Reasons: The 163 games I have bought on Steam. The friends list I already have on Steam. The reliability of knowing if I buy a game on Steam it's going to be around in the future. Has Epic been around long enough to believe it's sustainable for the long term?
He's my #1 question with Epic. How sustainable is the money from Fortnite? How much of a shelf life does this game have before they need another Unicorn to make all their money for them? In their current practice of buying exclusives they're constantly dipping into their war chest while Steam is being the same consistent company they've always been.
Thank you for the explanation!
The friends list integration into upcoming games absolutely makes sense. The entire reason I have gone with Xbox instead of PS is due to this (certainly isn't based on exclusives). I understand the concern with the Epic store possibly being unable to sustain once the Fortnite Money has subsided a bit. Unfortunately, this is a risk for all store fronts. The reality is, by the time Epic's money dries up to that point, will you really be playing those games you purchased years ago. I'd imagine an Epic store decline would be a slow burn and something the public would clearly see coming. I can't imagine an overnight collapse directly following some big time releases. Exclusives will have probably dried up by that time assuming a lack of steady income to fund them.
That said, Steam is certainly the more stable platform. If I had a choice between the two (as a new addition to the PC master race) I would purchase from Steam. But who's to say Steam hasn't gotten too big for its britches? With all of this competition, and the fact that the Epic name goes hand in hand with the recent love affair of Fortnite, can Valve sustain? Can it continue to afford all of the work and money it takes to host game after game on its store if the cash flow takes a hit on some of the other killer IP's going exclusive to Epic? These are legitimate questions that cannot be honestly answered by you or me...
Now let's lay the Monopoly man to rest and let some of this competition shake up the market. Whoever offers me the best value and experience is where I will purchase my game. It will be on a game to game basis, as I have a grand total of two friends on my Steam List