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Elephant kills its hunter

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No selfie with the corpse?

The mental image of a elephant taking such a crude selfie. Holy moly.



No problem. Glad we live in a society where you can wish for a painful, agonizing death of someone just because you don't like them.

Truly we are progressive.

Oh those poor ivory hunters, what did they ever do to deserve being hated!?

Wishing death is maybe a bit much, but people like that definitely deserve prison time at the least. If you want civilized society, people like that don't belong in it.


Oh those poor ivory hunters, what did they ever do to deserve being hated!?

Wishing death is maybe a bit much, but people like that definitely deserve prison time at the least.

Have you read any of the information? Because people are assuming that are A) Poachers or B) Ivory hunters that were doing something illegal.

Neither of those things are indicated by current information.

Sure, prison time for true criminals, but as you said- wishing for their deaths is more than a bit much.


Have you read any of the information? Because people are assuming that are A) Poachers or B) Ivory hunters that were doing something illegal.

Neither of those things are indicated by current information.

Sure, prison time for true criminals, but as you said- wishing for their deaths is more than a bit much.

Makes me laugh how a lot of these people probably charge into other threads and shout "These people are barbaric." Especially ones about the death penalty.


maybe the hunters should take cues from civilized society and construct an industry of efficiently breeding, slaughtering, and farming the elephants for their ivory tusks and then it will truly be socially acceptable


Should be illegal and I am not shedding a single tear here. You want to hunt big game, big game has the right to fight back too.

I remember reading somewhere that elephants have attacked villages after a member of the herd is killed. There was one case in India where an elephant was killed by a train and the elephants attacked a village.

Elephants are smart and they will attack if there is a perceived danger and humans are a great danger.


No problem. Glad we live in a society where you can wish for a painful, agonizing death of someone just because you don't like them.

Truly we are progressive.

those poor ivory hunters, killing off one of the most intelligent and endangered animals on the planet for its bone.



those poor ivory hunters, killing off one of the most intelligent and endangered animals on the planet for its bone.

You're willfully ignoring some additional information regarding this incident that was posted by Leunam. Whether you believe it or not, it's better to actually sort through it first than taking everything at face value, but whatever works best for ya.

And yeah, sue me, I don't celebrate people dying, regardless of whether I agree with their practice. And I don't agree with this practice.
I understand if people don't care, I even understand if people here can't feel sympathy...but I can't believe that some people here are genuinely happy about (and celebrating) someone's death.
Some posts...this thread is scary.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Elephants are smart as fuck and have way better memories than humans. They are also one of the few species, like ours, that struggle with mental illness, social anxiety, and depression.


I understand if people don't care, I even understand if people here can't feel sympathy...but I can't believe that some people here are genuinely happy about (and celebrating) someone's death.
Some posts...this thread is scary.

That is not the point.

The point is you are an armed individual going out your way to kill another animal, and not even because you have a family to feed with its meat. At that point it's fair game if the animal fights back and kills you.


I'm sure the people in this thread saying that the lives of humans and non-humans have equal worth are all vegetarians who campaign against killing any animal.


Kind of a interesting situation. No surprise that people here show no sympathy for the hunter since on its surface hunting elephants seems like such a shitty thing to do. I can't blame them. But I read another article that goes into a little more detail:


Supposedly they were tracking a lion first, but decided to get a look at this elephant instead. Not sure if they're telling the truth. Shooting from ten yards at a charging Bull elephant with elevated levels of testosterone sounds terrifying.

The article also linked to this story about elephant population:


Sounds like controlling elephant populations is a monumental task and Zimbabwe in particular is having a hard time with it since one of their main sources of income for those operations (hunting) has diminished. Seems like donations aren't enough.

The whole ordeal comes off as nothing but difficult lesser-of-two-evil choices at every turn. Flourishing elephant populations in the wrong place means a spike in poacher operations as well. Lack of money means short staffed parks which also means less protection. I sure wouldn't want to be the one to make those decisions.

