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"ESPN NFL 2k5 Vs. Madden 2005" by fmt (Warning: LONG, boring post)

This is going to be a long, long post. Well maybe not that long. First I will say that I love both ESPN and madden. I think both have obvious problems, but I’m enjoying them and I think they are both worth the money I paid for them (I got them for free btw). So I’m going to get right into, going down both games feature by feature.


+ Incredible animations
+ Stadiums are no doubt the best in the business. Their scope and size really reflects what it feels like to be in an NFL stadium.
+ Plenty of new animations
+ Great player models. Some say they are too lanky, but I like the look of the players this year.
- Players still run as if they have a stick up their ass; the running animation looks funny in a bad way
- There are still animations that should be more fluid, but aren’t because of the herky-jerky start and stop that take place
- Many animations cause your player to “slow down” while the rest of the game is going at full speed. A perfect example of this is a bullet pass to a WR: sometimes your DB will go into an “interception” animation, but his personal animation for that pick will be going to slow (while everything else is running at normal speed) it will take him completely out of the play
- Weather effects aren’t all that great, and there is a lot of slowdown when it’s raining/snowing.
- Why can’t the Pro Bowl helmets be correct! In this game, you just have an “A” on each of the AFC players’ helmets, and an “N” on each of the NFC teams helmets.

ESPN’s graphics are awesome, plain and simple. There are some problems here and there, but on the whole they are top notch.

+ Weather effects are awesome
+ Animations are very smooth and realistic. The momentum makes them very fluid.
+ Some nice new animations
+ Pro Bowl helmets are correct!
- Why are all the players looking like body builders?
- Generally looks the same as last year. It is definitely improved, but I don’t see that many new animations

Not bad, but I don’t feel they are as good as ESPN’s.


+ To be honest, the presentation is the best of any football game. I love the menu layouts, especially because they added the ability to pick your "favorite team" upon booting up the game for the first time, thus your background is your teams colors and logo.
Also, it may sound dumb, but I really like the size of the text size used for the menus/play calling (which I'll get into later).
+ This year, they added the halftime show, which is a pretty nice feature. It basically replays some of the key plays from the half.
+ One last cool little feature that I didn't notice until a few games ago is the end of the quarter cut scenes. I was playing a game in San Francisco, and at the end of the first quarter it posted the score and gave a panning shot of the Golden Gate Bridge. I thought that was a nice little touch.
+ GameCast is awesome. Basically, in any non-online game you can go back and watch EVERY single play from said game. It is a great feature and pretty funny to go back and watch a play with friends, or perhaps see where you screwed up in a franchise game.

- One thing I have noticed is that some of the plays they choose to show on the half time show aren't really important at all. It's not a big deal, but it does tarnish the feature a little bit.
-There is also a post-game show with Suzy Kolber, which has interviews with the player of the game. The dialog is very generic and I was never very high on this feature.

Overall, ESPN's presentation is top notch.


+ Nice full motion video of your team on the game menu screen.
+ Menus are a lot nicer and not so devoid of life. Last years madden had terrible drab menus.

- Not much else is improved to be honest with you. There is nothing like a half-time show, or any kind of wrap up.

Overall, Maddens' presentation is average at best. There's really nothing to get excited about when you're talking Madden presentation.



+ Stat-tracking has improved.... but not enough (more on that later)
+ The draft has improved a lot
+ I like the amount of injuries. Some may think it's excessive, but to be honest there are a lot of injuries during an NFL season. I like having to play games without my best WR cause he's out for a few weeks or the year, so I give props to this.
+ CPU actually makes trades
+/- Weekly prep is a great idea. It can really give wannabe coaches a feeling that they're making a difference. You could literally spend an hour per "football week" in the game just spent on this one feature. You can give your players a break, dedicate more recovery time to your injured players to get them back on the field faster, storm out of a meeting to fire up your players, and so on. Now, even with that said, I'm not totally sold on the execution of Weekly Prep. Seems like it doesn't actually make THAT much of a difference at the end of the year (ratings wise). Also, it can seriously become tedious... to the point that you may just want to skip it.

- Even though the CPU trades, the trading they do is ridiculous. Most of you have seen this (if you have the game) but let me refresh your memory with some "great" trades I've seen in my various franchises: Brett Favre for Michael Strahan, Patrick Surtain for Randy Moss, Rod Smith for Reggie Wayne, etc. I know it "doesn't matter", because I'm not using those teams anyways and so on, but it just ruins the fantasy of the entire franchise mode. The worst part is that there is no way to turn CPU trading off. I've heard all kinds of "fixes" for this problem, from disabling Preseason/Weekly prep to controlling all 32 teams and just not trading, but what’s the point? I shouldn't have to do that shit.
- The CPU also does some strange roster adjustments. I've seen high profile rookies (Sean Taylor, Kellen Winslow, Reggie Williams) be cut because their ratings dropped into the 60's. Wtf?
- Player progression once again makes little sense to me. I had an awesome year with Barlow, he ended with over 1,500 yards and I believe 15 combined touchdowns. Not only that, but I spent time with him every week in weekly prep. How many points did he gain? 6! A measly 6 points! You'd think if a guy had a breakout year, it'd catapult him into the top RB's in the NFL, but not so.
- Stat tracking is improved, like I said, but it's still kind of crappy. If you are a 3-4 team, and you sim your game, it will sim the stats as if you are a 4-3 team and your 4th LB acts as if he were "benched" because he records no stats. This bugs the shit out of me because I have 4 good linebackers, and one lost ratings points every year I simmed cause he wasn't getting playing time. I guess I could see how this was overlooked, because to be honest it's not a game breaker, but VC needs to work on the little things (like this).
- Depth Chart still isn't as I would want it. It's just a pain in the ass subbing people at off positions, and the CPU sometimes has inferior players starting. I don't mean inferior as in an 80 player starting over an 82 player. I mean you'll see 56 rated players starting over 89 rated players (as was the case with an offensive lineman of mine). It doesn't always happen, and I don't know what triggers it, but it sucks to have to readjust the depth chart all the time if I assign the assistant coach to do the work.
- Why can't VC program the Pro Bowl teams to have their teams’ respective helmets? Madden has done this since madden 2001. How fucking hard is it??
- Lots of slider work needs to be done to make the game realistic

Bottom line: If you've never played a madden franchise mode, you will probably enjoy ESPN. It has a lot of depth, a few bugs here and there, but it can be fun for someone who isn't anal (like me).

