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EBGames DS supply information.


So, we got word on how many DS units we can expect through the end of the year at EB. 18K. We're getting only one shipment before Christmas, and 18,000 of them are going to be split between all the stores. We already have like 40, so I'm not sure how that will work out. Anyone with interest, I recommend you get your ass out and pre-order. If the numbers are this low everywhere... Yikes. Nightmare holiday shopping.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Cloudy said:
Hmm, I wonder if this will be a hot Ebay item :D

Definitely, there was an article months ago that said something about an LCD screen shortage. They won't be able to meet demand for the holiday season most likely


Party Pooper
as far as demo units go, the nintendo rep mentioned something about them, but wouldnt go into further detail with solid dates (perhaps she just didnt know yet), but she did mention we (TRU) would be getting them

aoi tsuki

Soul4ger said:
Managers are apparently all getting one. No word on playable units in-store, though.
With supplies this low, the managers' DSs need to be put to better use by either making them demos or selling them to customers. Unless you're one of those managers with a wife and kids, $150 isn't going to break you, and a demo unit will hype people on its own. Managers and employees in general can play the unit before and after hours. i say this after working in game retail myself. i would've preordered one months before now if i was still in the business.

i remember the PS2 launch, when Sony reps who were promised units had to wait until around Christmas or so to insure that customers were able to get theirs. That's how it needs to be done.


I pre-ordered mine back around E3, so I'm not expecting something for nothing. I've gotten my manager so incredibly hyped for the thing he has one pre-ordered, too, so whether he gets one or not, I think he'll be buying one, too.


As much as this is kind of going to tug at me, I'm still going to hold off on the DS for - at the very least - a month or two. Besides, I'm surrounded by TRUs, malls, and various other stores. If I absolutely, positively need one, I don't think it'll be an issue.

aoi tsuki

Hold off on preordering? Unless you have bills to pay, i'd do it now if you expect to get it this year. You can always get your money back if you change your mind. It doesn't matter how many stores you have around you if they sell all their units to preorders or worse, people buy them in droves to resell.


aoi tsuki said:
Hold off on preordering? Unless you have bills to pay, i'd do it now if you expect to get it this year.

I think that's a bit of a stretch. Between Amazon.com, kbtoys.com, Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, Wal-Mart*, one GameCrazy, and EBs and Gamestops too numerous to count, I'd imagine that if I just want one, I'll be able to get it.

(*I don't shop at Wal-Mart, but for the sake of the list it's there.)

aoi tsuki

xsarien said:
I think that's a bit of a stretch. Between Amazon.com, kbtoys.com, Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, Wal-Mart*, one GameCrazy, and EBs and Gamestops too numerous to count, I'd imagine that if I just want one, I'll be able to get it.

(*I don't shop at Wal-Mart, but for the sake of the list it's there.)
i just like to play it safe. Some like to camp outside of Best Buy two days in advance, some like to drive to some remote store in Nomansland, HA. By time they finally get theirs (if they do) i'm already playing mine. But whatever works for you.


aoi tsuki said:
i just like to play it safe. Some like to camp outside of Best Buy two days in advance, some like to drive to some remote store in Nomansland, HA. By time they finally get theirs (if they do) i'm already playing mine. But whatever works for you.

I know well enough to not even bother buying systems on the launch date. My Gamecube was an exception to the rule, as I was visiting friends in a relatively unpopulated part of the state at the time, and the local TRU had plenty to go around.


You can reserve one for $5 down at EB. Why would you put yourself through all that work and frustration, when you think there's a possibility you might want one? Just put the money down, and if you decide you don't want it, take it back.

*Edit* - Even if you don't want to wait in the maddening lines, they're supposed to hold them for 48 hours. You don't have to get it the day of launch, but you can get it soon after, when things've calmed down.


Soul4ger said:
You can reserve one for $5 down at EB. Why would you put yourself through all that work and frustration

Because I don't really get mad and/or frustrated when the worst part of my day isn't getting a video game system. :) A little disappointed, sure, but to be honest I've got enough unbeaten games sitting here to last me well into 2005. :p


I am content with sitting this launch out. Not that I'd be upset if someone grabbed one for me as a Christmas gift....


Wario64 said:
Definitely, there was an article months ago that said something about an LCD screen shortage. They won't be able to meet demand for the holiday season most likely

No that was to do with cost.


I was thinking when I lay awake this morning... Nintendo UPPED their shipped numbers to four million by March. These figures don't really remain consistent, unless they plan on dropping an assload of them after Christmas.
aoi tsuki said:
i just like to play it safe. Some like to camp outside of Best Buy two days in advance, some like to drive to some remote store in Nomansland, HA. By time they finally get theirs (if they do) i'm already playing mine. But whatever works for you.

damn you'll have like an extra day of playing the nintendo DS... thats amazing.


Slightly off topic, but does anyone anticipate a shortage of the new PS2? I want one bad, but not sure if I can preorder it, my new job starts oct 4th so i won't get my first check until two weeks after that..and I don't want to pull money from my savings.
Haddonfield said:
no where near that level of craziness and sales, trust me.

I think it's too early to tell to be honest. When was the time a Nintendo handheld (which normally sell like crazy during the holiday season) launched right before Thanksgiving? GBA and GBA SP both launched in the spring/summer time.

This holiday will be interesting to say the least.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I'm not going to preorder. I live in Iowa and I've never ever not been able to find something thanks to it selling out. Remember when PS2s were INSANELY hard to find? They were all over here. Same with N64s. We CERTAINLY never sold out of any games.


Talked to the guy at one of my local Gamestops... says preorders are going *very* fast. This is before any major commercials too.

I'm personally holding out for any Wal-Mart Black Friday deals if they have any. I might break my promise of "no > $100 handheld" if it's $130.


Soul4ger said:
So, we got word on how many DS units we can expect through the end of the year at EB. 18K. We're getting only one shipment before Christmas, and 18,000 of them are going to be split between all the stores. We already have like 40, so I'm not sure how that will work out. Anyone with interest, I recommend you get your ass out and pre-order. If the numbers are this low everywhere... Yikes. Nightmare holiday shopping.

wait a sec. So you're syaing there will only be 58k DS's at EB for Launch?

aoi tsuki

Haddonfield said:
no where near that level of craziness and sales, trust me.
i don't have TME numbers, but i'm sure the DS will do quite well. It's gauranteed to be on all the morning shows as a, if not the, hot toy for Christmas. Nintendo just needs a good game to show off the capabilities of the system, specifically wireless, and i don't think Hunters is it.

i'm sure there'll be a lot of disappointed kids when they realize they can't battle their friends in Pokemon though.
I'll be waiting until October 7 before deciding to whether or not to pre-order. I got the impression from Nintendo that supply won't be a problem, didn't they say recently that they might up shipping numbers to 4 million?

aoi tsuki

Four million worldwide by the end of the first quarter 2005 IIRC. Assuming the US gets 1.5 million, i'd expect one million shipped in 2004.
Well since it's not like Nintendo to purposefully ratchet down expectations on how much product will be available in order to spike demand (only to find an additional shipment later on), I guess I'll tell everyone I know to pre-order now and start sacrificing their first born to get one...
FitzOfRage said:
Well since it's not like Nintendo to purposefully ratchet down expectations on how much product will be available in order to spike demand (only to find an additional shipment later on), I guess I'll tell everyone I know to pre-order now and start sacrificing their first born to get one...

exactly.. nintendo does this ALL the time, props up the image of demand by restricting supply even though they have warehouses filled with the damn things... if you want one, youll get one.. but it wont be "the thing" to have for kids this christmas, trust me. this is no game boy.


Could be that its because EB dont sell much Nintendo stuff so their orders are lower? ANyone from places like Walmart or another retailer?I assumed there would be many shipments at the end of the year.


Haddonfield said:
exactly.. nintendo does this ALL the time, props up the image of demand by restricting supply even though they have warehouses filled with the damn things... if you want one, youll get one.. but it wont be "the thing" to have for kids this christmas, trust me. this is no game boy.
they might have done that for a couple of months after N64 launch in early fall '96, but other than that, they've made their hardware avaiable as much as possible (GBA, SP, GCN).

Of course during Christmas sometimes things sell out, if Nintendo could sell 4 million this Christmas alone and had the supply, they wouldn't miss the opportunity.

An old C-Net video interview with Perrin Kaplan had her say that she doesn't know of a hardware company that would miss out on increasing their hardware sales if they could get it.
Soul4ger said:
So, we got word on how many DS units we can expect through the end of the year at EB. 18K. We're getting only one shipment before Christmas, and 18,000 of them are going to be split between all the stores. We already have like 40, so I'm not sure how that will work out. Anyone with interest, I recommend you get your ass out and pre-order. If the numbers are this low everywhere... Yikes. Nightmare holiday shopping.

I'm sorry 18k in 2004 is pure bs. EB has about 10% market share, and that would mean only 180k units shipped in 2004. If they only had that many, they would have to stagger the launches to make sure at least one region was happy.

No system will launch with that few units. I do agree it will be hard to get during the holidays, but the number is fantasy.


sonycowboy said:
I'm sorry 18k in 2004 is pure bs. EB has about 10% market share, and that would mean only 180k units shipped in 2004. If they only had that many, they would have to stagger the launches to make sure at least one region was happy.

No system will launch with that few units. I do agree it will be hard to get during the holidays, but the number is fantasy.

Well, that is the initial number I was told. I don't necessarily believe it, as my last post above states. We'll see, I guess.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Maybe that's why Nintendo isn't really advertising or even announcing much info for the NDS at this time of the game...


Wario64 said:
Maybe that's why Nintendo isn't really advertising or even announcing much info for the NDS at this time of the game...

Embargo ends on 7 October, doesn't it? I doubt they're holding back because of supply issues, they're probably holding back just for the sake of timing everything just right. $40 million is a lot for a marketing campaign, you don't want to screw it up.
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