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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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In my personal opinion:

Kira Kira > Deardrops > Edelweiss

I'm at classes so I can't explain in detail why, but. I'll do so later tonight Maybe I'm a little bit biased towards Kira Kira, since it was their first (readable in a coherent English) title that I read, but the reason why I liked it so much is because it was a great slice-of-life story abou how the characters managed to form a music band and stayed together in good and bad times. Also, Kirari Normal End is powerful stuff. That is all. Shame I forgot the last phrase of this one, since it is pretty badass and wanted to quote it (under spoilers, of course :p) The only complain I have about this title is the art style; those ears, yikes.

Deardrops... It's pretty good, but it suffers from being a follow-up of Kira Kira, so comparisons are inevitable, especially since both titles deal with music, plus some of the routes are very weak (Still salty about Rimu's route being a trainwreck). Still, a very good title in its own merits, plus, the art is miles better than the former.

Edelweiss is a very good comedy game, but tbh, for me the characters were somewhat forgettable. Also, a recommendation: play both this one and the Fan-Disc, since it is essentially an expansion pack with two (three?) extra routes.

I'll give kk and dd a shot. Thanks.


So... I'm reading through the partial patch of MuvLuv Altered Fable.

It's decent. Kind of amusing at some points and overalll I'm liking it more than Extra, but that wasn't so hard to achieve. Still, I'm enjoying it, seeing how it builds from the very ending of Alternative, something that I wanted to see.

One thing that I've noticed, though, is that it has a lot of little references to Alternative spread through the dialogue. One of my favorites definitely has to be the reference that Takeru makes about Sumika's ribbon and its
effects on her.

I still haven't finished it, but so far I'm liking it enough to recommend it if you're a fan of the series and like slice-of-life stories. Now, to think if I should get Alternative Chronicles 01 and use the translation patch for it. There's the small possibility that it was machine-translated, but my source for that is /jp/, not exactly the best of sources seeing how they hate almost every single translator that pops up.

EDIT: One thing that seriously needs to be seen to believe it it's the 24 parody. :lol :lol :lol
So I recently got three VNs to play through my summer vacation.

  • Chaos;Head
  • G-senjou no Maou
  • Remember11

All three are similar to Steins;Gate, Ever 17 & Umineko so I had to try them out. I enjoyed all three of those immensely, taking that into account, which should I play through first?


So I recently got three VNs to play through my summer vacation.

  • Chaos;Head
  • G-senjou no Maou
  • Remember11

All three are similar to Steins;Gate, Ever 17 & Umineko so I had to try them out. I enjoyed all three of those immensely, taking that into account, which should I play through first?

Of those three I would go with G-senjou... but since I sadly lack info on R11 (I don't plan on reading it), I can't help you to decide properly, . Sorry.


Started Swan Song. Still only in the prologue, but I'm already kind of bored. I imagine this gets much better as it goes?

Yes, it gets a lot better. Sometimes it can be a bit long winded, but it's definitely worth it. It became my favourite VN after playing through it in January.


Finished Kikokugai over the last two days. It was like three hours long. Pretty entertaining. A cyberpunk-wuxia thingamajig by Gen Urobuchi, its biggest flaw is that it's written by Gen Urobuchi, and so there's some gross shit that really didn't belong in there. He really needs the constraint of writing for TV.

But it's paced well and the action was fun to read, supported by a surprising amount of art. Fun stuff.


So I finished the Infinity series lately (Never 7, Ever 17, and Remember 11), and I really enjoy that sort of VN. So, other than the ones I've played (Infinity series, Phoenix Wrght Series, Zero Escape series, first Danganronpa), I was wondering if anyone would have any other VNs like those to suggest (as in, story centric ones that are not about dating/fanservice)?
So I finished the Infinity series lately (Never 7, Ever 17, and Remember 11), and I really enjoy that sort of VN. So, other than the ones I've played (Infinity series, Phoenix Wrght Series, Zero Escape series, first Danganronpa), I was wondering if anyone would have any other VNs like those to suggest (as in, story centric ones that are not about dating/fanservice)?

