch.

and this is from someone who likes the BD in his PS3.
Blu-ray actually isn't the driving factor for the PS3 costs. It was the main motherboard, especially with the Cell and RSX. That's the main reason PS3 was expensive (along with including PS2 components within PS3 wasn't cheap, due to parts that could handle more power had to be used since PS3 heats up much more).
sillymonkey321 said:
As long as you don't do what Microsoft did to "unveil" the Marvel MMO, CGI of...character models....standing. But we know where that went and possibly that's the reason Sony went ahead with a weird gameplay teaser, to show that it might actually exist in development. I do agree over the " new guy" approach, in the background that's what he's talking about, playing alongside these heroes, and then for the gameplay footage they just show the popular DC heroes hitting eachother. Mixed message on what the game is actually going to be like.

Absolutely. That was horrible. Marvel could do the same thing. Show some kid at Xavier's or in The Initiative. SOMETHING COOL.

Don't snooker me in with crap I won't be able to do. That's not the point of your game, so stop trying to pretend it is.


Does anyone know when PlayStation premiere is again? And how far that and Games Convention are?

Right the PS3 is just the successor to the Gamecube and/or Dreamcast depending on how you look at it. Great 1st party, but no real 3rd party focus. ='(


a more consistant showing of great content, and by far the best presentatio out of the three, but i feel cheated because i really wanted to see the fruits of the NCsoft partnership, what jaffe's been up to lately, and more sneakpeeks of ps3 project, no matter how early.

sony 8/10
microsoft 7/10
nintendo 3/10


Sony as usual showed games that won't be out for at least 1 more year..

DC Universe - 2009-2010?
MAG - 2009-2010?
inFamous - 2009?
Killzone - 2009

They really don't have much for this holiday season and will again be last place easily in NA.


Ken Masters said:
anyone else find the Resistance 2 demo to be incredibly dull?

I've commented on it a few times, it looks terrible. In my mind 20 story monsters don't stand in one place growling at buildings. Garbage game design.

And i'd also like to say, if FFXIII wasn't announced at the MS E3 event, you can bet Tretton would have included it along with MGS 4 as games that can only be done on PS3. :lol


I feel MS had the best presentation with games shown and new features annouced plus the megaton annoucement.
Sony: A
Sony's presentation was very solid, I love the continued support they are giving to the PSP. Although I feel they really need to get Home out and should've shown more PS3 games.
Nintendo: F
Truely a company that no longer cares for nor needs the core gamer.


The real winner was Electronic Arts. They let their producers/directors and developers speak. The Will Wright/Spore presentation was the highlight of the show.
thorns said:
Sony as usual showed games that won't be out for at least 1 more year..

DC Universe - 2009-2010?
MAG - 2009-2010?
inFamous - 2009?
Killzone - 2009

They really don't have much for this holiday season and will again be last place easily in NA.

Resistance 2 doesn't count?


thorns said:
Sony as usual showed games that won't be out for at least 1 more year..

DC Universe - 2009-2010?
MAG - 2009-2010?
inFamous - 2009?
Killzone - 2009

They really don't have much for this holiday season and will again be last place easily in NA.



I think the reveal of GOWIII was handled poorly. Sure we all new GOWIII was going to be there, but they should've treated it like a megaton and at least showed something in-game/engine. We all knew K2 was going to be at E3 last year, but the way Phil brought it out made it the highlight of sony's conference.
gofreak said:
This is true, but it's also true of Sony's (again..22 out of 36).

Did Sony announce any exclusive content or timed exclusivity windows? I was honestly really expecting them to have

a) Really invested in something special with Bioshock and shown it at the conference, playing up how its much more advanced than previous versions and how there's stuff there that just wouldn't be capable on another platform

b) Some kind of third party live demo, I was expecting Mirror's Edge for example. Even just show them using the SIXAXIS for balancing in that first level. Something like that.

I get their message, and it's a totally valid one, but they just needed to show it off better.


Gold Member
sillymonkey321 said:
I've commented on it a few times, it looks terrible. In my mind 20 story monsters don't stand in one place growling at buildings. Garbage game design.


I wasn't exactly blown away by Resistance 2, either.


GAF's Ed McMahon
LuCkymoON said:
I feel MS had the best presentation with games shown and new features annouced plus the megaton annoucement.
Sony: A
Sony's presentation was very solid, I love the continued support they are giving to the PSP. Although I feel they really need to get Home out and should've shown more PS3 games.
Nintendo: F
Truely a company that no longer cares for nor needs the core gamer.

