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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


Sony and MS were very good this year, I of course have to give the edge to Sony for two reasons:
Unfuckingcharted 2
The Last Mothereffing Guardian

Bring on the HD videos!


I don't get how people can put MS on top after Sonys conference. Neither took it to a "new level", and Sony had better looking games.

Maybe if Sony had presented yesterday...?
Conference-wise (how good the conferences looked)

Microsoft B
Sony B+
Nintendo C+

Games-wise (Quantity/quality of the games that were shown):

Microsoft B-
Sony A
Nintendo D


Best bits:

Uncharted 2 (the platforming looks nice, the shooting less so)
Heavy Rain (more footage would have been appreciated)
Agent (should have shown something more than a logo)
Final Fantasy XIV (unless if it's a multiplayer game, in which case you can count me out)
ModNation Racers
The Last Guardian
God of War III

ModNation Racers & The Last Guardian were definitely the stars of the show for me personally. Although, I had seen the latter's video before.


Well at least the E3 we all know and love is back I loved Ms and Sony's conferences (sony please learn to pace yourself) Nintendo's was just... anyway e3's back!.


Trico trailer = even more amazing than leaked version
Motion Wand = looks to have same functionality as Motion Plus, but using entirely different tech.
I come away from this conference not feeling much different towards Sony's lineup than I did before. MAG, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain and GT5 all look promising. Don't much care for the rest.

Too bad they couldn't show anything from Agent. Too bad my buggy PC ruined the The Last Guardian trailer.

I continue to not care about all these motion control shenanigans until someone out there proves its worth caring about. I'm not interested in fancy technology if all it amounts to is silly tech demos and side projects. Need to penetrate the market, be used in a bunch of proper games in a tangible way that's preferable to using a normal controller, and it needs to be games I give a shit about. Then I'll care. Maybe Molyneux's project will be such a thing. In 2011 or whenever that'll be out.


God of War 3 looked really good, but the hit detection didnt seem to be very accurate, lots of flailing attacks everywhere.


EviLore said:
-Uncharted 2 has nice visuals, but the shooting did not impress. Reminds me of Kane and Lynch with the solid line gunfire, and it's absolutely absurd that a gunship cannon isn't penetrating an office table.

Did you even play the first one? Uncharted is all about absurd action film sequences.


Azrael said:
They exceeded my expectations on the PS3 front, although I wasn't expecting much. I liked FFXI, so fuck the FFXIV haters. Yesterday the GAF consensus was SE would never make the game a PS3 exclusive, and now the game is a laughing stock. Surprise, surprise.

PSP software was great, but the PSP Go is DOA. If the PSP Go had a touchscreen and PSN integration I'd be all over it. But all the good PSP games in the world are not going to reignite my interest in the platform without a good hardware revision. And when the PSP Go doesn't take off I don't think Sony will have another chance with an upgraded PSP Go, because there won't be any developer support in 2010.

seems like PSN is going directly on PSP for some content (probably movies/music), so you will have your PSN integration. At $50 less than Ipod Touch and X Walkman, PSP Go is a killer.


Maturity, bitches.
So when are the motion development kits being sent out Sony. Hope to see some games make use of the technology within the next two years.


I think with Uncharted 2, Trico, and GoW3 Sony and Microsoft essentially tied for best E3. Of course Nintendo will still outsell them both combined...
After reading some comments, a huge :lol for the ones thinking that the GT5 clip is CG... it's really that good.

I'm just glad they showed.


Sony by a nose.

Forza 3 vs. GT5 is just going to get uglier. Shame there isn't a release date for 5 yet.

Pricing on the PSP Go makes sense to me, after all they stated it wasn't a replacement for the psp3000. Smaller size, more features = higher price, nothing unusual there. It isn't like the DSi is the same price as a DS Lite either, right? :D

The "only possible on a ps3" mantra is getting old, seems little more than fanboy bait.
Shadow780 said:
Yes but to PS3 owners it really doesn't matter.
I expect a slim to be saved for another conference. Sony still has two more conferences left to go. If people remember last year, the 3000 PSP went to Leipzig while the new 80GB SKU went to E3. As for price drop, if there would have been a price drop, we would have seen a leak somehow (with retailers advertising a pricedrop in an ad). Since we didn't see any, I didn't think it was going to happen. With Sony admitting they are still losing 10% of the price of the PS3 on everyone they sell (and with the yen strengthening), I don't see a price drop until the last possible minute (like around September).
Melchiah said:
Best bits:

Uncharted 2 (the platforming looks nice, the shooting less so)
Heavy Rain (more footage would have been appreciated)
Agent (should have shown something more than a logo)
Final Fantasy XIV (unless if it's a multiplayer game, in which case you can count me out)
ModNation Racers
The Last Guardian
God of War III

ModNation Racers & The Last Guardian were definitely the stars of the show for me personally. Although, I had seen the latter's video before.

