She doesn't have anything better to do as Senator?
Playing the victim card again, I see.
Worry about the deficit, Senator. Or the fact your own party thinks you're terrible for the role of RSCC.
:lol :lol
But the most disturbing affiliation between the Democratic leadership and the radical left was reported last week by Congress Daily. They reported that Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid "has worked closely with liberal internet community sites like and his office is "in near daily contact with Kos."
To illustrate what stands for and who they represent, here's what the founder and head of the site had to say about the four Americans who were brutally murdered on the streets of Fallujah, Iraq, before their bodies were dismembered and dragged through the streets: "I feel nothing over the death of mercenaries [sic]. They aren't in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. [Expletive] them."
In addition to mercilessly attacking President Reagan the day he passed away, the DailyKos also claims that "the French are right," calls the people who work at the Pentagon "idiots," labels Colin Powell "a liar," and describes the President as "a moron." The site also claims "there is no such thing as partial birth abortion." And when referring to casualties in Iraq, the site charges that "the American people don't seem to care anymore."
The fact that Senator Reid's office would even casually associate with this group is extremely disturbing, but the fact that his office "is in near daily contact" with this group is utterly reprehensible. The angry liberal left has officially taken over the Democratic Party. Their leadership has waved the white flag and surrendered the party to the most hateful, vitriolic, and extremist political elements in the country. So as the Democrats continue to do everything in their power to obstruct the President's agenda at every turn, they are being driven by a clear agenda. Their orders have been handed down by the extreme liberal special interest groups, and the Democratic leadership is obeying by marching in lockstep.
With warmest best wishes,
Elizabeth Dole
Playing the victim card again, I see.
Worry about the deficit, Senator. Or the fact your own party thinks you're terrible for the role of RSCC.
:lol :lol