Science Adventure series. Only Steins;Gate (the second game) has been officially localized at this point, though Chaos;Head (the first game) has a fan translation patch. The games are fairly unrelated (like the Infinity series) minus a few nods, so it's safe to play out of order. If I were you, at this point I'd start with Steins;Gate and wait to see if there's any more localization news for the series. The PC version of Chaos;Head is a bit bare-bones as far as visual novels go; the director's cut Chaos;Head Noah (on all other systems) adds more routes and generally improves, but it hasn't been translated yet.
It's been heavily implied that one of the translators for Steins;Gate is working on it in some capacity.


So I finished the Infinity series lately (Never 7, Ever 17, and Remember 11), and I really enjoy that sort of VN. So, other than the ones I've played (Infinity series, Phoenix Wrght Series, Zero Escape series, first Danganronpa), I was wondering if anyone would have any other VNs like those to suggest (as in, story centric ones that are not about dating/fanservice)?

Thing is, it's hard to find a VN that doesn't have some sort of fanservice/dating element to it. I mean Never 7 and even Ever 17 have, to a certain degree, dating elements. I'd say check out the Hotel Dusk games. I have not played them myself, but I don't think any of the two games have dating elements in it. Phenomeno is also a game without any of the two, but it's very short, you can complete it in one evening (I highly recommend this one).

For the other suggestions I have, all of them have some form of fanservice (Hentai-scenes). But I guess you just have to bite through it. Kara No Shoujo and Swan Song have H-scenes, but it doesn't revolve around them, they kinda just happen at random. You could also try out Saya No Uta, but I think that one revolves a bit more around fanservice than the other games I mentioned.


Thing is, it's hard to find a VN that doesn't have some sort of fanservice/dating element to it. I mean Never 7 and even Ever 17 have, to a certain degree, dating elements. I'd say check out the Hotel Dusk games. I have not played them myself, but I don't think any of the two games have dating elements in it. Phenomeno is also a game without any of the two, but it's very short, you can complete it in one evening (I highly recommend this one).

For the other suggestions I have, all of them have some form of fanservice (Hentai-scenes). But I guess you just have to bite through it. Kara No Shoujo and Swan Song have H-scenes, but it doesn't revolve around them, they kinda just happen at random. You could also try out Saya No Uta, but I think that one revolves a bit more around fanservice than the other games I mentioned.
Well that's kind of the plot actually
In chapter 3 of Swan Song now and I do not like Tsukasa AT ALL. Is he going to be focused on the most, or does the rest of the group get their chance in the spotlight?

Also, how long is this? I'm still finding it kind of boring, but there's some things I'm curious about. I'm hoping the latter portions of the game are more intense.


Thing is, it's hard to find a VN that doesn't have some sort of fanservice/dating element to it. I mean Never 7 and even Ever 17 have, to a certain degree, dating elements. I'd say check out the Hotel Dusk games. I have not played them myself, but I don't think any of the two games have dating elements in it. Phenomeno is also a game without any of the two, but it's very short, you can complete it in one evening (I highly recommend this one).

For the other suggestions I have, all of them have some form of fanservice (Hentai-scenes). But I guess you just have to bite through it. Kara No Shoujo and Swan Song have H-scenes, but it doesn't revolve around them, they kinda just happen at random. You could also try out Saya No Uta, but I think that one revolves a bit more around fanservice than the other games I mentioned.

I guess what puts me off is when it becomes more fanservice than Visual Novel. The romance/dating is fine so long as its not the focus. Basically, so long as it avoids unnecessary almost porn for the most part and also avoids the which girl (or guy) do you prefer... Then its more along what I'm fine with.


In chapter 3 of Swan Song now and I do not like Tsukasa AT ALL. Is he going to be focused on the most, or does the rest of the group get their chance in the spotlight?

Also, how long is this? I'm still finding it kind of boring, but there's some things I'm curious about. I'm hoping the latter portions of the game are more intense.

I thought the game started to pick up a lot starting from 2-1. At that moment you change perspective to Kuwagata and Hibari from time to time and the game starts to focus a lot more on Kuwagata (almost more than Tsukasa).

I guess what puts me off is when it becomes more fanservice than Visual Novel. The romance/dating is fine so long as its not the focus. Basically, so long as it avoids unnecessary almost porn for the most part and also avoids the which girl (or guy) do you prefer... Then its more along what I'm fine with.