ModNation Racers was one of the stars of the show? Really?


belvedere said:
Microsoft's was close, but anyone who actually saw both could never actually convince themselves it was better than what Sony just displayed here.

Presentation was much better. If Microsoft would have made Mattick stay away it might have been better.

:lol :lol :lol Really? I think anyone here would agree that Presentation is what actually hurt Sony. Sony had more games, but MS's presentation and pacing was superior, by far. Not even close.
trmas said:
As far as conferences, MS wins presentation, Sony wins content (but God they need to work on presentation skills - so incredibly disjointed. I think they should have just had the first hour, and last 15 minutes, and left the rest out)

This Fall SC-Conviction, R&C, and the godly Uncharted 2
Next year FFXIII, ME2, GoW3, GT5, and most especially The Last Guardian

TLG is the coolest looking game I've seen in a LONG time!

Edit : NM, I thought you were speaking on Sony only games.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I didn't see Nintendo's conference, but I think Sony's and Microsoft's both were able to cater to their fans. It is hard to judge if you like one console more than the other because that implies you like certain type of games and therefore certain sequels would appeal more to you. I think Microsoft and Sony did a great job, but both could improve by a wide margin. B to both of them.
I think a lot of people are going to talk about the motion technology from each respective company after this show. The Motion+ and the PS3 solution are far more usable as game controlling devices. Natal is going to get more press because it's controller-less, but you an tell from its demos vs the Motion+ and the gypsy dildo that there's a sizable delay in motion translation. Furthermore, removing buttons is going to severely limit what can be done in terms of control. A lot of people talk about how the 3DV cams can capture fingers, but I'm extremely skeptical of the conditions under which articulation is functionally translated to real-time gaming. Extremely.


VALIS said:
Uncharted 2 = Looked amazing, but like the first one, seemed real light on gameplay. Just keep advancing forward through narrowly defined paths and watch the next scripted event. Get shot as much as you want. Doesn't matter.

Did you even PLAY the game, let alone on crushing? :lol

My PSP loved this, just like my PS3. My wallet didn´t.

I expect games that were not shown here will be shown during the rest of E3, right?

Where is my MGS Rising?! I played 4 damn MGS games with the dual shock layout, I´m NOT switching to the 360 pad for this D:


StateofMind said:
Final Fantasy XI was a very underrated MMO. I think people may be surprised by what Square can do with the next one.

no kidding. I don't think the people saying "meh online" ever actually played FF11... I spent way more time with that than any single player FF.


EviLore said:
-Uncharted 2 has nice visuals, but the shooting did not impress. Reminds me of Kane and Lynch with the solid line gunfire, and it's absolutely absurd that a gunship cannon isn't penetrating an office table.

Don't agree on the Kane and Lynch part but the heli shooting... why didn't they placed fridges or parts of wall in this scenario (or at least something really solid). some IKEA tables blocking a mini gun was just dumb.

jax (old)

kallisto76 said:
GOW3 = Best of the Show

I'd say uncharted 2. I was like WTF IS GOING HERE? Just freaking incredible. From visuals/lighitngs/interactivity/particles..etc etc


Where the fuck is epic this year?
Arsenic said:
Are you kidding me? Read the Microsoft thread yesterday and check the reactions after Forza was revealed. That is just a sample.

Actually, victory was claimed after Crackdown 2.

See, the difference between MS'and conference and Sony's was that MS'had more stuff we DIDN'T already know about, and HADN'T already seen.

Which is really the point of E3.

So realistically

1. MS
2. Nintendo
3. Sony

If you're going to go by the surprise factor.

They give a release date for God of War 3?? I need that shit STAT!!!!
fortified_concept said:
Games-wise (Quantity/quality of the games that were shown):

Microsoft B-
Sony A
Nintendo D
I love how Super Mario Galaxy 2, Four-player classic Super Mario Bros and a new Metroid game from Team Ninja all adds up to a D. Truly we are through the looking glass here.


fortified_concept said:
Conference-wise (how good the conferences looked)

Microsoft B
Sony B+
Nintendo C+

Games-wise (Quantity/quality of the games that were shown):

Microsoft B-
Sony A
Nintendo D

Really? Really?


Fantastic Conference!

The Last Guardian (!!!)
Final Fantasy XIV exclusive
Rockstar exclusive finally announced
Brilliant God of War III and Uncharted 2 presentations
AC2 running great on PS3
ModNation looks very cool
I want a PSP now

I'm satisfied


ElyrionX said:
Oh, and I don't want the sequel to the greatest MGS game of all time to be on a fucking handheld. At least, put it on the PS3, FFS. WTF Konami.

That is the problem I have with the PSP. Every time I see a good PSP game I think, "That looks cool. It's too bad it isn't a PS3 downloadable game." I don't play on the go and I'd rather have something like Patapon 2 in HD on my big screen.


