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E3 2008 Sony Conference


Dwayne said:
Not to mention, that since the 360 version isn't even in development yet, it must have been a video of the PS3 version.


Where are all the stories with headlines like, "X360 version of FF13 running on PS3 backstage?"

*Remembers the assassin's creed fiasco*


Linkzg said:
Resistance 2 stage demo on G4 right now. Same one shown at the conference, but different play through it.

While the boss battle during the press conference was a bit underwhelming, the G4 footage just reinforced the fact that I will be purchasing this game day 1.:D


Lost all credibility.
Dwayne said:
Not to mention, that since the 360 version isn't even in development yet, it must have been a video of the PS3 version.
Yeah it's obvious that pre-rendered CG video was using PS3-specific codecs!! :lol


Scary Euro Man
Son of Godzilla said:
It's not that different from pretending Banjo Tooie was the star of the MS conference (Banjo Tooie wasn't even mentioned). Especially when friggin Geometry Wars 2 and FromTheMakersOfPacmanCE Galaga Legions were announced as coming in August.

Got into the top billing section on the GAF write-up - I missed the MS conference what with having to be at work at the time, so I can't comment. Geometry Wars 2 is too late for me - the market has been flooded with two-stick shooters, and GW was never my favourite in the first place. If Galaga Legions really does turn out to be that awesome, then fair enough, that's a plus point for the MS conference. Sony still win for me, because even if you claim that GW2 and Galaga match Ratchet & Clank (and they surely don't) the LBP-instead-of-Powerpoint sequence was full of win.

Another major WIN for Sony this year was that Jack Tretton was doing the conference again. I thought at first this was a bad thing, but changed my mind when he revealed that each one takes two years off his life.


iapetus said:
Got into the top billing section on the GAF write-up - I missed the MS conference what with having to be at work at the time, so I can't comment. Geometry Wars 2 is too late for me - the market has been flooded with two-stick shooters, and GW was never my favourite in the first place. If Galaga Legions really does turn out to be that awesome, then fair enough, that's a plus point for the MS conference. Sony still win for me, because even if you claim that GW2 and Galaga match Ratchet & Clank (and they surely don't) the LBP-instead-of-Powerpoint sequence was full of win.

Another major WIN for Sony this year was that Jack Tretton was doing the conference again. I thought at first this was a bad thing, but changed my mind when he revealed that each one takes two years off his life.

Holy shit :lol
Frillen said:
The only new PS3 game was MAG, which was just CGI. Otherwise it was just a bunch of PSN crap and a Resistance spin off on a platform I don't care about.
I know I might be unfairly pointing you out, but I've been following your posts in this thread and you come off as a major-league hater. Every post was about how boring everything was, why did you even bother watching?


Scary Euro Man
daCuk said:
The amount of spin being shown here by Sony fanboys is amazing.

Microsoft won this one (as a sad Wii fan, I acknowledge this :( )

Again, the biggest MS 'win' at their conference was something which is only of interest to those in the fanboy dick-waving war. If you're not, FFXIII on 360 is an utter irrelevance.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I don't know how people can say that Sony won E3 - I honestly can't.

Tretton was stuttering as usual, and sounded bored the entire time - no real surprises, especially since everyone expected to see God of War 3, and speaking of which, there was way too much CG shown there again...

What about their arguably-biggest game? Killzone 2 was shown for a few seconds in a montage, and I'm sure it was from footage that was already released...

The PS3 took a back seat to the PS2 and PSP - and when it wasn't about the PS2 and PSP, they were going on about things outside of gaming like GTTV and so on...

What about live demonstrations on-stage? Nintendo pissed us all off with the super-casual stuff, but at least it was live and playable...

Definitely not as bad as Nintendo, but the winner of E3? Hell no.

Highlight for me was how they did the beginning with Little Big Planet demonstrating the slides and such - they should have let the sackboy host the whole thing instead of dry Tretton...
As an owner of all three systems I have to give this years presentation award to MS. I don't want to upset anybody in here but thats just my opinion.


