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Endless Space |Intel Thread| 4X Space Strategy by ex-Ubi/EA devs



I'm always the first out! Should I be concentrating on aggressive expansion / planet improvements / ships / weapons?


How do I traverse those weird dust trails between systems?

i think you have to research "wormhole travel" or something like that....

in tech tree in the branch that goes down.

Is a diplomatic win in this game possible or is it like Warlock?

i think there is.
when you start a new game,when you select what victories are available,it should be there and with a mouse-over it should display what you need to do to win i think


About the tech tree, this may sound like a stupid question,but is there any way to scroll it (like scrolling through the map.)


About the tech tree, this may sound like a stupid question,but is there any way to scroll it (like scrolling through the map.)

what do you mean?

you can zoom in-out with the mouse wheel.it will zoom to the mouse pointer and then to all directions with hold the mouse button i think...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I haven't really played since the alpha, so I wouldn't get burned out on it. I'm really excited to see how the game has improved since then. This is going to be great!


what do you mean?

you can zoom in-out with the mouse wheel.it will zoom to the mouse pointer and then to all directions with hold the mouse button i think...

Really? I thought I tried that, but maybe I'm just an idiot (the latter thing, I mean.) I mean, that definitely works on the compaign map, but didn't seem to be working in the tech tree.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Really? I thought I tried that, but maybe I'm just an idiot (the latter thing, I mean.) I mean, that definitely works on the compaign map, but didn't seem to be working in the tech tree.

You can most definitely do that.


Really? I thought I tried that, but maybe I'm just an idiot (the latter thing, I mean.) I mean, that definitely works on the compaign map, but didn't seem to be working in the tech tree.

you should be able to zoom and read not only the description of the tech but mouse-over the things that it allows you to built/do and see details.....


Neo Member
I was really interested in this. However, since Steams Offline seems to be borked right now, I think I am going to have to pass. At least until Valve fixes this crap. Pisses me off. I can't play Skyrim or any of my single player games. Got to love not being able to play a single player game that I purchased.


I was really interested in this. However, since Steams Offline seems to be borked right now, I think I am going to have to pass. At least until Valve fixes this crap. Pisses me off. I can't play Skyrim or any of my single player games. Got to love not being able to play a single player game that I purchased.

well i got since its a no-brainer if you like moo or similar....

i don't know any other turn-based space 4x releasing this year,so it didn't even needed to be good to get it :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I was really interested in this. However, since Steams Offline seems to be borked right now, I think I am going to have to pass. At least until Valve fixes this crap. Pisses me off. I can't play Skyrim or any of my single player games. Got to love not being able to play a single player game that I purchased.

*goes away*

*starts steam in offline mode*

*Plays Beat Hazard, Bit Trip Beat & SpaceChem*

*starts steam in online mode*

*comes back*

well i got since its a no-brainer if you like moo or similar....

i don't know any other turn-based space 4x releasing this year,so it didn't even needed to be good to get it :)

If you havent played it yet, consider getting GalCiv2 :)


Neo Member
*goes away*

*starts steam in offline mode*

*Plays Beat Hazard, Bit Trip Beat & SpaceChem*

*starts steam in online mode*

*comes back*

It seems to only be effecting certain people. I am one of the people it has stopped working for. It tells me that I don't have my account information stored on my computer or something close to that. I did a complete reinstall and it still says that. This is the first time I have had problems with Steam but I think I am done with games that use this online DRM crap. Sucks because I was going to get a few games, including this one, through Steam but not now.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
It seems to only be effecting certain people. I am one of the people it has stopped working for. It tells me that I don't have my account information stored on my computer or something close to that. I did a complete reinstall and it still says that. This is the first time I have had problems with Steam but I think I am done with games that use this online DRM crap. Sucks because I was going to get a few games, including this one, through Steam but not now.

Contacted Steam Support? I know, I know, but still worth a try I guess.


Neo Member
Contacted Steam Support? I know, I know, but still worth a try I guess.

Getting a hold of them is like trying to pull teeth from a newborn. They just are not there. Anyway, I don't want to plague this thread with my recent hate for Steam. All have fun. Maybe I will get the retail, if they release one, and it doesn't require a connection to Steam.


It seems to only be effecting certain people. I am one of the people it has stopped working for. It tells me that I don't have my account information stored on my computer or something close to that. I did a complete reinstall and it still says that. This is the first time I have had problems with Steam but I think I am done with games that use this online DRM crap. Sucks because I was going to get a few games, including this one, through Steam but not now.
Did it work for you in the past? Stupid question, but I assume you have the option checked to save your account information on your computer?