:lol :lol :lol



I was hoping for more demonstration like Resistance 2.

And I was expecting a true finish, not... MAG. Maybe I was too much optimist for hoping some GOWar 3 in-engine but I was hoping for a a good surprise... like KZ2 multiplayer. Hell something big, not specially a megaton but something really important and concrete (no CG).

50% about this conf was about the glorious past of Sony and numbers. I seriously don't give a fuck, I want to see games !

The PSP part was surprising, but it's not my dope. PS3 part was deceiving. Sony, like MS, was focusing on '08 games and only R2 and LBP were really shown.
Infamous was interesting too, but only a clip about it, no demo. And no KZ2 ??

Too bad because the presentation was great, specially with LBP but it really lacked of content.


BoilersFan23 said:
Blu-ray actually isn't the driving factor for the PS3 costs. It was the main motherboard, especially with the Cell and RSX. That's the main reason PS3 was expensive (along with including PS2 components within PS3 wasn't cheap, due to parts that could handle more power had to be used since PS3 heats up much more).

Now the drives are (relatively) cheap, but they were still a big reason why the console was so pricey back in 2006.

I agree that the drive was not the single most expensive item in the machine, but it still increased the price over using a DVD drive. and the BD spec delay did not help either and delayed the PS3 a bit more before hitting market.

All I want is confirmation from Sony of whether the new 40 GB model for $400 is going to lose the BC. It'd be kinda sad to see Sony do that, but I could see the savings involved in only producing one model; one motherboard, instead of two versions as they do now. :\


GAF's Bob Woodward
thorns said:
Sony as usual showed games that won't be out for at least 1 more year..

DC Universe - 2009-2010?
MAG - 2009-2010?
inFamous - 2009?
Killzone - 2009

They really don't have much for this holiday season and will again be last place easily in NA.

They showed MORE games.

Microsoft showed 21, mostly 08 games.

Sony showed 36-odd games, a mix of 08 and 09.

Microsoft showed 12 exclusives coming in 08.

Sony showed 22 exclusives, with up to about 17 of them coming this year.


artredis1980 said:
you act as if MS didnt show Gears, Fable and Fallout

Fable 2 will be a day one purchase for me. Loved the first.
Gears 2 looks like an extension of Gears 1. May rent it if that's the case.
Fallout is on PS3 and 360, and more importantly, on PC. So yeah.

They also lost massive points for no Dead Rising 2.

Sony showed more games, and more games to look forward to in the future. They created the hype for stuff coming this year, and stuff to look forward to next year, which is how to do a presentation. MS conference worried me as they didn't touch on stuff to look forward to next year, kind of like what they did last year, and it's worrisome as their game selection this year is rather thin as people predicted from last year. What's in the pipeline? Halo wars, Alan Wake, and...? MS showing off multiplatform games does nothing for me. I rarely care about ports, and I buy all the relevant gaming machines for exclusives that take advantage of being solely designed for one machines capabilities. And MS did not have nearly enough of that.


So with MAG are they kind of letting the true SOCOM die off? Or is Zipper working on more than one game?

Sony showed more games, and more games to look forward to in the future. They created the hype for stuff coming this year, and stuff to look forward to next year, which is how to do a presentation. MS conference worried me as they didn't touch on stuff to look forward to next year, kind of like what they did last year, and it's worrisome as their game selection this year is rather thin as people predicted from last year.

Seriously? MS showed so much stuff that's coming out this year. Two Square Enix RPGs, a big first party Adventure game, a big first party Platformer, and a big second party shooter. Also VP, Portal and other cool XBLA stuff. Plus they have exclusive DLC for GTA4 and Fallout. That's at least comparable to Sony's fall 08 stuff.

... but that doesn't really matter cause there is so much good 3rd party stuff coming out that you don't need many exclusive games to keep your time occupied. Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Mercs 2, Saints Row 2, Fallout, Mirror's Edge, etc. not to mention sports games.
Loudninja said:
OMG where is GOW3
*Sony shows GOW3*
OMFG its CGI Sony sucks!


OMG where is GOW3
*Sony shows gameplay footage*
OMFG it looks unfinished the frame rate sucks, why they show this so early Sony sucks!

Conclusion: the bitching will never end.

Do you blame us? There is no fucking games for this fucking console. Nintendo was even more abysmal.

At this point I'm going to have to re-buy a 360.

J-Rzez said:
Fable 2 will be a day one purchase for me. Loved the first.
Gears 2 looks like an extension of Gears 1. May rent it if that's the case.
Fallout is on PS3 and 360, and more importantly, on PC. So yeah.