Fallout 3 and RE5 looked real bland in the MS conference, if Sony and Nintendo didn't show anything new then this whole E3 is just crap


iapetus said:
Obviously it wasn't a direct trade, but I'd have taken one or two MS announcements of genuinely interesting new games over the FFXIII title in a flash.

Huh, I bet you would. :lol Sony had nothing new, either. The most we got was R&C and CG trailers of GoW3 and MAG.

Obviously FFXIII is exciting for those who love their RPGs but don't have a PS3, or for fanboys who only want to engage in e-dick-waving fights online. For the rest of us it's of no practical use at all.

Congratulations! You're engaging in one now!
Sony had the most professional presentation but they were lacking in gameplay videos and interesting announcements. Prerendered trailers just don't work anymore. When will MAG be released? 2012?

MS wins because of FFXIII and if you count the 16:10 and full install support there's no contest.


Scary Euro Man
Coin Return said:
Castle Crashers.

Like I said, I was looking mostly at stuff that was new (at least as far as official announcements went) rather than stuff that I was kind of interested in when it was first mooted but becomes more yawn-worthy with each showing. (Home and LBP as a game rather than a presentation medium fall into that category from the Sony showing, along with Resistance 2, Killzone, Infamous et al...)


GAF's Bob Woodward
For by the numbers people, a small revision to my 'stats'..

I make it that 24 exclusive PS3 games we showcased at the conference out of 37 total..14-18 of the exclusives being 08 games (pending some PSN dates), 6-10 being 2009 games. 8 of Sony's own games were original IPs, 4 or 5 original third party IPs. I may have missed some games.

Another interesting thing is just how many 'larger' games Sony is putting on PSN. It'll be interesting to see where that goes next year.


Not Banned from OT
Outside the LBP demo the sony E was a total Meh to me. Who ever approved that demo of R2 should be fired. That was the most boring meh demo in E3 history a scripted demo were the player had no effect on the world was a major mistake. I hit the 30 second skip on the DVR after the 3rd trip up and down the stairs arg. No KZ2 was a complete disapointment. This is a 40 million dollar game and has been hyped for years I expected a live demo this E3. I don't really care about the movie download services unless they offer a netflix like unlimited rentals for 20 or less a month. I can already rent over priced movies over the internet from MS and Direct tv meh. I don't have access to the floor at E3 so those live demos are very important to me. Also why is sony still showing CGI movies this far into the generation? They should of just skipped any GoW3 news unless they had some in game footage. After such a kick ass show last year sony dropped the ball this year.
Skilotonn said:
What about live demonstrations on-stage? Nintendo pissed us all off with the super-casual stuff, but at least it was live and playable...

Why the hell are people going on about this?

The games are playable on the show floor. So instead of one dude playing on stage, everyone you'll be reading impressions from people who will be playing the actual game.


Scary Euro Man
Nif said:
Huh, I bet you would. :lol Sony had nothing new, either. The most we got was R&C and CG trailers of GoW3 and MAG.

Well quite. If only I'd listed R&C as the only new thing of interest Sony had for me and said that this won by default over the huge fuck all from Microsoft and Nintendo. Or maybe if I'd said that the judgement was purely for me.

Oh, wait. That's exactly what I said.

Nif said:
Congratulations! You're engaging in one now!

Indeed. My fanboyism for Sony has driven me to new heights of claiming that all three conferences were shit but Sony's was marginally less shit largely because they used a video game instead of Powerpoint.



Every fucking year E3 is the damn same, especially here on GAF.

Everyone is hyped up like crazy for it and then when the three conferences are finished everyone can't wait for it to be over so some.


Not Banned from OT
captscience said:
Why the hell are people going on about this?

The games are playable on the show floor. So instead of one dude playing on stage, everyone you'll be reading impressions from people who will be playing the actual game.

I could give a rats ass about reading about a video game. I want to see the damn thing in motion. I knew CoD4 would be off the charts awesome after last years E3 demo. The live demos of LBP have sold me on the game. The live demo is very important to me as these are video games and reading impressions is worthless. The live demo of fall out 3 has sold me on the game gore FTMFW.


