Gold Member
The swinging is of course a big bonus spider-man has, but it bothered me that it felt so... assisted / automated. It really looks gorgeous for sure, they did an amazing job with the animation, but the fact that there's no risk at all, that it will always work out perfectly, makes it feel less rewarding, there's not as much sensation as there could be.
This video here is pretty good about this subject
One of the things that bother me the most is also that you can clearly feel / see that Spider-Man starts to move / swing, before the web actually attached to anything.
I actually recorded a little clip about this when playing the game on PC, to show a friend :
You can clearly see that spider-man will starts getting speed without any actual swinging / physical interaction from the web, you can even let go the trigger before shooting the web, to cancel it, and see the acceleration being there anyway.
These things made the web swinging in this game more "boring" for me. It's still really fun, don't get me wrong, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it allowed for a more manual / physical simulation mode, where you could experience things by yourself, try to see what's possible or not, and have the web swinging always feeling new because you're actually doing stuff on your own, cosntantly experimenting with it, instead of following a script.
I do agree that the swinging is a bit too automated and "assisted", you never have quite as much manual control as you did in SM2. And I don't like that you can't hold on to a web for as long as you want (Spidey automatically lets go of it). But once you get over that and play the game the way it wants to be played, it looks and feels so great. The "flow" you can achieve in that game by combining swinging, zipping and jumping off zip points, is just absolutely awesome, in a way the more physically accurate swinging in SM2 could never really live up to.
The swing starting before the web has actually attached to anything bothered me when I first saw it before the game released, but I think overall it's probably for the better since it makes the swinging more responsive. If it weren't like that, there would be a delay before you started swinging every time, which while more realistic probably wouldn't have felt as good. Or, alternatively, they would have had to make the webs attach instantly instead of visibly travelling out from his hand, which would have looked worse.
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