They also lost massive points for no Dead Rising 2.

Sony showed more games, and more games to look forward to in the future. They created the hype for stuff coming this year, and stuff to look forward to next year, which is how to do a presentation. MS conference worried me as they didn't touch on stuff to look forward to next year, kind of like what they did last year, and it's worrisome as their game selection this year is rather thin as people predicted from last year. What's in the pipeline? Halo wars, Alan Wake, and...? MS showing off multiplatform games does nothing for me. I rarely care about ports, and I buy all the relevant gaming machines for exclusives that take advantage of being solely designed for one machines capabilities. And MS did not have nearly enough of that.

True, but I think we'll see less and less exclusives anyway.


thorns said:
Sony as usual showed games that won't be out for at least 1 more year..

DC Universe - 2009-2010?
MAG - 2009-2010?
inFamous - 2009?
Killzone - 2009

They really don't have much for this holiday season and will again be last place easily in NA.

They did a presentation with LBP. Do you realize the implications of this? All boardrooms in corporate America will switch from Powerpoint to LBP presentations to jazz up their presentations and wow their customers. Thus, taking it to a Whole, Notha, Level.


gofreak said:
They showed MORE games.

Microsoft showed 21, mostly 08 games.

Sony showed 36-odd games, a mix of 08 and 09.

Microsoft showed 12 exclusives coming in 08.

Sony showed 22 exclusives, with up to about 17 of them coming this year.

could u also break it down to what was ingame play, CG, just announcements, etc?

oh yes, just 360 vs ps3 please.


needs 2 extra inches
Frillen said:
It was extremely scripted, friendly AI looked beyond dull and the only impressive graphically was the big Cloverfield monster. Wall textures looked last gen.

this x1000

plus half of the demo was climbing boring stairs in a last gen looking tower, it was embarrassing.

speaking of embarrassment, have i mentioned how sorry i felt for jack echoing "year of the playstation" over and over?

yeah they went into E3 with that being true, but now it's like MS has countered every punch Sony threw

Netflix vs. Video download
avatars vs. home
simultaneous FF release vs. losing exclusivity
price drop vs. gimped 80gig sku new price point
demoes vs. cg trailers and teasers
redesigned live vs. newly improved PSN
lips vs. singstar

it's like MS has intentionally hand picked those announcements to steal Sony's thunder.

i'm just glad that inFAMOUS looked UNBELIEVABLE... i'm excited for that atleast


J-Rzez said:
Fable 2 will be a day one purchase for me. Loved the first.
Gears 2 looks like an extension of Gears 1. May rent it if that's the case.
Fallout is on PS3 and 360, and more importantly, on PC. So yeah.

They also lost massive points for no Dead Rising 2.

Sony showed more games, and more games to look forward to in the future. They created the hype for stuff coming this year, and stuff to look forward to next year, which is how to do a presentation. MS conference worried me as they didn't touch on stuff to look forward to next year, kind of like what they did last year, and it's worrisome as their game selection this year is rather thin as people predicted from last year. What's in the pipeline? Halo wars, Alan Wake, and...? MS showing off multiplatform games does nothing for me. I rarely care about ports, and I buy all the relevant gaming machines for exclusives that take advantage of being solely designed for one machines capabilities. And MS did not have nearly enough of that.

How do you lose points from no Dead Rising 2?

How is Microsoft's game selection this year thin? I feel like i'm living in bizaro land and everyone's out to get my sanity.


GAF's Bob Woodward
duk said:
could u also break it down to what was ingame play, CG, just announcements, etc?

oh yes, just 360 vs ps3 please.

In terms of the exclusives, CG was GoW3 and MAG on PS3. Infamous was a mix. Everything else, I think, was gameplay footage. I'm not counting 'name-dropped' games like Free Realms or whatever either. Gameplay video for everything coming this year was shown.

On 360 I think everything was gameplay video, barring FFXIII I guess..

edit- also, obviously MS didn't show every exclusive game they have coming this year at the conference, they skipped some of the lower profile ones..but Sony had some MIA games too. I mean Wipeout HD for starters..but if we're talking about games shown at conferences...
sillymonkey321 said:
How do you lose points from no Dead Rising 2?

How is Microsoft's game selection this year thin? I feel like i'm living in bizaro land and everyone's out to get my sanity.

Maybe for the next month, but then it's Tales, and Undiscovery, and Rock Band 2, and Banjo, and Viva, and Gears, and Fable 2, and actually Lips looks kinda cool.

Did I forget anything?
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