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EB employees/managers - Your help needed


I purchased my PS2, SCPH-50001 model, on October 3, 2003 along with a 1-year esa. None of the stores in my area, Toronto, have any PS2 systems in stock, and have been told not to expect any until the new model ships.

My PS2 refuses to read blue discs, so I need to change it, yet it cannot be replaced because of the lack of stock. I went into the store today to ask about this, and was told that I will not be able to exchange this PS2 for one of the new models!! The only option I have, according to the manager, is to trade it in for $100 credit, and purchase a new model system.

Is there anything I can do? When I purchased the ESA, I was told I would get a new system. Now they're telling me that if they luckily get a refurb, I can have it. Who can I contact about this?

Please, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Normally, when that happens, I would give out a refurbished or used PS2 to the customer, and put a reservation for him on the new PS2 coming, for the first batch. Then, when the PS2 arrives, I would call the customer and they would be able to come back and exchange the PS2 for a new one.

Or, in any other case, I would give a piece of paper with my signature on it saying that I will replace the PS2 right when I get new ones, even if the ESA is expired.

Just ask to talk to the manager and he should be able to do something for you.


Yeah, that's bullshit. They should do whatever it takes to make sure you get your system. You're ensuring a $!50 piece of hardware, just look at your receipt, not specifically a PS2, so they should give you the new model no matter what. If they give you trouble, demand to district manager, and continue to go up from there. Inexcusable. No wonder people have such poor opinions of the company. We do everything possible in my store fo shit like this.
Call the district manager or the customer comment/complaint line (its 1-800-800-5166 for US stores not sure if its the same for Canada). I would have no problem taking care of you in my store, theres no reason that he can't take care of you its his job to do so, hes being a dick plain and simple.
More to the point, if you have a 1 year ESA, that means you would have to be refunded the full purchase price or given a replacement system, end of story. Call the complaint line if they continue to be an ass about it.

Yeah, that's bullshit. They should do whatever it takes to make sure you get your system. You're ensuring a $150 piece of hardware, just look at your receipt, not specifically a PS2, so they should give you the new model no matter what.

Bingo. Accept anything less, and you lose out money wise, make the manager's job easier and keep the customer service bar way too low. You'll have to start pushing over magazine racks to regain lost self esteem.


Well, I asked about this at work today. They are not, under any circumstances, allowed to give you the new model. Apparently. If your NEW PS2 is broken, they have to give you a REFURBISHED old model. And since there's a mega-shortage of those right now, as well as new, you have to be put on a waiting list. Seriously, you can sue if you want, because that's obviously not what you paid for...


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?? There were like 5 models of the PS1 and EB's ESA was never tied to a specific model. If it sells under the same SKU (the 7-digit number on the pricetag) as the previous model, it is the SAME PRODUCT.



gblues said:
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?? There were like 5 models of the PS1 and EB's ESA was never tied to a specific model. If it sells under the same SKU (the 7-digit number on the pricetag) as the previous model, it is the SAME PRODUCT.

It will not be sold under the same SKU.
Are we talking the PSTwo? Cause I can totally side with them in not giving you a PSTwo on your PS2 ESA. You should, however, be fully entitled to a new PS2, as per your ESA.


You're pretty much fucked. If you took legal action you'd loose a lot more than the $150 for your PS2. gg EB, next map


Scary Euro Man
Kick up a fuss. You paid for that ESA, and they lied to you about the terms. Speak to the manager, the customer complaints department, and if they don't do the decent thing, let them know you're planning on writing to gaming magazines and consumer magazines regarding their breach of contract, as well as boycotting the store and encouraging other people to do so.

If that doesn't work, push over their magazine racks.


keeblerdrow said:
Are we talking the PSTwo? Cause I can totally side with them in not giving you a PSTwo on your PS2 ESA. You should, however, be fully entitled to a new PS2, as per your ESA.

How can I be entitled for a new PS2, when their stores haven't had stock of this unit since late August, and Sony no longer produces said unit? EB Canada has been told that they will not receive any more of the old model. So why should I settle for them wanting to stick me with a refurbed unit when they sold me the ESA because they said I could exchange my system for a new one, no questions asked.

I don't really even want the PSTwo, to be honest. I just want a new system because this unit doesn't read blue discs anymore, but since they no longer make or carry the older units the only way they can honour the ESA that I paid for is to give me a new PSTwo unit, no?

iapetus said:
Kick up a fuss. You paid for that ESA, and they lied to you about the terms. Speak to the manager, the customer complaints department, and if they don't do the decent thing, let them know you're planning on writing to gaming magazines and consumer magazines regarding their breach of contract, as well as boycotting the store and encouraging other people to do so.

If that doesn't work, push over their magazine racks.

If they are not willing to honour the reason that I purchased the ESA, I will make sure that I am reimbursed the amount of the sytem, $288 CDN, remember that I bought this unit last year, plus the $28 ESA, in cash. There is no way I'll accept store credit, simply because they'll never get any more business from me.

almolka said:
buy a gamecube

I own every system. I'm a gamer, not a systemer. :)


When you got the ESA, did they give you even a token amount of paperwork which laid out even just the basics of the terms?


xsarien said:
When you got the ESA, did they give you even a token amount of paperwork which laid out even just the basics of the terms?

No, just a receipt. That's what I'm afraid of.


I managed to track down the original manager who sold me the system and ESA. It's a little bit of a lengthy commute to get to her new location, but I'm going there tomorrow to discuss this with her.

I'll post an update on the situation tomorrow night.


Well, I went into the store where the manager that originally sold me the ESA now works, and luckily the DM was in the store. I explained the situation to them both, and the DM was adamant that there was absolutely no way they could exchange the older model for the newer one. He confirmed that they wouldn't be receiving any new stock of the older model and that Sony has indeed stopped production. He offered a refurbed unit, of which the store had a few in the back.

I stood my ground and would not accept anything less than a new system. Luckily, the manager that knows me well explained to him the kind of business I've brought the company over the years, and he relented. The stipulation is that I will bring in my PS2 before October 3, of which they'll reimburse me the amount of the system as it stands now, and that money will be put towards the new model PSTwo. He's even going to throw in another year ESA for me.

So, I'll be without a PS2 for about a month, but I will get the new system I was promised when I purchased the ESA.
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