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EQ2 NDA lifted



i honestly don't understand how anyone can play this game, considering how incredibly bland it looks. what sets this game apart from other mmorpgs?
epmode said:

i honestly don't understand how anyone can play this game, considering how incredibly bland it looks. what sets this game apart from other mmorpgs?
The fact that it has a rabid fanbase from EQ1. Dunno what people see in it though.


I'm in the beta and it's horrible. I can't believe they are going to force this out in November. Some zones suffer from lag so bad that you can't play. Barely any of the classes are finished and they all are missing spells and abilities. The art is horrible. While the graphics are technically great the art just drags it down. The player models are horrendous. The world lacks something that makes it seem alive. WoW makes you feel a part of the world very well while EQ2 just seems empty and fake. It's also very boring. It totally feels like a grind where as while playing WoW I never once felt like I was grinding. EQ 2 does have an improved quest system over the first one but it's not implemented nearly as well as WoW's is. Anyways, I am in the beta for both of these games and I have the collector's edition of WoW prebought and I cancelled my preorder of EQ2. If they launch in November it will be a repeat of SWG's launch.



Honestly. It plays quite differently from how you normally expect to play a MMO, so you kind of need to unlearn and re-evaluate how it works. And to me it is a great step forward.

The visuals are beautiful too! Screenshots doesn't make it justice.
nubbe said:

The visuals are beautiful too! Screenshots doesn't make it justice.

I'm in the beta and it's horrible.The art is horrible. While the graphics are technically great the art just drags it down. The player models are horrendous.

Well, that about wraps up this mystery....


Gold Member
hiryu said:
I'm in the beta and it's horrible. I can't believe they are going to force this out in November. Some zones suffer from lag so bad that you can't play. Barely any of the classes are finished and they all are missing spells and abilities. The art is horrible. While the graphics are technically great the art just drags it down. The player models are horrendous. The world lacks something that makes it seem alive. WoW makes you feel a part of the world very well while EQ2 just seems empty and fake. It's also very boring. It totally feels like a grind where as while playing WoW I never once felt like I was grinding. EQ 2 does have an improved quest system over the first one but it's not implemented nearly as well as WoW's is. Anyways, I am in the beta for both of these games and I have the collector's edition of WoW prebought and I cancelled my preorder of EQ2. If they launch in November it will be a repeat of SWG's launch.

Exactly EQII is bad, very bad, and SOE even knows it. The game is garbage. Combat is super boring and the game feels lifeless. Very buggy as well. That post said it best. There are also no plans for PvP in EQII.

However, one thing EQII has over the other MMORPGs is it's AWESOME crafting system. It completely and totally kills macros/botting in crafting. While crafting, your character can be distracted by things in the environment and you actually have to be there to continue working on what you're making. The way crafting works in the game is also very fun.

I have the betas of EQII, Jump to Lightspeed, WoW, and Matrix and honestly the only one I play when I'm not playing DAoC is Matrix.

Blizzard killed any fun I could have in WoW with their retarded implementation of its decay system. You can have an item decay system in your game without it turning the game into work, but the way its implemented WoW it makes the game into work and thus not fun. SWG also did item decay bad.

Jump to Lightspeed is great, and would be the best game ever made, if it wasn't tied to the still broken ground game. If Lucasarts does take over SWG and makes the massive change to ground combat like they are thinking of (real-time twitch combat on the ground just like in space), it'll be AWESOME.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I was hoping EQ2 would turn out great... it's disappointing to read this... but... it makes my decision to play WoW instead much easier. :)

ManaByte said:
Blizzard killed any fun I could have in WoW with their retarded implementation of its decay system. You can have an item decay system in your game without it turning the game into work, but the way its implemented WoW it makes the game into work and thus not fun. SWG also did item decay bad.

I guarentee it will go through a massive change in the patches ahead to the point where it's no big deal at all.


Junior Ace
I know I've asked this before, Mana, but do you have a job? Somehow you manage to put a lot of time into every MMO that exists. Or do you just not sleep?


Gold Member
MrAngryFace said:
World of Warcraft or Dark Age of Camelot

Yup. And DAoC has Catacombs in December that's another massive engine upgrade:




Plus it adds Vampires and Banshees as playable classes for Hibernia. Even though I'm Midgard, I'll definitely /level one of each on a different server.

MrAngryFace said:
then Mythic is making that other MMORPG set in the future.

It's called Imperator and it's looking pretty good so far.

Bog said:
I know I've asked this before, Mana, but do you have a job? Somehow you manage to put a lot of time into every MMO that exists. Or do you just not sleep?

Beta tests are free. I only pay for DAoC.


EQ2 isn't anything like SWG. EQ2 has tons of content and quests for all levels.