+ Great stat tracking
+ There is CPU trading, but so far I've only seen draft picks traded
+ Lots of little details abound: franchise tag, rfa tag, and a great salary cap system
+ Player morale is a great idea. IF a player is unhappy, you should either give him a new contract or trade him, because it can affect the morale rating. You can also look at each player and see whether he is happy or not and why (if not). As far as EA touting not being able to sign free agents at random and trade them because morale would dictate that highly regarded free agents wouldn't sign with you, it doesn't work that great. I was still able to pull off some pretty decent deals by dipping into the high rated FA's left in the list and trading for draft picks. It's only bad if you abuse it, but it shouldn't be there anyways.
+ Position battles are cool, as is the Tony Bruno show. At first I was annoyed with the radio show, but I've really started to enjoy it as it gives you some insight to things around the league, as well as NFL trivia.
+ Owner mode is back and even better. It's not much different than last year, but they just tightened up the fan logic a bit and give you a few more options. If you liked it last year, you'll love it this year, and if you didn't like it last year you probably won't like it again.
+ Draft is much improved! Last year, by the 4th round, there were hardly any WR's or RB's left in the draft, but this year every position is well represented, even later in the rounds. Top that with improved presentation during the draft, improved scouting, and CPU trading and you have what is easily the greatest draft system in any console football game ever.
+ In-game Saves and accelerated clock are awesome, of course they were in last years game but I still have to give them props
+ Depth chart issues seem to have been fixed from what I’ve played. Last year, you'd see a rookie 70 rated WR starting over an 89 Vet. I haven't seen anything like that this year.
+ Pro Bowl teams have the correct helmets!

- For some reason they took out the ability to see detailed game stats from past weeks in the x-box version. Those who had madden 2004 know what I’m talking about. It will let you see the past week only this year, but once you get 2 or more weeks past it they revert to "team ratings" stats instead of game stats.
+/- The newspaper articles are very good, but sometimes you will see duplicate articles. Kind of takes away from it a little, but I guess you can't have a gazillion articles in the game. Still a good feature, I'm enjoying it a lot.
- I wish there was a little more CPU trading between them
- Lots of slider work needs to be done to make the game realistic.

Overall Madden is cock of the walk when it comes to Franchise. There are small problems here and there, but it has incredible depth, it's very polished and could very easily be a game in itself.


+ Dan and Peter interact well together. The dialog doesn’t feel forced, and comes very naturally
+ They finally say rookie names instead of their numbers
- Not too many new lines of dialog to be honest with you… most of this stuff I heard last year. They have some extra lines BEFORE the game and after, but during the game is pretty much all old
- They took out the unintentionally racist commentary from last year after dropped passes “Tai Streets just dropped that pass! I guess he’s been eating too much fried chicken lately” I’m not kidding about that line being in ESPN 2k4 either.

+ Jill Arrington is the sideline chick reporter? (I’m stretching here dudes…)
- Same commentary from last year
- Dude, does john madden even WORK on this games commentary? It doesn’t sound like he is in sync with Michaels.
- Here is a sample of one of my favorite “new commentary” moments from john. “That hit is like a bee in your helmet, you just can’t get rid of it”

To be honest, maddens commentary sucks nut sack. I actually don’t think al Michaels is so bad, but when you add him and john together it sounds so lame and detached. I also don’t care much about commentary, but hey its there so I have to comment on it…



+ Maximum passing allows you to lead the receiver, and it works pretty well.
+ I love the drop back feature in ESPN. You can let the computer do the drop back for you while you read the defense. It will not force feed the ball for you at the end of the drop back.
+ If you throw off your back foot or on the run, odds are the pass is going to be off or incomplete
+ I believe “bad throws” are thrown periodically at random. I like this feature.
+ I like how the pockets form from time to time. Very realistically and lets you make your reads. But…
- Pass blocking is VERY inconsistent. Sometimes a nice pocket forms, but more often than not the blockers simply watch d-linemen/linebackers get to the QB without doing a goddamned thing about it. If you are playing against a human opponent, this can be exploited on (I’d estimate) 75% of passing downs.
- Receivers route running is very slopping. Often times even the smallest of bumps sends them off in a completely different direction.
- Receivers will dive for the ball at odd times. They COULD just run through the throw, and catch it in stride for a huge gain, but they go into a matrix-style slowdown animation dive that is never, ever successful.
- Passes are somewhat floaty, even when you try to bullet a pass.
- Receivers are as inconsistent as the blocking. Sometimes they will haul a pass down in triple coverage, other times the ball will hit them in the facemask and they will do nothing.

Overall I think ESPN’s passing game is decent, but it’s not great. The blocking is mediocre, the routes are sloppy, and it is just very inconsistent. It shows signs of possibly being great, but as of now it is not.

+ Animations are awesome. You will never really be cause behind an offensive lineman “running in place”
+ You are given many offensive-rushing moves to combat the defense. The shoulder charge and charging up can give you a big advantage.
+ Holes open up nicely and you can run through them with some consistency this year.
+ Draw plays and delay runs are very effective and can catch people off guard with regularity.

