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OK, so I broke down and finally bought a football game (last one I bought was GameDay 98 for PSX). I chose ESPN cause of the price mainly. I playtested each at Best Buy for a little bit and was much more impressed with Madden's tutorial (Football 101 for total n00bs like me to learn play formations and player position definitions) than ESPN's (just a practice mode showing different button assignments and what they do, no explanation of the game of football). However, $20 is $20 and my buddy also has NFL2K5 for Xbox, so the decision was made for ESPN.

With that said, anyone else have this (or all you all playing Madden instead?) and if so, is there already or would anyone be interested in a GAF League online?


I will play a whole league - as the Bears.

I have been playing a little and slowly been getting better, but I was waiting for a good roster update (after pre-season) and for my skills to become at least respectable. This is my first football game in a few years. I haven't played any games on Live yet, but I get on from time-to-time to check news, check for updates, etc.

Anyway, you can count me in and I won't quit or miss any games.


If you're on xbox, we have an ESPN league going already but you could always join in season 2 or replace anyone who drops out this season. We're on week 4 of 16 and sometimes we play a week in a few days but other times some people don't play till the weekly interval is about to be over...

Madden leagues start in September so you can still join that one. And there are always tournies (in both games) to join..

Check the online forum...


I'd be up for another league but if and only if the people are good about getting their games in ASAP. The wait for week three to end has been pretty painstaking.


I think the better plan is just to keep doing tournies on the side to pass the time and let those who want to join in fill in for anyone who drops or we'll expand for season 2. Two leagues of the same game doesn't sound like a good idea unless it's mostly different players in each league :p
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