It plays very well too. You have dungeons to explore and solo mobs. The way you progress feels extremely smooth. You hardly ever sit in one spot and camp. You rather progress by doing quest and moving around and thus never really feeling boredom of doing anything repetitive as in current MMOs.
You can camp in one spot and do pull but that is highly inefficient... and dull.
EQ2 is even designed so you don't need to sit to regenerate health or mana, you do that on the go to keep it more action oriented.
You get spells and abilities as you level, you don't need to run to a trainer to get them. But you need to get skill books as loot or buy from artisans for the abilities/spells to become efficient.

There are currently some bugs and tweaks which needs to be addressed, but EQ2 is hardly in such as condition as SWG was… SWG is still broken a year after its release, it has had next to all of its mechanics redesigned… and will be even more of that soon.
The mechanics in EQ2 is working very well and makes encounters and content very enjoyable. It doesn't play like EQ, FFXI or such and thus might turn off some old school people, but it is taking MMOs in a new direction, making them much more balanced, faster and more enjoyable.


Gold Member
It doesn't play like EQ, FFXI or such and thus might turn off some old school people, but it is taking MMOs in a new direction, making them much more balanced, faster and more enjoyable.

My friend pawned off his EQ beta account on me, and then laughed at me for wasting time on it. I did the same to another friend. Everyone who has had the EQ2 account returns to WoW promptly. WoW > EQ2. EQ2 stinks like ass.

Class archetypes are all carbon copies of each other. With less than a handfull of spells or skills separating each archetype. SOE decided to take the cheap way out and make none of the archetypes unique, so they could run with the 24 balanced classes PR. Really, you're left with only 5 or so classes in the end. Only drastically different archetypes in the game are the Bard and Enchanter. Also, you never get to look forward to new skills at higher levels. All you get to look forward to are the same exact skills, but this time with a marginal damage upgrade. Nothing new to look forward to at all skill wise. As for the gameplay... I found it a bit broken. AOE taunt and AOE dd are the best way of killing everything. A tank, a cleric, and the rest mages is the best group. And there is no juggling rage/combo points for melee classes like for the Warrior and Rogue in WoW. Skills are basically there so you have to constantly sit there and mash keys. SOE made the rest of the game retard proof, so they might as well make the skills automatic after you've done them once. That way I could have at least watched tv or do something fun during the fights. There is absolutely no skill to pulling anymore either. Everytime you pull the game lets you know exactly how many mobs will be coming blah blah blah. Sony made this game retard proof, and in doing so, has taken out the feeling of risk and excitement imo.

The graphics. Pushing a lot of polys... The environments look good despite the horrible plastic look of everything, although they do come off as feeling a bit dead, with little going on. The models are what look like complete ass. I don't even know how to explain it. Just look at screens... I can't put it into words. The graphics of half of the items people are wearing don't pop on screen until you're within a few feet of them. And mob animation is friggin' HORRIBLE during combat. Mobs twitch like epileptics until they are dead. Both of which are very distracting.

The sound. It's all good. Even a bunch of classic EQ sounds to find. But wait, NPC speech is fucking annoying! Everytime you run by a npc in town... UGH SHUT THE FUCK UP. It got to the point where I shut my speakers off when I went into town.

The game is also full of bugs and broken quests. Not near ready to be release, but hey, this is SOE we're talking about. I'm not going to play 6 months to a year on the promise that everything will be fixed. I refused to put up with an unfinished game/expansion packs, that are rushed to the market, like I did with EQ and Planetside. SOE can suck my balls.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
It's so sad to hear that the game sucks so bad :( But...

If anyone has an EQ2 account they feel they aren't going to touch anymore, please send it my way via PM or whatever. :) Even if it sucks I'd really really love to at least see what it's like, since I'm going to be buying WoW instead... and I feel like I need to at least experience it after spending 2 years of my life on EQ1. ;)

If anyone can it would be highly highly appreciated :D


Oh,shock, be saying this over year now. Both WoW and EQ2 are watered down fisher price mmorpgs. Vanguard is where its at.


Gold Member
madara said:
Oh,shock, be saying this over year now. Both WoW and EQ2 are watered down fisher price mmorpgs. Vanguard is where its at.

True. Technically, Vanguard is the real EverQuest II. SOE's EQII is just a marketing tool to further the brand name. Gameplay-wise, Vanguard is the true sequel.

Gen.Wedge said:

Guild Wars isn't a MMORPG. It's Diablo II in 3D with the lobby actually in-game as towns.


Tag of Excellence
So WoW is that much better huh? I'm pretty sad to hear this because I was hoping that EQ2 was going to be a huge jump for the MMO genre, I guess not. It was always split between WoW and EQ2 for me, I was really excited for either game.