There's always a bit more to stories of "trophy hunting" but in my experiences here people are less likely to look at that perspective. I wish people were more willing to give it a real critical analysis the way they would other scientific research.

Uh oh, we can not have too many of them alive we will invite poachers...
No sympathy. What they mean to say is that Zymbabwe's main income is people coming is fascilitating hunting trips and safari trips.
Sadly just a blip in comparison to all of the killing that goes on.


Is this supposed to be a salient point? I don't think you understand the importance of intelligence.

Humans. It's not really an argument. You can make it circular (which it is) but then you're still ignoring the intelligence factor. You may as well say, if we're going by this logic, that gravity is worth even more or the sun is or convection currents are. Supply while valuable isn't more valuable than humans because we are discussing human society.
What intelligence factor? What does intelligence have anything to do with ones worth? And no I'm not discussing human society.


If you are out hunting animals and they kill you first... sorry, fair game.

That's why I leave my killing to my local butcher shop.

The risk is the point of these hunts. Lol at posts recommending comfy video games in air conditioned, secure houses as a substitute.

Also lol at moralist idealism arguments. Lol at "well the government can spend more money." Just lol in general. I love elephants, but understand the difference between hunting as an effort of conservation to hunting is the equivalent of poaching in terms of destructibility. At some point, we have to recognize necessary evils and move on.

Oh yeah, one last lol for everyone in here that can't comprehend complex issues require concessions in order to conform to the rules of a complex world. Because of the struggling hunting economy, 36 juvenile elephants will be misplaced from their families for sale. Imagine if your little brother was kidnapped without a trace overnight. That decision right there is what the people who love the elephants the most had to make because what other choice do they have?

The question now becomes, what is the value between a live elephant for captivity or a vacation for rich Americans that's comes with a single trophy set of elephant tusks. I would be willing to bet a rich American contributes more to that economy by killing one (often old male) elephant does compared to misplacing 5 juvenile elephants from their families.


I'm sure the people in this thread saying that the lives of humans and non-humans have equal worth are all vegetarians who campaign against killing any animal.
Or maybe some people realize that shockingly, humans aren't gods gift to the world and don't have any inherent right to live or kill more than any other animal
What intelligence factor? What does intelligence have anything to do with ones worth? And no I'm not discussing human society.

Humans are far more intelligent than animals. Some animals possess great memories like elephants and what not, but they're still very basic and are unable to utilize what they have. Humans have the capacity to utilize their intelligence.

Their worth is their contribution to human society. You can say you're not discussing human society then you're just trying to hamstring this discussion so it sways in your favor. Humans are selfish. We won't put an elephant above us or any other animal that isn't human. We can protect them from our industrial damage but at the end of the day they aren't on the same level as us so it's absurd to say they're worth the same as us.

Edit: the only animal that would be on our same level is one that can utilize their intelligence outside of basic survival functions like hiding in a whole or using a rock to break an acorn, etc is aliens that are capable of thinking and acting on our level or higher. No other life form on earth comes close to us.


Humans are far more intelligent than animals. Some animals possess great memories like elephants and what not, but they're still very basic and are unable to utilize what they have. Humans have the capacity to utilize their intelligence.

Their worth is their contribution to human society. You can say you're not discussing human society then you're just trying to hamstring this discussion so it sways in your favor. Humans are selfish. We won't put an elephant above us or any other animal that isn't human. We can protect them from our industrial damage but at the end of the day they aren't on the same level as us so it's absurd to say they're worth the same as us.

Edit: the only animal that would be on our same level is one that can utilize their intelligence outside of basic survival functions like hiding in a whole or using a rock to break an acorn, etc is aliens that are capable of thinking and acting on our level or higher. No other life form on earth comes close to us.
As thought provoking as this reasoning is I don't think I'll respond any further. Thanks.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Humans are far more intelligent than animals. Some animals possess great memories like elephants and what not, but they're still very basic and are unable to utilize what they have. Humans have the capacity to utilize their intelligence.