It was supposedly just fixed again to some degree this afternoon.
Bought this game today and it seriously feels like the sequel Master of Orion 2 never got. Biggest surprise of the year thus far, loving it after a few multiplayer early-game matches. Interface is much better than other recent space 4X games.
Anybody have any links to gameplay videos or quicklooks? I've never played a 4x Space Strategy game before so I kindof have no idea what the hell this really is.

But its in space, and that always tickles my cockles.


Hmm. Been playing a bit today and there are some things I haven't grasped entirely:

First of all, apparently you can equip several pieces of support, armor and weapons on a ship, is this recommended? Is there a point in mixing different tiers of, as an example, beam weapons? And how much MP would you argue is decent for an early game fighter ship?

Is it really wise to go down the galactic warfare tree before having done research in the exploration tree? Seems like you'd need some of those ship modules before you could get the most out of the Warfare tree (or is the basic fighter ship sufficient for most of the game?) + the worm hole travelling seems key if you are ever going to find an opponent.

Also should I use my first colony ship to populate my homeworld or use it for expansion?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
How do I build a new ship version?

I seem to have researched it, but I can't build them?

How do I modify ship builds?

Modify button is in the bottom right of the ship design screen. You can also retrofit existing ships to the newer version on the fleet screen as well.
How do I build a new ship version?

I seem to have researched it, but I can't build them?

How do I modify ship builds?

And also, you need to "add" the freshly researched ship design to the fleet pool and then save a variant before it'll appear in the construction options in a system.


Six hours in and after some initial difficulty getting around the game's features I'm having a blast, even though I'm generally not a fan of the strategy genre. Its soundtrack is also brilliant.

For anyone on the fence, Greenmangaming currently has everything 25% off so you can pick it up for 22,50 and it activates on Steam.
Also should I use my first colony ship to populate my homeworld or use it for expansion?

That's really tough to say at this point - still learning. But as of now I would think it's better to expand within your own system, assuming there's a nice enough planet. That way you get more benefit out of system upgrades and Heroes.

But also know you don't need to use a colony ship to expand in a system you already inhabit. Just click on the new planet you do want to colonize, and then on the left there's a button to 'colonize'. I believe it takes one population from your current planet though.


How hard is this game for someone with not a lot of RTS experience?

I played some Civ, but that's about it.


Anyone that experienced the dreaded stuck at loading screen when playing multiplayer during the beta notice if it still happens?


Black Canada Mafia
Been playing this game like -crazy- and I have yet to win a single game - against the normal computer. I will get soooo damn close, where I will essentially be rocking the scoreboard nonstop, then suddenly people start getting jelly and fucking... invading me in unison or something. Goddamn.

edit: I am finally getting the hang of it though, my first 5 games were soooo poorly managed.

Now I am thinking of particular strategies, I made my own class too. I need to also start making more money I think... after 100 turns in my last game, I was sitting at 500, I could have made more but I was too attached to my low tax rate. But had I had more, I would have been able to retrofit all my old ships and defended a lot better.

Also, I realize now how... essential guarding wormhole entrances is.


How hard is this game for someone with not a lot of RTS experience?

I played some Civ, but that's about it.

if you liked civ(and not only played it a bit) its like that but in space i guess...

now if you are not into strategy i don't know if you should buy....


Been playing this game like -crazy- and I have yet to win a single game - against the normal computer. I will get soooo damn close, where I will essentially be rocking the scoreboard nonstop, then suddenly people start getting jelly and fucking... invading me in unison or something. Goddamn.

So is the AI basically a backstabbing douche, or is there anything resembling permanent alliances etc?


That sort of thing only works if you're the space equivalent of the big bully, otherwise it's probably best to have friends. :p
So is the AI basically a backstabbing douche, or is there anything resembling permanent alliances etc?

The AI seems much less schizo than Civ. There are different levels of diplomacy, and it takes logical steps up and down as the game progresses (and it will tell you why the relationship changed). It doesn't go from Friendly to WAAAAAR! like in Civ V.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
The AI seems much less schizo than Civ. There are different levels of diplomacy, and it takes logical steps up and down as the game progresses (and it will tell you why the relationship changed). It doesn't go from Friendly to WAAAAAR! like in Civ V.

Good. I absolutely hate that about Civ 5. It's the number one thing about the game that pisses me off, damn schizo AI.

Yep, this is a game I am going to have to buy, the more I read the more I like it...
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