- Fullback blocking is a crapshoot. I never know WHO he is going to block
- Run with the QB whenever you want! Every QB in the game is ridiculously fast, doesn’t get hurt, and doesn’t fumble. GO TEAM!
- Shoulder charge is overrated and turns the game into a blitz style hit fest.
- Again, run blocking by the offensive line is inconsistent.
- You can stop the run a little too easily with a dime/nickel defense…

I think the ESPN running game is definitely serviceable, and at times enjoyable, but I feel that when the chips are down, this game goes downhill in the running department. They have definitely improved it from last year, but it needs to lose the gimmicks and get back to basics.

*Play calling
+ Each team generally has their own offensive and defensive playbooks
+ There are some creative plays this year that actually work (unlike last year). I have successfully run reverses, flea flickers and running back passes. They aren’t cheesy (you can’t abuse them), but it’s nice to know that you can catch your opponent off-guard from time to time.
+ I like the fact that you can choose your line-stunts before you pick your play. Adds a bit of strategy to the defensive play calling.
- The playbooks are 100% identical to last year from what I can see. I have yet to see a new play
- They are severely lacking in up-to-date offensive/defensive sets that teams run. I play as the 49ers, and we don’t run a west coast offense anymore. Also, we use a 3-4 defense. Neither of these facts is reflected in our playbook. Worst of all, I can’t change playbooks online. So, I have 4 starting caliber linebackers, but I can only have 3 of them on the field at any given time online. Unacceptable.

ESPN’s playbooks aren’t bad, but they aren’t great either. They are identical to last year. If you enjoyed last year’s playbooks, you’ll feel right at home here.

*Hot Routing/Audibles
+ Nice passing hot routes. You can easy run a post or slant to the inside or outside without much effort
+ Back again this year are the awesome ESPN offensive audibles. I like these a lot because when you audible, you SEE the play you are picking. In Madden it’s kind of a guessing game (unless you know your audibles by heart).
- Sometimes when I hot route for my TE/RB to stay into block, they run back towards the center and actually just add more congestion to the middle. I don’t know why this happens, but it’s annoying.

ESPN’s hot routes and audibles are top notch for the most part. There are a few small complaints I have, but overall it’s a strong point in the game.


+ Nice differentiation between bullets and lobs. If you lob it, it “feels” like a lob. But you can really rifle the ball in there between defenders.
+ Blocking is excellent. If you have a high rated O-lineman, he will dominate his man for most of the game. I play with the Niners (how many times will I say that?), and in my franchise I never see pressure up the middle against Newberry. But I have Justin Smiley, who is a rookie, starting on the line as well and he gets abused from time to time.
+ The pocket forms nice and tight, and you can step up into it to buy a few extra seconds without because sucked in for the tackle.
+ Fullback blocking is the best in the business. Once in a while you will question where his blocking assignment is, but by in large the full back blocking is spot on and really highlights the running game.
+ Receivers run crisp, fluid routes. There is even a feature where you have “option” routes, which means the receiver has the option to break off his route and head in a different direction without instruction from you. Only the smart receivers will truly pick the best “option”, but it’s a great feature.
+ Lead-passing system is back, and works like a charm. I’d say ESPN/Madden are even in the “lead the receiver” category.
+ No more “jet packing” from last year
- I still see people dropping back 10 yards and throwing. Their feet are set and everything, but the D should gobble that up.
- I still see passes completed in double coverage now and again, but to be honest it is MUCH improved from last year
- QB’s still seem to be able to throw a competent pass even while being hit. I want it where if a QB gets hit, that ball is going to the ground or getting picked.

It’s clear to me that Madden has a top notch passing game. The receivers’ route running is precise, the pocket is nice and consistent and it’s very easy to get everyone on the field involved. The dropping back too far is a problem, but taken for what it is I really enjoy the passing game in Madden.

+ You can really “hit the hole” with the speed burst and see that it makes a difference.
+ Nothing is free in this game. You have to earn your yards.
+ Fullback blocking is bar-none the best in sports videogames. It’s awesome following your FB into the hole and watching him blow some poor sap LB up while you run away from the rest of the D.
+ Offensive line blocking is above average and consistent. You will see missed blocks from time to time, but I trust the blocking here, as it is very good the majority of the time.
+ They’ve changed the Y/Triangle button to become a “hold onto the ball/Charge” button, but unlike ESPN it cannot be easily abused. Once in a while it will cause a broken tackle, but even more important than that it covers the ball up so you won’t fumble (try it when someone uses hit stick on you to prevent fumbles!)
+ Auto-hurdling (ala ESPN) is in the game.
+ If you run with the QB, you will get hurt or fumble.
- You still get stuck behind people and “run in place”

I have to say I love Maddens running game. It’s very rewarding to actually follow your blocks and have the play work rather than the play breaking down and bailing yourself out with a shoulder charge. The “Mario running” is still there, but it’s not as bad.

*Play calling
+ Every team has their own individual plays
+ Very up-to-date playbooks. Niners have a new “downfield” playbook, as well as the 3-4.
+ Creative plays! Flea Flickers, double reverses, HB passes, WR Reverse passes, etc. They’re all here and all effective at times.
+ You can no longer pull the ball down and run on RB/WR Pass plays. If you give the ball to the RB to throw it, he has to throw it, no cheesy running.
+ Create-a-play!
+ You can change playbooks online
- I’d enjoy more defensive playbooks. There seem to be only 5 or 6, whereas the offense has about 38 different playbooks (one for each team, and some general books)

Maddens playbooks are awesome. You can change them up online, and they reflect each teams style.