Oh, alright, then all the things recommended above should be fine :)


About to start Ever17. Should I follow a guide, or just roll with it? The save system looks like a pain to use.

I'd say go for one good ending before touching a guide. Basically, roll with whatever you want to say the first time through. After that, here's a good flowchart to follow (link)
About to start Ever17. Should I follow a guide, or just roll with it? The save system looks like a pain to use.

Like Theo said, go with your gut on the first playthrough. After that, use a guide. The non-true path portion of the game is way too boring to play any more than you need to.
Finished Swan Song the other night. Thought it was boring while playing it, but I've been thinking about it a lot. Maybe I liked the plot developments, but not the actual presentation or something? Guess it at least partially did its job.

Gotta say, I'm kind of eh on the direction they took Takuma.
Did they really need to turn the weak otaku guy into a crazy child-killing rapist? That's probably a decent way to piss off the target audience, which I guess is commendable in its own way. But seriously, dude was beyond brutal. Guess that was the point, what with the whole "disasters bring out the worst" in people thing. Him still being cast in a somewhat sympathetic light after all the shit he did was interesting, especially after his totally sympathetic introduction.

As conflicted as I am on it, it's one of the most disturbing instances of character development I have ever seen, which I guess is one of the reasons the VN is so lauded.


How many of them were $1 purchases in the various bundles the game was in though?
I don't think that counts as selling through Steam, though. The evidence does show that the exposure the game got on Steam did help to drive sales way up.
Was bored, so I decided to play Dustmania, a super short guro VN. I think the fact that I'm completely unfazed by
literal brain-fucking
is a clear indication I need to reevaluate my life. Ah well, at least I didn't find it arousing. Just hilarious.


In the last two weeks or so I've gone through three in-game days of Ever17. This is kind of a slog. Apparently those are the longest portions of the game, so I'll be slogging through the title this weekend.


The initial romantic routes? Yes, they're a massive slog, I sped through them after the first one I did. Didn't miss a thing in the true route so really, they're useless.
Question: This dai guy who did a lot of the music for Umineko, who is he and what else has he worked on? The man is a god when it comes to music.


Neo Member
For anyone who didn't catch the fallout, it's hard to get rid of things on the Internet, and Jack decided to release his full-patch to F/HA on Beast's Lair.

Keep in mind it hasn't been fully validated yet, so I guess if you're a patient person you might wait for it to be fully validated before using the patch. Hopefully this doesn't kill all hope of them trying to work on a validated patch.

If you really need the link to it, here
For anyone who didn't catch the fallout, it's hard to get rid of things on the Internet, and Jack decided to release his full-patch to F/HA on Beast's Lair.

Keep in mind it hasn't been fully validated yet, so I guess if you're a patient person you might wait for it to be fully validated before using the patch. Hopefully this doesn't kill all hope of them trying to work on a validated patch.

If you really need the link to it, here

So are most of the unvalidated parts machine translated messes?

This whole project is such a clusterfuck, haha.


For anyone who didn't catch the fallout, it's hard to get rid of things on the Internet, and Jack decided to release his full-patch to F/HA on Beast's Lair.

Keep in mind it hasn't been fully validated yet, so I guess if you're a patient person you might wait for it to be fully validated before using the patch. Hopefully this doesn't kill all hope of them trying to work on a validated patch.

If you really need the link to it, here

Uh... what the hell happened? xD I feel like I need to read the whole thing, haha

EDIT: Nevermind, lol

Also, what the hell, will read as is. As it stands, most of the story scenes should be properly translated


Neo Member
I have no rush so I'll wait, hopefully the news of the release should help the validation progress a bit.

It seems like they're trying to get the validation done as quickly as possible, so there's hope there. Reading through the thread while it was happening was amazing, god bless gamecreator.
But it does suck for Jack, and hopefully this doesn't kill the project completely.


Neo Member
For anyone who is using Jack's FHA patch (the one I linked before), he found that it has a critical bug that causes it to crash at a certain scene.
I guess that would mean if you can find gamecreator's patch, use that, or else wait until tlwiki get the next validated patch out, which seems to be happening sometime soon.
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