Scary Euro Man
Loudninja said:
Its funny how people keep ignoring the PSP :lol

What was there of great excitement for the PSP? The only thing that made me go ooh in the PSP section (other than the horrible lag in the live video feed) was the SSHD port, and then I realised that a two-stick shooter on a one-stick console would suck.

I may have missed something, though, as I fell asleep during the segment where Jack spent half an hour telling us that there was going to be a new PSP pack-in game.


iapetus said:
What was there of great excitement for the PSP? The only thing that made me go ooh in the PSP section (other than the horrible lag in the live video feed) was the SSHD port, and then I realised that a two-stick shooter on a one-stick console would suck.

I may have missed something, though, as I fell asleep during the segment where Jack spent half an hour telling us that there was going to be a new PSP pack-in game.

Lot of nice games in IMO :p


iapetus said:
Again, the biggest MS 'win' at their conference was something which is only of interest to those in the fanboy dick-waving war. If you're not, FFXIII on 360 is an utter irrelevance.
Yeah, I mean there are no 360 only owners interested in playing FF13 at all.

In other news, it seems I don't exist anymore.


Scary Euro Man
SuperBonk said:
Yeah, I mean there are no 360 only owners interested in playing FF13 at all.

Yeah, and them. I mentioned them in an earlier post, though. This is, indeed, good news for them.
2real4tv said:
Where the hell is ND?
If they only have one team, it's only been 6 months since Uncharted, you can't reasonably expect a new game from that team until late 09. I was hoping they had expanded to a second team to work on Jak PS3, but it doesn't seem to be the case.


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
I guess there's two ways to grade these conferences.

Fanboy grade scale (measured in megatons and amount of hype generated)

Sony: B-
Nintendo: D

Normal grade scale (measured by style of presentation and useful information)

Sony: A-
Nintendo: B
quest said:
I could give a rats ass about reading about a video game. I want to see the damn thing in motion. I knew CoD4 would be off the charts awesome after last years E3 demo. The live demos of LBP have sold me on the game. The live demo is very important to me as these are video games and reading impressions is worthless. The live demo of fall out 3 has sold me on the game gore FTMFW.

I'm sure that there'll be plenty of videos released of guided playthroughs just as there was last year.

See Killzone 2.


I was really hopping for some Japanese developer news, White Knight Chronicals and whatever Team ICO is up to. No new games from Capcom or Konami?


fin said:
I was really hopping for some Japanese developer news, White Knight Chronicals and whatever Team ICO is up to. No new games from Capcom or Konami?

Capcom and Konami probably chose to keep things for their own conferences.


I posted this a few pages ago and no one noticed so I'm asking it again. >_<

I'm really interested in that game Ragdoll Kung Fu:Fists Of Plastic that was shown for PSN. But do we know who's developing it? Could it Media Molecule?

Perhaps a small side project working on a PSN version of the PC original while they work on LBP?


needs 2 extra inches
how pathetic is it that the ONLY "Megaton" (worthy news) in this year's E3 (out of three confs) is that a game, announced two years ago, is going multiplatform... just THAT, no more info about the game, the gameplay or anything of any importance to us gamers (like a friggin release window). NOTHING!

who's stupid? all of us obviously
n' who's smart? SE of course
they just made everyone forget about raiding them with questions about the progress of the development with that announcement "HA that'll keep them off our cases for a little longer".


j-wood said:
Sony has turned into Blizzard.

In the sense that, they release their games "when they are finished."

And not even really in that sense cause at least Blizzard is upfront about the "when they are finished".

And I can't even believe you're mentioning Sony in the same sentence with Blizzard...I can't even remember a Blizzard game that hasn't been excellent.


Woot about KZ2!

iapetus said:
Like I said, I was looking mostly at stuff that was new (at least as far as official announcements went) rather than stuff that I was kind of interested in when it was first mooted but becomes more yawn-worthy with each showing.

Portal: Still Alive is also coming to XBLA this year. They announced a lot of stuff in the conference that not many people are talking about.
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