*Hot Routing/Audibles
+ Playmaker is back and just as good as last year.
+ Package adjustments. This year, you can audible into the same play but in a different formation. For instance, lets say you are running up the middle, but want to throw the defense off, well you can audible to make it look like a 3 receiver set, but keep the same exact play. It’s a useful tool.
- Why won’t EA institute an audible system where you can see the play you are going to audible to before you do it? Come on! It’s simple!

Defensive hot routing was touted by EA in the off-season, and it delivers. Finally, you can really run a unique defense out of any formation.


+ From time to time your DB’s will play some awesome D
- But that rarely happens, and you never know when it will happen.
- Often times your DB will run around the receiver in circles as the ball is coming to him.
- Often times, your defenders sitting in a zone will simple watch the ball go by in front of him.
- Players in a zone will not pursue the QB until he officially crosses the line of scrimmage… even if it is clear the QB is gaining an incredible angle on the defender by him not moving his feet.
- Double and triple teams don’t work half the time
- Zone defense is pretty much worthless
- Blitzing is retarded because it seems as though the defender will take the scenic route to the quarterback. He will go ALLLL the way around the outside instead of heading straight for him. This doesn’t happen always, but it happens at crucial points in the game.
- Sometimes my DB’s won’t even bump the receiver when I ask him to. The danger in this is two-fold: not only have I NOT knocked the receiver off his intended route, but now my DB is pretty much standing at the line of scrimmage doing nothing while the WR goes on a deep route for an eventual touchdown.
- You can easily abuse the stupid offensive line by simply bull rushing up the middle or speed rushing to the outside. Often times, the offensive linemen won’t even block you.

As you can tell, I am NOT a fan of ESPN’s pass defense. It’s shoddy, buggy, and inconsistent.

+ You can get a tenacious rush against the run
+ You can choose line stunts, which can confuse the run blocking
+/- You can make goal line stands, but it’s a little TOO easy to do. I shouldn’t be able to stop a team on multiple occasions inside the 5 with a first and goal, but I have.
- Horrible, horrible pursuit angles. Probably the worst I have seen in a few years in football games.

Better than the ESPN passing defense, but still not that great. It would actually be very good if it weren’t for the angles the D decided to take.

*Play calling
+ Every team has different playbooks
+ Nice mix of man and zone plays
+ Nice, clear diagrams
- Some teams (like the Niners for instance) have a very sparse defensive playbook. Only a few formations, and not many plays. This COULD be solved by allowing us to switch playbooks online, but because we can’t, I’m stuck giving my opponent pretty much the same look all game.
- Many times your defenders don’t do what the play outlines
- Identical to last year
- Like I said above for offensive play calling, it’s not very up-to-date.

Not bad, but not great. Just average.

Hot routing/Audibles
+ One thing I love about the defensive hot routing is you can control all your defensive players without having to choose them. What I mean by this is, I can hold the R trigger to bring up an icon of all my DB’s and set each one from that one button press. In Madden, you generally have to physically switch the cursor over to the player who you want hot-routed on defense.
+ They added an entire set of defensive audibles. You can not only shift your D-line, Linebackers and Cornerbacks, but you can double-team any offensive player, you can set any defensive player to blitz or play zone, and you can just mix up your defense very easily with a few taps of the button.
- QB spy doesn’t work
- Not as many hot routes available as Madden

The defensive hot route features are nice. I wish I could praise them more, but being that the defensive AI is so inconsistent, I never know what I’m going to get out of them.


*Passing Defense
+ 110% improved over last year. I’ve seen some people complain that passes are still completed in double coverage, and I have seen it too, but trust me last year was a lot worse with the jet-packing.
+ Zones work like a charm and you can truly confuse your opponent with them
+ No more glitch blitzing!
+ Ratings actually mean something
+ The players take excellent angles this year
- No pass interferences called
- Passing are still completed in double coverage now and again even when the DB’s have excellent position
- Spider senses tingling! The DB’s usually know where the ball is going, even if they aren’t covering the main receiver.

Aside from the psychic DB’s (which they aren’t always btw), the pass defense is excellent.

*Rushing Defense
+ Was already good last year, gets even better with hot routes
+ Lots of nice run blitzing plays
+ Suction tackling is gone for the most part (you can run it up the gut and come out the other side)
+ Rarely can you play a Dime/Quarters package and stop the run easily (like you could last year)
- Suction tackling isn’t completely gone, but you don’t see it often.

Not much to complain about here. The run D is stout!

*Defensive Play calling
+ Lots of different formations and sub-formations (for instance, 4-3 and 4-3 over)
- No team-specific playbooks. There are about 5 or 6 (general) playbooks (i.e. 4-3, 3-4, cover 2, etc). With hot routing you can pretty much create the playbook you want, but still…
- Plays are very small on the screen when you pick them. I can see them and all, but I wish they looked bigger and nicer.

Could be better. It looks like a lot of negatives, but to be honest I love the fact that zone defenses work and that in itself enhances the playbooks.

*Hot routing/Audibles
+ Defensive hot routing is incredible! You can assign each individual player to do whatever you want on defense. You can also do things like package blitz (all LB’s blitz for instance), shift your defensive line crash direction without moving the line, and putting whoever you want to contain/spy the QB.
- Again, why can’t I see my audibles!

As far as I’m concerned, defensive hot routing is the best new feature in the game.


+ No lag at all on X-box live
+ Nice, easily manageable friends list
+ Nice messaging system
+ Online leagues, with a nice feature set…
- No fair play
- That doesn’t always report your games
- Servers will sometimes give you an “invalid rosters” error message
- Why can’t I see my own personal stats with a click of the button? I have to go into “leagues” and then see myself on the leagues list to do it.
- I’ve had people quit or disconnect on me and I don’t get the victory. Infact, there has been a time when I got blamed for it!!

Online play would be excellent if the leagues were consistent. Perhaps that day will come, but as of now it is a real shame that there are so many errors. Hopefully the problem will be fixed soon.

