Scrubking said:BTW, wasn't Bethesda going to announce a Wii game?
EmCeeGramr said:
Endless Ocean 2. Includes attacking sharks and eels, defending yourself with a tranquilizer gun, treasure hunting, and WiiSpeak support.
Sir Hamish said:A new Metroid and Super Mario Galaxy are cool surprises but they don't in any way compensate for Nintendo's poor showing. Mario Galaxy doesn't seem to do anything new and the Metroid title looks good, but feels like a half measure compared to Prime.
Terrible conference.
Buckethead said:You hear that peoples? Buy the shit out of Wii Sports Resort!
I've spent two days (at work) reading this thread and nothing out of 95 pages sumed it up better that that.Rated-Rsuperstar said:Mario Galaxy 2 + Metroid Gaiden = Cool.
Everything else =
Verdict - Fuck Nintendo
BitchTits said::lol
That was pretty much my reaction when I saw Yoshi burst of the egg in SMG2. I got all fuzzy in my tummy! :lol
I wish we had seen more DSi software as well (outside of thinly veiled tech demos) but it's pretty apparent that Nintendo through it out there for some reason with no real interesting software or compelling reason to buy it yet.Josh7289 said:I just realized... no DSi VC.
StoOgE said:I wish Wii Sports resort would redo the original wii sports games with motion+ controls.
Primarily so I wouldn't have to swap discs to play bowling when friends come over.
EmCeeGramr said:Wii Sports Resort has Golf and Bowling with Motion+ in them.
Table Tennis, tennis's more awesome cousin.StoOgE said:Tennis?
Because I don't much care for the other games.
Anyway, that is good info to know. This will be my first wii purchase since Sunshine.
MNC said:So what is Nintendo's press site? I forgot them from last year![]()
Red Steel 2
The first thing I noticed about swinging the MotionPlus around is that there's a noticeable delay between moving the Wiimote and seeing tht movement replicated onscreen. I'd swing the Wiimote as hard as I could and then, about a half-second after I stopped my arm, the swing would commence onscreen.
As I said in my hands-on with the game, I still felt like button presses had been switched out for specific waggles (as was the case with the first Red Steel). The only real difference was that the game could now distinguish between "weak" slashes and "strong" ones -- and even then, it couldn't distinguish between the two particularly well.
If I hadn't been told before picking up the Wiimote, I literally would not have known that Red Steel 2 utilized the MotionPlus.
renegade_of_funk said:Zelda Artwork HD , from
She was A, she read the boards, and she became B.billy.sea said:I wonder which Cammy is the real one:
A. The ultra enthusiastic happy soccer mom of E308
B. The hot headed angry mean looking executive of E309
billy.sea said:I wonder which Cammy is the real one:
A. The ultra enthusiastic happy soccer mom of E308
B. The hot headed angry mean looking executive of E309
You should make a thread.rod furlong said:NeoGAF's real-time reaction to the Nintendo press conference, in chart form:
Sorry for breaking the page, if I resize it much smaller it's illegible. Full article here:
racerx77 said:Did we ever get a release date for Layton 2 in the US?
Really wanted to see what Retro is working on, hope they reveal it soon. Also, isn't Factor 5 working on a Wii game or two? And since I really loved Wave Race on the GC(and 1080 was pretty good), I was hoping that after three years NST would finally have something to show for the Wii.
Wow...Wii Will Rock U said:
I sure did.pakkit said:Wow...
You called 4-player Mario though! :lol
:lolpakkit said:Did you know or were you just dropping a sick flow?
I was just thinking that conferences should come with this type of feature running live, like the reaction graph feeds for the presidential debates seen on TV during the latest election cycle.rod furlong said:NeoGAF's real-time reaction to the Nintendo press conference, in chart form:
Sorry for breaking the page, if I resize it much smaller it's illegible. Full article here:
No one has some info on this? Really? Really?Neomoto said:Can't seem to find a thread about the Miyamoto round-table. What was discussed? Anyone got some kind of overview? I would very much like to knowI know about the showing of art-work of Zelda Wii and that he answered some questions about Galaxy 2 but that's pretty much it.
renegade_of_funk said:Zelda Artwork HD , from
Perfect :lolEmCeeGramr said:
Slurpy said:That's sexy. Hopefully the game is reasonably far along and we can get some video sometime this century.
As a legs guy, lemme tell you I've never wanted to bang the Master Sword so bad.renegade_of_funk said:Zelda Artwork HD , from
Neiteio said:As a legs guy, lemme tell you I've never wanted to bang the Master Sword so bad.
:lol That was pretty awesome.Wii Will Rock U said:
I would love to see Kaigler taking some of Cammie's time on stage. She knows how to answer those questions and she has a great personality. I thought her answer to why the Wii sales were dropping off was handled incredibly well, with an answer that makes sense.pakkit said: