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Edge Magazine... Is it as good as NextGeneration ? + fan NextGen mag appriciation ^_^

God, I can almost taste it... the silky sweet stock the NextGeneration covers were printed on, the sleek, thick pages, the great, comfortable layout of the text, the writers...

Who could forget Sven and company? I often wondered what it'd be like to be a working journalist in those hallowed halls, amongst those who produce content about the gaming-industry. Hell, I loved the pub so much that I must possess something akin to a cult-of-personality enough to remember the staff joking to each other: "Sven is going to Boston Market. Is anyone going to join Sven?"

(Sigh) The good ole days... I just wish an American magazine had the balls and the talent enough to be what NextGeneration/NextGen used to be. Maybe that same fire is still burning overseas. I'd sure like to know if I might find what I'm looking for in Edge's overseas subscription price. Ladies and gents, if the NextGen experience I pine for exists as Edge magazine, I'll gladly pay. I'd even like to read back issues.

It's better because its target audience is the niche market consisting of people in the industry, and those of the general audience with a reasonable grasp on the actual workings of their hobby.


That goes without saying, I was just commenting on the layout. As their seemingly new tag says "A videogame magazine for adults".


Hates quality gaming
I want NextGen back just to have another Top 100/50 Games of All Time list to bitch about.

Also for my concerns in general:
Next Gen's articles - great
Next Gen's reviews - shit


Quality has been patchy since the editorial rebellion late last year, a couple of great issues, a couple of mediocre. I have almost every issue but don't subscribe anymore since the magazine's quality is so variable. No idea where the mag is going either editorially or quality wise. The latest issue is especially disappointing, hopefully just post-E3 blues. Overall I'd say not as good as Next-Gen of old which is downheartening since Edge was the superior magazine when Next-gen was still being printed.


Actually Edge is the original magazine that started it all - Next-Gen later copied it (and took much of its content direct). Edge is, and always was a better magazine. Content and production values just crush everything else out there.

It's very opinionated and some people hate the reviews as a result, but in broad terms nothing else come close.
I was totally in love with Next Gen, starting with issue 1. Then around issue 8 when they proclaimed the PlayStation as the greatest thing every about six months into it's life span, I began noticing cracks. Then just six issues or so later when they admitted that the PSone might be on it's way to be "the next 2600" I knew there was something up. And then there was that Blasto cover...


FortNinety said:
Then just six issues or so later when they admitted that the PSone might be on it's way to be "the next 2600" I knew there was something up.
But weren't they right?
"You almost dodged Sven's rocket."
Q U A D D A M A G E ! ! !

s u b s c r i b e d. gotty. guess i'll get them in the mail in a month or two. I'll enjoy with with the coffee I drink and cigarettes i don't smoke..... well, most of the time.

I'm definitly buying some more magazine holders/organizers for my bookshelf. I've got all my NextGen/NextGeneration there, PC Accelerator, and other stuff, but the older mags that I never read are most likley going into tuppaware containers w/ ceder chips. Eventually, I'll have a house with a great library. Hopefully I'll enjoy Edge enough to start collecting them. ^_^
Just for love...a classic scan.



Old issues of Next Generation are my favorite bathroom reading material. I love that mag.

(hated NextGen, though...shadow of it's former self)

You're breaking my heart, Sonic. Now I'm gonna have to pull those boxes out from under my bed and pull out all my old Next Generations.

Next Generation >>>>>>>>>> NextGen

Absolutely. NextGen was trash. I didn't like it mostly because of the greatness that it used to be.

But weren't they right?

I was gonna say the same thing. Their seemingly biased opinion towards the PSX wasn't without it's merits. They were right about it being the next 2600, although, in retrospect, that may have been an understatement.
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