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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


y'all should be ashamed
Gary Whitta said:
You've got to admire their moxie for standing up there and continuing to pimp Home when it's so apparent what an epic failure it has been so far.
It's made millions so far. Not a failure to Sony.


LCfiner said:
FFVII in da store.

fanboys cheer.



don't waste any time on this horseshit! $#%#@$^!#&!%&!# BLARG

so many figures. who cares. where are the games?

and why are you guys excited about ff7 when you could already do it yourself from your original ps games?


puebla said:
Home ugh, was Nintendo's conference this boring? get to the PS3 games.

Both Conferences had a rather slow first hour. They seem to be following a similiar style but sony spent far more time on sales. Eventually Sony will end this with real games like Nintendo ended theirs.


Video confirms only shut-ins with avatars that are cooler than they are care about HOME atm?

Make it good Sony, Pleeeeeeeeese!!
You know that Home trailer is fake because someone in it said "this is awesome"

Where are the shots of 50 dudes standing around a female avatar spamming "will you be my gf lol"
"We have such a big screen to show off our games because the PS3 can support it"

Yet all the fucking gameplay footage is in stupid smaller monitors in the videos..

Sony fail. :lol
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