+ No lag on X-box live
+ Nice, easily manageable friends list
+ I love fair play
+ Nice messaging system
+ Keeps track of your detailed stats. You can also earn milestone trophies online and play mini-games.
+ Online leagues are supposed to be on the way…
+ Very stable servers
- 4 minute quarters for ranked games? Wtf…
- Lots of problems getting buddy lists to load…
- When you see a friend online, and he’s not in Madden, it just says “Online”. You don’t know what game he’s playing! It’s a small complaint, but I like seeing which games my friends are playing.

Madden is great online. No complaints here, and 110% better than the NCAA online launch on X-box live. The jury is still out on how online leagues will turn out, but it sounds pretty good right now.


+ Added momentum, so I feel the controls are more fluid
+ It’s very difficult to cut on a dime with running backs now
+ “Special Moves” and charge-up moves add a little mini-game flare to the game.
+ The game in general has a very nice feel to it
+ There is a max-tackle system that allows you to either deliver a big hit, or wrap the runner up…
- But it doesn’t work very well. The wrapping up part works fine, but when trying a hard hit I’ve had little success. I can hit a guy dead on, and often times he will go into this little spin animation and just get more yards. What’s the point of even power tackling someone??
- Like I said before, some of those “Special Moves” are ridiculously powerful and can be abused

Overall very nice and smooth. I still have a problem with the special moves being abused though.

+ Reduced the momentum a bit
+ QB/Running controls feel a bit tighter
+ Runners will sometimes slide off of blockers in a pile
+ Receivers on buttonhooks react a little faster after they catch it now
+ Hit stick is a great addition
- Receivers on buttonhooks and RB’s on screens still don’t react fast enough to give you control of them. They sit there for about a second, and it can often times get you hit behind the line or prevent you from getting big yards
- RB’s still get caught up causing the running game to feel sluggish at that point.

They’ve improved some things, but still need to work on nagging issues from the past. Above average, but plenty of room for improvement.


+ Improved from last year
- But not by much. DB’s seriously are retarded in this game. You never know when they are going to play, and when they are going to run around in circles doing nothing. It’s not a matter of “if” the correct AI is in the game, because it’s there. It is a matter of consistency. I don’t know what dictates that my players will act like idiots or not make plays (it certainly has nothing to do with ratings, since I’ve seen all players do it), but I don’t like the fact that I can’t depend on something. If you want to make crappy A.I. that’s your business. But at least make it consistently crappy. What disappoints me here is that there are times when your teammates that are AI play brilliantly, but you just can’t depend on them to do what you tell them to do. This goes for the entire team, not just DB’s

I’ve said it before I’ll say it again: I am very unhappy with the inconsistency in A.I. this year in ESPN.

+ Excellent AI. All the way from the fullback to the DB’s to the special teams, I really think EA did a top-notch job
- Defenders often have spider senses about them…

I have to say I love the AI in Madden. There are lapses, but they are few and far between and the CPU is very dependable.


- Kick meter is unchallenging
- No fumbles, even on punts where you get hit right after catching it
- No big returns. I know VC wanted to tone down on the ridiculous returns from last year, but Jesus Christ it is a chore to even get to the 35-yard line. In 30+ games of ESPN, I think I have advanced it past the 35-yard line 3 times, and twice the ball was kicked incredibly short.
- I’d estimate that on 30% of all field goals, the outside blocker on the right side will completely ignore any pass rush coming in from that side. I have blocked extra points and field goals this way.

Terrible, simply terrible. I don’t like the kick coverage, punt coverage, any of the returns, the kicking or anything. I guess it could be worse, but I don’t know how.

+ Nice new numerical gauge letting you know how good your punt/kick was
+ Tough but fair kick/punt coverage/returns.
+ “Pressure Kick” feature is awesome. At the end of the game, if it’s an important kick, the camera will pan down to field level, and everything will go quiet and cause a pressure situation. It’s very cool
+ The kicking game is challenging
+ Lots of fumbles if you are dumb enough to risk returning the ball with lots of guys around you.

Excellent. EA really hit the bulls eye this year with Special Teams.

So, to recap the winner/loser according to me:

Offense – Madden
Defense – Madden
Special Teams – Madden
Presentation – ESPN
Commentary/Sound – ESPN
Online – Madden
Franchise – Madden
Graphics – ESPN
Audibles – Draw
Overall – Madden

At the end of the day, I feel Madden is the way videogame football should be. There is a lot of risk/reward game play involved. You want to run with your QB? Fine, suffer the consequences. ESPN has very little of this and it diminishes my enjoyment of the game.

I think both games are great and I’m enjoying both, but if I had to pick one it would clearly be Madden 2005.


At the end of the day, I feel Madden is the way videogame football should be
Yes. There should be hardly any PI calls in videogame football. EVER. Also, the DBs SHOULD be able to leap up in the air and bat down over the shoulder throws to WRs that have 2-3 steps on them. The D-Line should also magically spring off of blocks WHENEVER the ball carrier comes near them. An integral part of videogame football also is the ability for ball carriers to bounce off of blocking teammates and even tackles at times. This is an important aspect of videogame football as well.

Great post bro!


Eh,my WRs get fucking raped 2-3 times during their routes in ESPN and nothing is called...you have to literally knock someone out to get a PI call in ESPN too,neither game is too good in that area.
Phatsaqs, should DB's run around in circles and watch the ball be completed? There are problems with both games, this is just my opinion "bro", and until you're going to submit a detailed writeup like i did, your opinion doesn't mean much to me. sorry dude

p.s. also the P.I.'s in ESPN are completely random. I like the idea, but don't act as if you get a P.I. call everytime you're bumped or even tackled. They throw in random penalty calls that usually aren't called (even when it's the same exact play)


Im not saying ESPN doesnt have problems as anyone who has played both will atest, they both do. Just havin some fun with your "how videogame football should be" line. Sorry if I offended ya.