Okay, let's try to put things in perspective here.

The conference started out quite strong with Uncharted 2. It definitely looks like it pushes the PS3's power pretty far along. The conference had an exceptionally strong last 10 minutes or so with GT5, Last Guardian, and God of War III shown consecutively. Yeah, it sucks that the leaked footage took out a lot of the wind from Last Guardian, but the additional footage and different graphical style helped things. At least, it's more than enough to make most viewers forget about the previous two hours of the conference.

They definitely focused on the PSP a lot more than usual, with actual games being released in 2009 and early 2010.

But do remember, this conference was at least two hours long, and a strong start and a strong finish has the tendency to eliminate memories of the middle. First off, announcing new games or exclusives without telling us a damn thing about them is not effective strategy (Resident Evil PSP and Agent). Second, the reaction to the motion wand is absolutely amazing. Most were skeptical about Nintendo using it, yet the minute Sony uses it it's a saving grace of the console? Get that shit out of here.

The FFXIII English trailer was good. FFXVI was just a massive cocktease. I mean, that's good for FFXI fans, but if a PC version does come out, I think we all know what's going to get the majority of the love.

No PS3 Price drop and the $250 PSP Go price points pretty much points to the fact that Sony either does not get or simply cannot do anything about pricing themselves out of the market.

For the PS3, the 2009-early 2010 schedule looks pretty barren. I guess that will sink in deeper later on this year.

With Microsoft, they kept a steady stream of games going. With Nintendo, while they did have some really BS moments, they at least were able to bring out multiple surprises that no one saw coming. I would pretty much put Sony at a middle-of-the-road C at this point. Definitely the worst showing out of the big three, but far above the likes of EA and Ubisoft's conferences.


OK, so going down the games.

Uncharted 2 was awesome awesome awesome.

Last Guardian was moody and looked great BUT was leaked so the magic was lost (I think I can safely say now that the Trico leak may have been unintentional since they showed the same damn thing now)

MAG was meh. no way a large userbase can get into that kind of game.

PSP Go. I called the price at 250 last week. for that, I feel proud. BUT, I still think that it's too expensive to offer no added functionality over the PSP 3000. so, meh from me. will probably sell OK but it's not going to do any major damage to the DS.

I don't care about the GT and MGS PSP games shown today. it's the problem with all PSP games, imo. they're like PS2 games. but they control worse and you play them on a smaller screen.

Agent was a stupid, stupid announcement. show SOMETHING, you morons. as it is, we have no idea what to expect and the weak applause at the conference showed the lack of enthusiasm.

FFIV as an MMO is not my cup of tea. it's not really a big exclusive for Sony as a console game

AC2 looked good but is multiplatform. like MW2 being shown at the 360 conf.

GT5 was pretty much all CGI. rally stuff is awesome! Nascar is meh. I wanted stage gameplay demos. that's what made the MS conference so good. they did it for multiple titles.

GoW III looked a LOT like GoW II. like, nearly identical in scope. it was very, very pretty but it didn't do anything for me like the uncharted and trico trailers did.

Motion control.

looks like Sony has the exact same shit going on as the Wii with wii motion plus. I mean, almost exactly the same. the difference is that the wii motion plus demos looked fun and polished and these looked like they should've been in Kentia Hall.

Sony is very far behind the other 2 companies in motion control. very far behind.

everything shown here can be done by natal. everything. only with added head tracking and voice recognition.

oh, and you don't need to buy 4 wands for 2 people (one per hand)

video montages were shit and dragged down the show

So, for a score, I'd give Sony a B-. based almost entirely on the awesomeness of Uncharted, Last Guardian and (hopefully) GoW3 and GT5.

I was wrong earlier for thinking the PS3 slim was going to be announced here. I guess they'll wait till TGS?

If they had a more robust motion demo and more info on Agent, or a PS3 price drop I'd have given them a B+

So: my final scores, for what it's worth

Microsoft A
Nintendo B
Sony B-


Microsoft: 8/10

Sony: 6/10

Nintendo: 6/10

Sony would've been higher, but the only thing that surprised me about that whole conference was FF14. This is all just based on the PC though, they all have great lineups for this holiday.


For the misinformed or the instant buyers: the design of that motion controller was an engineering prototype.. not the actual product.


ElyrionX said:
Oh, and I don't want the sequel to the greatest MGS game of all time to be on a fucking handheld. At least, put it on the PS3, FFS. WTF Konami.

oh shut up and stop the trolling already, can't you buy 5 copies of MGS4 and let people enjoy another portable Kojima masterpiece? and go watch some United match, maybe against Barça? ffs!


I can't tell who's been sincere or not in this thread!

All the leaks killed this press conference. There was plenty of good stuff, but we already knew the details. And the things we didn't know about weren't really "good news", i.e. $250 pricetag on PSP Go and yet another MMO coming to the PS3. How many is that now? 8?!?
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