Eternal Strands - Official Reveal Trailer

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Source - IGN

Developer Yellow Brick Games, a new game development studio founded by AAA industry vets, including the longtime creative director of BioWare’s Dragon Age series, Mike Laidlaw, has announced Eternal Strands. This third-person action-adventure draws inspiration from the likes of Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter, where you’re doing battle with massive creatures hellbent on destroying you, and combines that with Tears of the Kingdom-like physics-manipulating powers to turn you into the ultimate sorcerer supreme badass. You play as a Weaver named Brynn, one of the few remaining magic users left after the use of magic caused a cataclysmic event that destroyed much of her world. Alongside the members of your fellow magic-using Weaverband, you’ll embark on an adventure that pits you against all manner of monsters, including more than a few massive giant bosses that really seem interested in stomping you into Weaver jerky.
Eternal Strands is our IGN First editorial “cover story” game for April, which means we’re diving deep into Yellow Brick’s debut project all month long! We’ll be exclusively bringing you the very first information on this upcoming action game.

To kick things off, today we’ve got the world premiere reveal of Eternal Strands in action via its spellbinding reveal trailer, which gives a small peek at what’s in store when we’re called to embark on this magical odyssey in 2025.

More details via Shinobi on X:
  • ️New action adventure from Yellow Brick
  • Led by ex-Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw
  • ️Coming to PS5, Xbox and PC in 2025
  • ️Inspired by Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter, with Zelda-like physics manipulation powers
  • ️Magical cataclysmic event has destroyed much of the world of "Enclave"
  • ️You play as a "Weaver" named Brynn, one of the few remaining magic users
  • ️Giant enemy titans known as "Arks" are climbable, use magic to create new paths on them
  • ️Temperature plays a big role in combat (ex: turn a dragon's fiery breath against ice covered enemies)
  • ️Environmental destruction: hurl burning trees at enemies, rip trees from the ground with telekinetic powers to block attacks, etc
  • ️Customizable look, craft weapons and armor
  • ️Explore the 'wilds', the city of Dynevron, create bridges of ice, burn barriers
  • ️Every surface can be climbed, with 'next generation physics' encouraging players to discover secrets
  • ️Return to base camp to build relationships and "consult with a rich cast of characters"
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Phoenix Rising feelings...
I would love to see a Zelda in this art-style. Not too cartoonish, not too realistic.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Here's a few screenshots captured in-game and shared by IGN.




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What an awful trailer!

Just a checklist of everything I hate about modern game trailer reveals:
  • Leave of Legend style rip off art.
  • Strong female lead with no background or context given to her motivations or why she's fighting.
  • Cartoony graphics.
  • Seemingly empty (open?) world.
  • Nothing really standing out about the setting, story or characters to give any reason to be interested.
  • Press 'A' to awesome.


Protagonist looks generic. Wish they'd shown more exploration. This is the type of game I like to play. However, the bits of combat didn't show anything innovative. I don't like the Fortnite art style.

Jinzo Prime

I really like the colossus designs and the ice ability looks like a catalyst for emergent gameplay. I'm cautiously optimistic here.
This seems promising, especially from who's making it. I need to see raw gameplay to know if it has more potential.

Also, I really need to make a game trailer bingo card for GAF. So far I have:

+Someone mentioning a game it looks nothing like(Forspoken)
+Someone bringing up Fortnite(of course) because the game is colorful
+______ looks generic
+Complaint because female lead
+Yawn gif
+Claiming the entire game industry is dying(also unrelated to thread)

I would have a bingo right now.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Summary of all the available info via Shinobi on X which will be added to the OP:
  • ️New action adventure from Yellow Brick
  • Led by ex-Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw
  • ️Coming to PS5, Xbox and PC in 2025
  • ️Inspired by Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter, with Zelda-like physics manipulation powers
  • ️Magical cataclysmic event has destroyed much of the world of "Enclave"
  • ️You play as a "Weaver" named Brynn, one of the few remaining magic users
  • ️Giant enemy titans known as "Arks" are climbable, use magic to create new paths on them
  • ️Temperature plays a big role in combat (ex: turn a dragon's fiery breath against ice covered enemies)
  • ️Environmental destruction: hurl burning trees at enemies, rip trees from the ground with telekinetic powers to block attacks, etc
  • ️Customizable look, craft weapons and armor
  • ️Explore the 'wilds', the city of Dynevron, create bridges of ice, burn barriers
  • ️Every surface can be climbed, with 'next generation physics' encouraging players to discover secrets
  • ️Return to base camp to build relationships and "consult with a rich cast of characters"
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Looks shit.

Music seems to be here to pump hype because the video shown can't.
There's only one concept on this game, and it's nothing to brag about. The rest screams budget game.

Now if this is priced accordingly (20€), why not. But we all know it won't.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
This seems promising, especially from who's making it. I need to see raw gameplay to know if it has more potential.