That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
until you're going to submit a detailed writeup like i did, your opinion doesn't mean much to me. sorry dude

I, uh... shit, guess I can't say anything.


I didn't read the whole thing because I don't have that kind of time right now, but I agree with what you wrote at the end. Yes, Madden is the better game this year but hopefully ESPN will take notice of some of the problems and fix them for next year.


I disagree with some of the -'s for ESPN.

- Why don't I see any of these crazy trades in my franchise? There were 10 trades the whole season of my franchise and none of them were A-list guys and trades were usually made to fill injury needs not just for fun lol

- Some of the plays they show at halftime/post-game might not be important in the grand scheme of things but they are always "big" plays. Why is this a '-" when the competition has no halftime/post-game show at all?

- I didn't have to do "a lot" of slider work to get realistic score on Legend. I just maxed out CPU coverage and toned down injuries. The rest was nothing major but that's just my preference I guess...

- Pass rush defense works well and depending on the o-line/d-line talent, you might have to hot block. I don't see the problem here..

- Where do you come up with the floaty passes thing? If you thow hard, it'll be hard. No, it's not like throwing darts (i.e Madden) but there is clearly a difference between really hard passes, lobs and the in-between...

- As I showed you last time, the DBs are not "dumb" and zones are not "worthless". The defense won't make the play for you like in Madden though...

- You can see your personal stats by entering any lobby and clicking R. You don't have to go into Leagues...

- Fumbles are not as common as they should be but I think they happen too frequently in Madden...

Obviously, I think ESPN beats Madden in all areas except Franchise (and it's not by that much) but that's just my opinion and I'd hold off bashing Sega's league servers too much while EA's are still non-existent. :)


you forgot one of the biggest improvements in ESPN this year...........


omg they improved those hoochies like 400%. I swear I wondered if Tecmo had anything to do with it when I first saw them. Maddens cheerleaders flat out scare me.

seriously though you make great points FMT even though I feel a bit differently than you on some of them. great post. Im still getting used to Madden so I cant comment on it as much as I can ESPN but I can see where you come up with most of your points.

one thing I will say is I love the way ESPN allows you to change audibles on the fly. I think Madden lets you do this as well but I havent tried it yet. Its sooooooo easy in ESPN though and can really give you an edge against players who audible to blitz whenever they see you line up in certain packages. great addition to any football game. having to go to a menu to change your audibles always seemed retarded to me.

I think they could fix the shoulder charge in ESPN by making it so that any solid hit will take you down no matter who you are using or what rating he has. lowering your head like that should totally throw off your center of gravity and cause your body to drop to the ground when being hit from the side or behind. a full frontal hit should at least cause the runner to slow down as the two players momentums should either create a stalemate or cause one to be knocked down as the other resets his feet while slowing him down. im not sure why they think lowering year head should be such an effective way to break a tackle.

one thing i havent seen in the Madden offensive playbooks are roll out plays. maybe they are there and I just havent seen them but they arent in the Cowboys playbook which would be surprising since the Cowboys do a lot of rollouts. this would help combat a monster DE without the need for extra blockers.


ESPN's biggest problem in my opinion is the game is played solely on ratings.A 100 WR cannot be stopped by an average secondary ever if the player knows anything about how to play.I don't like that...even superstars have off games =\


Thank you for the best write up I've seen comparing the two games.

The only think I know for sure is that there will be more "+" points by each title if more people buy ESPN. Madden needs serious competition.

Long live competition.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
AlphaSnake said:
I love you, FMT.

Shut the fuck up, PhatSaqs!

I love this post.
I disagree with some of the -'s for ESPN.

- Why don't I see any of these crazy trades in my franchise? There were 10 trades the whole season of my franchise and none of them were A-list guys and trades were usually made to fill injury needs not just for fun lol

i don't know dude. i'm not making this stuff up.

- Some of the plays they show at halftime/post-game might not be important in the grand scheme of things but they are always "big" plays. Why is this a '-" when the competition has no halftime/post-game show at all?

I put it at a minus because it diminishes from the overall presentation. But look what I said about madden overall:

Overall, Maddens' presentation is average at best. There's really nothing to get excited about when you're talking Madden presentation.

What else do you want me to say about it?

- I didn't have to do "a lot" of slider work to get realistic score on Legend. I just maxed out CPU coverage and toned down injuries. The rest was nothing major but that's just my preference I guess...

I had to do a lot of slider work. CPU didn't run for shit and I could ram it down their throats at will all game and they wouldn't adjust their D.

- Pass rush defense works well and depending on the o-line/d-line talent, you might have to hot block. I don't see the problem here..

you can't be this naive. Konex, it's not about ratings. I have done this against the Cardinals, Chiefs, Packers, you name it. Doesn't matter whether I am playing against Orlando Pace or Joe Nobody, sometimes the AI Offensive line literally watches you run in to the QB. Ask anyone else who has played in our ESPN league or otherwise.

- Where do you come up with the floaty passes thing? If you thow hard, it'll be hard. No, it's not like throwing darts (i.e Madden) but there is clearly a difference between really hard passes, lobs and the in-between...

There is a difference between lobbing and bulleting in ESPN, there is also a huge difference between bulleting in espn and bulleting in madden. I feel like maddens passes have more zip.

- As I showed you last time, the DBs are not "dumb" and zones are not "worthless". The defense won't make the play for you like in Madden though...

read it again. i said they aren't always dumb, they don't always do those things, but the inconsistency being what it is prevents me from trusting my D in key situations. konex, you KNEW i was passing that game. There was no doubt, 100% guaranteed I was going to pass and I still got nearly 300 yards. Double, triple coverage it didn't matter. Was it cheesy? Yeah, but the point wasn't whether I was being cheesy or not, it was whether the D would be consistently good. I have found that the D is consistely undependable in this game.