Now I'm interested in Vanguard! Do you guys think it'll be better than WoW? If I'm going to play an MMO I don't plan on playing any other for atleast a year, that's why I'm asking.

To lead the next generation of massively multiplayer RPGs by using Sigil’s unparalleled expertise and experience in the field. Our team consists of original EverQuest team members, EverQuest expansion team members, as well as team members from EverQuest 2 and EverQuest Online Adventures (PS/2), and other MMOGs.
Ehhh wasn't that game terrible? Oh well, the core Everquest team is what interests me, nice to see they have the Verant runaways. Then again I see rampant hate for Brad McQuaid and he's one of people who founded that studio.

Anyone ever try out Meridian 59? I beta-tested that game for a few months when I was a kid, good fun!


Gold Member
TekunoRobby said:
So WoW is that much better huh? I'm pretty sad to hear this because I was hoping that EQ2 was going to be a huge jump for the MMO genre, I guess not. It was always split between WoW and EQ2 for me, I was really excited for either game.

Now I'm interested in Vanguard! Do you guys think it'll be better than WoW? If I'm going to play an MMO I don't plan on playing any other for atleast a year, that's why I'm asking.

Ehhh wasn't that game terrible? Oh well, the core Everquest team is what interests me, nice to see they have the Verant runaways. Then again I see rampant hate for Brad McQuaid and he's one of people who founded that studio.

Anyone ever try out Meridian 59? I beta-tested that game for a few months when I was a kid, good fun!

Most of the devs on EQOA used to be on EQ1. The EQOA people that quote is most likely referring to are Lawrence and Amanda Poe. They were old time EQ people who worked on EQOA before seeing that SOE was going to kill all development on the game, so they (and some other Verant veterans) went to join the rest at Sigil. Sigil has more former Verant people than SOE does now.

WoW is tooled for the mass-market making it extremely easy to get into. Vanguard is more extreme hardcore like old school EQ was.


Tag of Excellence
ManaByte said:
Sigil has more former Verant people than SOE does now.
Ha ha ha that's actually pretty funny.

Thanks for the reply ManaByte, I'm now looking foward to Vanguard the most. Sadly I missed out on the whole DAoC hysteria since I was playing EQ. :(


Neo Member
hiryu said:
I'm in the beta and it's horrible. I can't believe they are going to force this out in November. Some zones suffer from lag so bad that you can't play. Barely any of the classes are finished and they all are missing spells and abilities. The art is horrible. While the graphics are technically great the art just drags it down. The player models are horrendous. The world lacks something that makes it seem alive. WoW makes you feel a part of the world very well while EQ2 just seems empty and fake. It's also very boring. It totally feels like a grind where as while playing WoW I never once felt like I was grinding. EQ 2 does have an improved quest system over the first one but it's not implemented nearly as well as WoW's is. Anyways, I am in the beta for both of these games and I have the collector's edition of WoW prebought and I cancelled my preorder of EQ2. If they launch in November it will be a repeat of SWG's launch.

Give me a break with the Blizzard worship, WoW blows.


I actually didn't like Guild Wars too much when I played it over E3. The game engine felt a little sloppy and overall it just played too "loose" for me. The concept has potential and hopefully they can tighten up the gameplay by release, but it just didn't feel polished enough to me at the time. I realize it was only a test, but if its indicative of what's to come I probably won't play it.
madara said:
Oh,shock, be saying this over year now. Both WoW and EQ2 are watered down fisher price mmorpgs. Vanguard is where its at.

Actually, I'll disagree with you on WoW. I wouldn't call it watered down at all. WoW gives any type of player content. Doesn't matter if you're casual, or play your life away. And yeah, I've been psyched for Vanguard since it was announced. Brad McQuaid and The Vision™ finally return!!!


Give me a break with the Blizzard worship, WoW blows.

LOL, whatever. I've played in both closed betas. And it is easy for me to see that WoW is a much better game. EQ2 could maybe be a good game but it needs at least 6 more months of development. I've also played EQ for 4 years and was in one of the top guilds on my server before I quit. I've played every MMORPG that has been released and have beta tested most of them. WoW is what will get my money for at least the next year and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels the same.


ManaByte said:
I have the betas of EQII, Jump to Lightspeed, WoW, and Matrix and honestly the only one I play when I'm not playing DAoC is Matrix.

So where do you find time for your REAL life? You DO have one, don't you?


I wasnt planning on playing WoW but my best friend from home who I played DragonRealms with for a few years and EQ with for a few years has been beta testing it for awhile and had nothing but positive stuff to say about it.. he can't stop playing. I'll probably bite the bullet.
The only negative thing about WoW is that it will kill any hopes of me passing any of my classes next quarter.

I didn't really like it that much... then I left the night elf tree area (which was bland and boring) and saw the rest of the world. Beautiful.

Already preordered it.
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