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Er...anyone know what a black blister means?

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I developed a black blister on my big toe yesterday...Not sure why, although it may be colored from the black socks I was wearing. It seems that the black is under the skin...so yeah, I don't know. It just feels and looks like a blister, only with black in it.



...and yes, I'm probably going to contact a doctor tomorrow. :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
It's a blood blister dude,

I pop them because the blood can apparently go all stagnant in there, bad blood equals bad for you.


you can lance it yourself! sterilize a pin or a little pocketknife and proceed gently. wash it well and bandage because it will probably hurt like a bitch.


Fuck, no needles! No knives!

Tweezers it is, lads. If I don't make it back, carry on....carry on, as if nothing ever happened.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Matlock said:
Fuck, no needles! No knives!

Tweezers it is, lads. If I don't make it back, carry on....carry on, as if nothing ever happened.

If you meet Satan could you tell him I don't wanna go through with the deal anymore?


Well, that ordeal is over. Icing it down now...Didn't help that the first couple of sites I looked at mentioned it could be cancer.

'course, anything could be cancer. :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
y'know what scares me?

The possibility of a scientist discovering beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's masturbation that causes cancer.

Think about it.


Unconfirmed Member
You can further reduce your risk of prostate cancer by directly stimulating the prostate supposedly.

Think about it ;)

[EDIT: Winky the smiley is gone ? ;) ;) ... :(

[EDIT2: WTF we traded :( and ;) for :lol? This is truly a mixed blessing at best.






Dude, Everytime i think i have some kind of medical problem, ill look it up and i always get that "IT COULD BE CANCER!" bullshit. I hate that shit. Fuck the internet!
Blood, and in related news I seem to have thickened skin on the fingertips of my left hand and more thickened skin on my wrist near my wristbone.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I had one of these on the inside of my finger, and it just went away on its own (i think it got scraped off actually). It was *tiny*, though, and not very raised, so I just left it and it took care of itself.

And yes, self-diagnosis on the Internet is a whole world of hurt. Almost any symptoms can be linked to all manner of scary illnesses..
As far as I can tell, everything causes cancer including breathing, thinking and sleeping.

One more thing: Never get medical advice from the net. It will scare the crap out of you and it's almost always wrong.
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