- You can see your personal stats by entering any lobby and clicking R. You don't have to go into Leagues...

i used leagues as an example. Why can't i see my stats in the main lobby? Why can't I just click a button (as in madden) as see my personal stats immediately? It's not a game breaker, it's just a pain in the ass.

- Fumbles are not as common as they should be but I think they happen too frequently in Madden...

Madden has fumbling down to an art. There are, on average, 1-4 fumbles a game in madden combined between both teams. I think you'll find this is very consistent with what you see in the NFL. Take a look at our league if you want Konex, how many fumbles have there been total? Between all the punt returns, receptions, rushes, QB sacks, etc. how many fumbles TOTAL between all games do you think our league has seen? I know personally I have seen more "fumbles" on onside kicks than i have during the course of the game. This is not how it should be. Madden has it spot on. There are some games where I don't fumble at all in madden, and games where I have 5 fumbles. That is how the real NFL is

Obviously, I think ESPN beats Madden in all areas except Franchise (and it's not by that much) but that's just my opinion and I'd hold off bashing Sega's league servers too much while EA's are still non-existent.

don't forget you like EA's defensive hot routes better too :D

and even if you void the league servers comment, compare the two games straight up in exhibition. How many problems did ESPN have in the first week with that roster validation bullshit? Madden has been 99% smooth. It has only been down once for me.

Musashi Wins!

You rule FMT, but you already know. You're like my personal OS, except you understand football games better than they do.

I've already briefly posted about Madden being the better game in my opinion. I certainly don't have the knowledge to go into the details like that. I wish Madden instituted some of the presentation options of ESPN, without a doubt. I'm blown away by the defensive options in Madden but my problem is that it's almost too much depth to comfortably control before the ball is snapped. I understand that it allows you to make some incredibly important decisions with the players you can get to, but time issues aside, I could never have all the changes happen in a timely manner like a real game. I guess I'll improve in time. And I don't understand why there isn't a nice to use audible screen.

And though franchise is a franchise players dream, I feel that the newspapers are generic past understanding with the radio being not much better. Neither really matter to me though.

I'd very much appreciate a posting of your sliders or the sliders you are using now.

Great take.


Junior Member
Um, how do you change your formation w/o audibling? I saw it in one of the options but couldn't figure it out. It seemed to rely on the D pad but I couldn't get it to work. I haven't played ESPN but one of my favorite features of Madden is the options once you are set before the play both on offense and defense. Hot routing is god and damn if I'm at the line on D and suddenly send the entire linebacker corps. No tip off to the offense and you can get burned but can easily get a good sack to stop a drive. I love the options to direct the D line and the different options for various blitzes and zones from anybody on defense. Great element of strategy. I'm sure I could just go into a simple dime set for pass plays and come up with 10 different schemes. Blitz corners, safeties, drop all back into coverage, double team various recievers. Beautiful.

Edit: One minus for Madden (or McNabb if no one else is having the same problem), it's ridiculous trying to get the ball over to TO's sideline shoulder on a streak route when he's in single coverage. No matter how much I try, I have to throw behind him to even get a chance at catching that pass. If you have 2 steps on a cornerback, you should be able to get that pass off.


I find it ridiculous that even after that long a writeup detailing pretty much everything in both games, the same people come in and not only bitch about things that had already been covered, but actually say that one game is missing something, when in fact it's one of the best facets of it. -_-

For the most part, I agree with FMT. Some things he did not mention about Madden:

1) Suction blocking is present, not as bad as last year, but it is still very annoying. Nothing like being turned completely around when I'm about to tackle an RB or a WR that's trying to run away.

2) A minor gripe of mine, on occasion I want to switch into coverage of the number one receiver myself to ensure that the play is made but I often can't even see that far out to the side. It's a piss-shoot sometimes as the game doesn't zoom out far enough when you take the snap. This is also an issue on offense. I've thrown one or two passes to a wide-out that had a quick slant in or out route (so I thought it would be safe) and it was picked off 'cause I couldn't see the coverage. Hopefully that can be fixed.

3) For all the Spidey Sense DBs have (though I really disagree on this one) when the QB has a good amount of time in the pocket, enough time for his receivers to break off their routes, it's almost impossible defensively to stop the play without a sack or tipping it as the ball is released. DBs seem to fall asleep after the initial 5 or so seconds of a play.

4) Not being able to go for it on fourth and inches in the first half fucking sucks, any way you look at it.

Even with those gripes, I'd have to say I am enjoying Madden a lot more this year. If you can get the CE version for the PS2, it's even that much better.


Well, this is the first year I've given madden some serious playtime, and I"m having trouble with the momentum. I'm constantly overpursuing when I manually control a defensive back. It almost seems like the momentum is overdone in this game. I guess with more practice I'll get better.
He's just upset that it's not NFL Fever.

There's some pretty bad non-PI calls though. I've seen some really bizarre plays as well, from having my WR run in place cause a CB was jamming him. (Maybe it's just a PS2 thing) That's a big WTF there. My RT is a sorry sack of shit, so I can understand guys blowing past him. That's why I make a TE double team the LE.