Also, I really need to make a game trailer bingo card for GAF. So far I have:

+Someone mentioning a game it looks nothing like(Forspoken)
+Someone bringing up Fortnite(of course) because the game is colorful
+______ looks generic
+Complaint because female lead
+Yawn gif
+Claiming the entire game industry is dying(also unrelated to thread)

I would have a bingo right now.
Not that hard to predict the type of reactions announcements like this one get if you've been a regular on GAF.

And tbh, I sometimes avoid posting some content here due to the said reactions, so it is what it is.

/meta commentary over. :p
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I was expecting a serious dragon age contender. 10 seconds into the trailer convinced me otherwise. Atleast they have the strong woman part down.
I don't know if it will all come together, but the gameplay mechanics look interesting. Telekinetic toss, telekinetic double jump, and Frozen powers with physics attached look like a lot of fun. I am cautiously optimistic.

"Eternal' Is one of those game title words that needs to be retired.

Along with Final, Infinite, and Forever.
No. I want sequels to Sega's Eternal Champions and Capcom's Final Fight. I also want a videogame adaptation of (007) Diamonds Are Forever.
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The gameplay concept looks to have some cool ideas, physics look fun to play around with but man can they stop with this generic looking fornite-esque art style? Its hurting the game more than it should.
This seems promising, especially from who's making it. I need to see raw gameplay to know if it has more potential.

Also, I really need to make a game trailer bingo card for GAF. So far I have:

+Someone mentioning a game it looks nothing like(Forspoken)
+Someone bringing up Fortnite(of course) because the game is colorful
+______ looks generic
+Complaint because female lead
+Yawn gif
+Claiming the entire game industry is dying(also unrelated to thread)

I would have a bingo right now.

This is very true, but let's be honest, it smells that way. Another one for the bingo: "New AAA studio comprised of industry vets"

My personal red flag is the generic fantasy/mythology font in the title. I haven't seen a good movie or game using a font like that and the aesthetics of the world and enemies look all very similar.


The mechanics seem cool but there's alot... mostly the artstyle... that seems stock standard and generic.

If you showed Me a screen grab alone i would thinks it's one of the millions of mmo clones or "league" artstyle you see in so many cash grab free to play games

(Fantasy is pretty boring to me anyway so maybe I'm jaded)
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This seems promising, especially from who's making it. I need to see raw gameplay to know if it has more potential.

Also, I really need to make a game trailer bingo card for GAF. So far I have:

+Someone mentioning a game it looks nothing like(Forspoken)
+Someone bringing up Fortnite(of course) because the game is colorful
+______ looks generic
+Complaint because female lead
+Yawn gif
+Claiming the entire game industry is dying(also unrelated to thread)

I would have a bingo right now.
I mean... I bet if you look at a DS2 trailer or armored core 6 trailers for example, you don't see those comments.

The reason you see alot of above is because a lot of games are like that 🤷‍♂️.
The mechanics seem cool but there's alot... mostly the artstyle... that seems stock standard and generic.

If you showed Me a screen grab alone i would thinks it's one of the millions of mmo clones or "league" artstyle you see in so many cash grab free to play games

(Fantasy is pretty boring to me anyway so maybe I'm jaded)

In movies, it's the same. Look at the fonts. Whenever you see these metallic 3D fonts, run.


John Bilbo

Shadow of the Colossus like climbing is cool. The ice ability to make bridges is cool. The name is too generic. Art style is decent but has no edge.
Art direction seems a bit meh, seems very safe and bland at face value... But gameplay looks cool and has some seemingly great buzzwords taking inspiration from Shadow of the Colossus/Breath of the Wild/Dragons Dogma. Absolutely could be something awesome. I look forward to seeing more.

The only thing i liked was the telekinesis power...

Man, I would love a Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy sequel. Shame that game never became a franchise.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Generic name and artstyle are digging a pit I doubt can be easily climbed out of.

Unfair really, but its not a great first impression and not encouraging.


Gold Member
Art direction seems a bit meh, seems very safe and bland at face value... But gameplay looks cool and has some seemingly great buzzwords taking inspiration from Shadow of the Colossus/Breath of the Wild/Dragons Dogma. Absolutely could be something awesome. I look forward to seeing more.

Man, I would love a Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy sequel. Shame that game never became a franchise.
I am an absolute sucker for telekinesis in videogames and psi ops still has the best telekinesis ever made in a videogame, i was a huge fanboy of that game, it was also one of the first ps2 games to have ragdoll and havok, it was kinda of a dream game for me :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Also the cover song slapped hard

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I mean... I bet if you look at a DS2 trailer or armored core 6 trailers for example, you don't see those comments.
Oh, that’s because Armored Core 6 gameplay trailer thread would have other bingo spots, like:

+Why didn’t they make _____instead?(blank probably being Bloodborne 2)
+The graphics look like a PS2 game
+Who even cares about this franchise?(which they then ask question #1 afterwards)


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I'm getting Kingdoms of Amalur vibes. It was pretty excellently made and polished and you could get into it for a long time too but ultimately forgettable and perhaps a bit too large for its own good with MMO-like quests. I guess we'll see if there's some more engaging story or gameplay hooks.
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