Their worth is their contribution to human society. You can say you're not discussing human society then you're just trying to hamstring this discussion so it sways in your favor. Humans are selfish. We won't put an elephant above us or any other animal that isn't human. We can protect them from our industrial damage but at the end of the day they aren't on the same level as us so it's absurd to say they're worth the same as us.

Edit: the only animal that would be on our same level is one that can utilize their intelligence outside of basic survival functions like hiding in a whole or using a rock to break an acorn, etc is aliens that are capable of thinking and acting on our level or higher. No other life form on earth comes close to us.



In this thread: ignorant gaffers who don't understand how these paid hunts (it seems like they were not even hunting this particular young elephant) help prevent illegal poachers. Oh and also people arguing an elephant life is just as important as a humans. Never change.


Or maybe some people realize that shockingly, humans aren't gods gift to the world and don't have any inherent right to live or kill more than any other animal

This is funny and scary simultaneously.

In this thread: ignorant gaffers who don't understand how these paid hunts (it seems like they were not even hunting this particular young elephant) help prevent illegal poachers. Oh and also people arguing an elephant life is just as important as a humans. Never change.

Yep. Knee-jerk emotional responses are more fun though, even though we all harp on critical thinking and rationality whenever possible.


I'm sorry elephant life isn't as a important as human life.

Show some species solidarity.

That said I'm for wildlife conservation and this hunt seemed legal.


Or maybe some people realize that shockingly, humans aren't gods gift to the world and don't have any inherent right to live or kill more than any other animal

Sooo... in accordance with this realization, you're a vegetarian and you campaign for animals to have the same legal rights as human beings, yes?


I'm ok with this. I will never be on a side of someone killing exotic animals for sport, or selling whatever they are trying to get, in this case I guess ivory.


In this thread: ignorant gaffers who don't understand how these paid hunts (it seems like they were not even hunting this particular young elephant) help prevent illegal poachers. Oh and also people arguing an elephant life is just as important as a humans. Never change.
Sure. You're doing that elephant a huge favor by making sure its killed via a paid hunt versus illegally. I'm sure it has the up most respect for the law so it works out.


poachers kill a lot more than the handful of older elephants than legal hunts do. Come on, dude.

Lesser of two evils, is still evil. You're still fueling the supply demand chain of ivory. If all poachers became hunters, it wouldn't be any different tbh.

To me this is no different than hunting whales or dolphins.


Sure. You're doing that elephant a huge favor by making sure its killed via a paid hunt versus illegally. I'm sure it has the up most respect for the law so it works out.

You understand the issue is conserving an entire species of elephants right?


Isn't part of the reason these guys go hunting the thrill? The danger? The chance they'll lose control of their OP situation and end up losing?

I wish this happens more often. It might be a legal cull, but the culling is done as a direct result of the elephants being displaced from thier huge ancestral ranges. They usually leave an area alone for decades to let it naturally recover once they have done eating in them without respect to National Park borders, so many are stuck in thier respective 'enclosures' and using up the resources of a particular area.

In my eyes, if you aren't hunting with just a spear, it should be illegal.
If you are out hunting animals and they kill you first... sorry, fair game.

That's why I leave my killing to my local butcher shop.

I mean they knew the risks. If they were poaching then fuck em. If they were on a legit hunt then that sucks but they knew what they signed up for.
So were they planning on killing the animal, or did they just want to observe it and its ivory? Article wasn't terribly clear to me.

They need to kill the Elephant in order to get the Ivory. I don't know exactly how that works, but if it wasn't a risky job it wouldn't pay as much. Guy got what was coming to him.


Have you read any of the information? Because people are assuming that are A) Poachers or B) Ivory hunters that were doing something illegal.

Neither of those things are indicated by current information.

Has absolutely nothing to do with legality lmao

Imagine basing your morals around the law
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