Passes that are batted down, in my experience, which has now amassed 35 games, are solely based on awareness. I've burned lots of people on deep flys and outs, I've thrown over my receiver's right shoulder with no bats (which includes Surtain, Springs, and Bailey). It's very frustrating at first, being that for some of you, it's the first Madden game you've owned this gen. With 2004, it took me months to figure out ball placement, overthrowing, leading, etc... But yeah, if it irritates you this much, just trade it in already...
i'm not sure whether you guys are playing REALLY awesome corners, or whether the niners corners are just some of the worst in the league, but when guys get a step on me i get burnt on deep routes. just ask DM and dskillz.

in my game vs. dskillz, on the 2nd play of the game he called a PA pass bomb to johnson. I bit on it and johnson burned me for a 70+ yard TD. He only had a few steps on ahmed plummer, but that's all he needed. needless to say, i didn't blitz much more in that game.

and against DM, samething happened. I'm up 6-0, he's running it on me so i blitz, he calls a PA, and he gets galloway a huge gain on a bomb where galloway has a few steps on me. so i can't really complain about separation since i've seen it and it works.


EA guy that we like
FrenchMovieTheme said:
- When you see a friend online, and he’s not in Madden, it just says “Online”. You don’t know what game he’s playing! It’s a small complaint, but I like seeing which games my friends are playing.

Small point: If it says "is Online" in the Messenger, it means your buddy is in the same game as you. If it says "is playing <game name>" then it means he's in that game -- obviously ;-)


I live and die on the fact that my third and fourth receivers are fast as fuckin hell, fast enough to get that step on the DBs Wasabi is talking about. Just last night when playing Dskillz (my new fucking arch nemesis in this game :D) I was able to throw a 58 yard bomb. You just really gotta learn how to finesse it, like Wasabi, it took me a long time in 2004 to learn. Small point, but I hope you're lobbing these passes and not bulleting. Bullets will be batted down all the time on a deep route for fairly obvious reasons.

Galaron: He's actually right, I PMed my buddy who I knew was playing Splinter Cell PT and it just said online. It's not a huge deal though.


Galaron said:
Small point: If it says "is Online" in the Messenger, it means your buddy is in the same game as you. If it says "is playing <game name>" then it means he's in that game -- obviously ;-)

No. It's because EA's messenger only lists EA games. If a friend is on ESPN, or any other non-EA game, it will just say "online"


I have considered myself an ESPN fan the past few years, but the issues with it this year bugged me too much. FMT is right on the button with his criticisms, although I think he is too hard on the running game in ESPN (I certainly could not hit y to get 200 yards per game).


I haven't bought Madden yet -- the fact is I've got a lot of other stuff to play, etc. etc.

...but I've got to say I'm a little underwhelmed by 2K5. It's quite likely because I'm not used to the way it plays, but I don't feel as in control as I have in Madden. Still, with the limited amount of time I have to play games right now, and the number of games I have to play (I still feel like I can enjoy Madden '04), I don't think I'll be buying anything else right away.

EDIT: Having played all the DC versions of the Sega football series, I should add that I'm not coming in completely cold into the world of ESPN.

the "Y" button problem isn't just a running game problem, it can become a recieving problem. I have bowled over many defenders with my tight end and full back on receptions. The Y problem isn't a 100%, all the time problem, but it is there and I have seen it enough to know I've seen it too much to just be called a freak occurance.


Junior Member
Psst, how do you change formations (ie going from normal I formation to 3 WR I formation) after you have broke huddle w/o audibling? FMT, you mentioned it in your post. I saw a option in the audibling pause menu for my franchise but it just showed a Dpad with no explanation.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Good read. I've also concluded that Madden is the superior game this year. I just enjoy playing it more because I feel I have more control over what is going on, and it's more consistent. I understand and appreciate the on-field results of my play calling and stick skills.

Sometimes rather bizarre things happen in ESPN, things I didn't intend, and things that would never happen in a real game. But the presentation is arguably the finest in videogame history.
sorry skinny, didn't see you post before

to change the formation w/o changing the play, press the R trigger before the snap. then, use the direction pad to change it (up, down, left or right is each a different formation)


Junior Member
FrenchMovieTheme said:
sorry skinny, didn't see you post before

to change the formation w/o changing the play, press the R trigger before the snap. then, use the direction pad to change it (up, down, left or right is each a different formation)

Thanks. Why isn't that in the manual, EA? Or did I miss it? Probably did. Oh well.

And why isn't that assigned to the audible button, X? Or am I taking crazy pills? Just rhetorical questions...
i dont know if it is in the manual or not. i actually figured it out by accident when audibling one time in franchise mode.

p.s. EA always has really shitty manuals...
FrenchMovieTheme said:

+ If you run with the QB, you will get hurt or fumble.

Not. Just about every other player I see online scrambles with McNabb, Vick, McNair etc. Hit stick them all day long and no fumbles at all. If they get hurt they are usually back in the game 3 plays later.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
CP,have you tried pressing the black button to strip the ball,that always works for me.
Not. Just about every other player I see online scrambles with McNabb, Vick, McNair etc. Hit stick them all day long and no fumbles at all. If they get hurt they are usually back in the game 3 plays later.

wtf are you serious? i kill running QB's all day long with strips and injuries. are you just not hitting them before they slide? i have a lot of trouble believing you are hit sticking QB's cleanly and they aren't fumbling...
just noticed a few little errors in madden franchise.

i started a new franchise, and traded my 3rd string QB Brandon Doman to the bills for a 5th rounder. Then, I look at the local newspaper and it says "Fans shocked as QB traded" so i look in the article and it says "Perennial All-Pro Brandon Doman was traded to the bills for a first round pick. Fans will surely miss him".

first off, he has never officially played in a regular season NFL game, secondly i didn't get a first round pick for him!

the other error i noticed is i was playing the rams in week 3 of my franchise. i was 2-1 and i had just lost to the seachickens, so on the loading screen it showed stats from the 49ers and rams, and for me it said "Streak: Won 1" but i had just lost.

one last weird thing i noticed is that the carolina panthers put some big names on the trading block. DeShaun Foster and Brenston Buckner were "unhappy" with their playing time and/or contracts or something. seems a little unrealistic to me, but i guess that's player personalities for you!
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