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ESPN jabs back @ EA/Madden





Too bad that in real life, Lewis would tear off Owens' arm and beat him to death with it. Or at the very least, eat him.


It has TO stiff arming Ray Lewis to the ground. At the top it says Eagles 26 - Ravens 17, and in the very bottom right hand corner in small type it says Own3d!


They shoulda made a short GIF showing Ray Lewis running circles around T.O. with the ball in the air,woulda been alot better and been true to the game :D :D
Ramirez said:
They shoulda made a short GIF showing Ray Lewis running circles around T.O. with the ball in the air,woulda been alot better and been true to the game :D :D

You might just get what you wish for, EA spies are present


"Too bad that in real life, Lewis would tear off Owens' arm and beat him to death with it. Or at the very least, eat him."

The same man that was driven out of a play by Tod Pinkston?


I dont think so.


Enjoy that picture without any context Duce, it's the only way you can. Ray was downfield doing the job for the rest of his team, and his momentum helped Todd Pinkstuff push him out of it. Linebackers cover the middle of the field and the running backs, since Ray is such an amazing linebacker, he made it his goal to help his team in any area he could, therefore he was going after the WR.

edit: ^^ Is that how all you Eagles fans talk?


That 0wn3d is awesome
I don't think I've ever seen a game company say that to it's rival
Now I know a bunch of Maddenities are going to come in and say look who sold more, but I who cares. This is more funny than anything EA has done.


retardboy said:
That 0wn3d is awesome
I don't think I've ever seen a game company say that to it's rival
Now I know a bunch of Maddenities are going to come in and say look who sold more, but I who cares. This is more funny than anything EA has done.

You really live up to your name.


retardboy said:
I don't think I've ever seen a game company say that to it's rival

"Sega does what Nintendon't," "Seperate the men from the boys" (Game Gear ad), and that billboard Sega put up when the PS2 shortage hit.
Last time Sega did premature posturing, the Dreamcast died weeks later. VC will probably be bought out by EA and liquidized in two months.

But I think Madden fans, including myself, may be just a little sensitive. It doesn't matter how funny your attacks may be, the proof in the pudding is how many are sold, and how ineffective the price drops were to overall sales. This is like hurling rocks at a tank.

And take solace, ESPN fans, just look at the people in this thread defending your game, people who don't play ESPN, or even own it. Or worse, Eagles fans.


WasabiKing said:
Last time Sega did premature posturing, the Dreamcast died weeks later. VC will probably be bought out by EA and liquidized in two months.

But I think Madden fans, including myself, may be just a little sensitive. It doesn't matter how funny your attacks may be, the proof in the pudding is how many are sold, and how ineffective the price drops were to overall sales. This is like hurling rocks at a tank.

And take solace, ESPN fans, just look at the people in this thread defending your game, people who don't play ESPN, or even own it. Or worse, Eagles fans.

Madden whore. Sales mean good!1

Let's call T.O.!


Fifty said:
You really live up to your name.

Haha, yeah yeah... I've heard it a million times. Think of something new.

"Sega does what Nintendon't," "Seperate the men from the boys" (Game Gear ad), and that billboard Sega put up when the PS2 shortage hit.

I know... It just doesn't give the same impact as OWN3D! Although that billboard with the kid was pretty cute.


Grandma's Chippy
Since I know jack shit about football, I know jack shit about why this is funny....but hey, as long as it works for the rest of you...

Moving on now :)


Madden is averaging higher review scores and outselling ESPN by something like 2:1 within a week's time, even with ESPN at a bargain bin prices. I guess the only place Sega can claim "OWN3D" is in a fake photograph that is set somewhere besides reality =P


teepo said:
can someone please tell me how do i enable 16:9 on the ps2 version of nfl2k5.

You set your PS2 to 16:9/wide from the system settings menu. (boot the system without a game)


Nice, gotta love it...it's like the 16 bit days when all the companies used to take jabs at each other, now a days they kinda shy away from that...



VC should be the last one to talk about "owned." It's not only losing sales wise, but also in the reviews. I like the idea, though. Pretty funny.


Rorschach said:
VC should be the last one to talk about "owned." It's not only losing sales wise, but also in the reviews. I like the idea, though. Pretty funny.

Losing by 1% is barely losing in the reviews. :p
Good edit, border. And why does the "0wn3d" phrase have to necessarily refer to the battle between the videogames? Did the ESPN cover boys team not "own" the Madden cover boys team in that game? Just because they aren't outselling the competition they aren't allowed to root for their cover boy? Come on..lighten up everybody..


You know what? I don't give a crap about Madden. The GA poll has ESPN 2K5 as their favorite. GA picks ESPN, I pick ESPN. Its obvious the casual gamers that don't know better play Madden. Its obvious that the reviewers of Madden are BIASED. If I wanted to play Madden 2005, I could have just bought Madden 2002 for $10.

True Hardcore Gamers Play ESPN Football 2K5.

My opinion is fact!


Banstick Emeritus
I wish I could get into football as much as you guys do - I'd probably be more inclined to pick up both games and play them. As it is, ESPN came out first, it was cheap and I have fun with it, so it'll do for now.

Of course, when the NHL games come out, these "discussions" will look like a fart in a windstorm in comparison. :D


Sweet, you have an online copy of Madden 2002 HAOHMARU? I can't believe I never noticed the hit stick either. Man, and I forgot to set popcorn prices too! DAMN, I must have just skipped all over that stuff and started playing.
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