Just wondering, whats so special about that quote?"I don't see race". Never gets old.
EDIT: I fixed a typo.
Just wondering, whats so special about that quote?"I don't see race". Never gets old.
Direct Source: Race in Video Games: Why it Matters... And Why Things Won't Change Anytime Soon
Games are not meant to directly or indirectly produce or support stereotypes. A black man, more important a black person is and can be non-violent, anti-drugs, educated person with intellect and integrity. It should never be a "black man is all about the ghetto, and the money and the bitches".
And all ethnic minority groups have got their own interesting stories and movies like Django Unchained that can be made into a good game.
Dark Souls 2 got you covered
No hair even visible, has a wizardy voice, loves magic, no guns, and he's a pretty badass , powerful dude.
Given that I've spoken to many, and read more, people who do care, no, I don't think you're capable or qualified to express the opinions of others. You can argue that if you want to, but it seems a ridiculous hill on which to plant your flag.I am interested. That's why I posted something. I did not speak for others. I shared my mind as to what I feel others belonging to my ethnic group would feel about the matter at hand. Maybe you feel I'm not qualified to do that. I'd argue I am.
Other than the Prince of Persia and Aladdin, there are like... no brown guys in games (that aren't bad guys). Oh, and... Shantae? I guess?
Video game characters(mainstream) do not exactly represent what you'd like to be. They are not role models. There is no message to propagate or convey.
I am interested. That's why I posted something. I did not speak for others. I shared my mind as to what I feel others belonging to my ethnic group would feel about the matter at hand. Maybe you feel I'm not qualified to do that. I'd argue I am.
Video game characters(mainstream) do not exactly represent what you'd like to be. They are not role models. There is no message to propagate or convey.
As an 'ethnic minority', I honestly gotta say I don't give a hoot about it nor do most people, I believe. Some people are just fighting quixotic battles.
To make it clear: I would love/applaud more inclusiveness. But I fear we live in the wrong society for that. Minorities are the definition of not many. Capitalistic products are aiming for the many, for the massmarket. Transformers, Star Wars, your average white male shooter.. heck even Fifa doesn't even bother to include women.
To a certain extent I can see it happening, but not completely. But thats hopefully just me being pessimistic.
True enough. I'm just pointing out that some people seem to rate all of those as equally misrepresented, which isn't true. Representation of women in gaming (both in the medium and the industry) has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade....which is logical tbh, it is half the world's population.Lack of women, lack of sexual minorities, lack of gender minorities, lack of racial/ethnic minorities, lack religious minorities all fit under the same umbrella problem of video games failing to capture even a fraction of the human diversity available in the world.
I bought Assassin's Creed 3 and Infamous: Second Son BECAUSE of the protagonists, tbh.
Some of us just want to play a character that looks like us to feel included in a hobby we've poured so much time in.
The Assassins creed games are the most multicultural game I've seen. The games goes from Arab to Italian to Native American to welsh-born British and African to French.
The main problem is that they're still made to appeal to a demographic and that's a problem IMO. They're not role models but yet, the reason we see the same kind of characters is often a marketing reason and I don't think that's a good idea to make a character just to make sure a demographic will be happy of this.
True enough. I'm just pointing out that some people seem to rate all of those as equally misrepresented, which isn't true. Representation of women in gaming (both in the medium and the industry) has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade....which is logical tbh, it is half the world's population.
can I have brown hands in driveclub?
I'd love to see more minority representation in games, but hard to support the games that have minorities when there are so few and the few there are usually bad.
Thats gotta be a first for a racing game. Awesome.You can select your race and gender.
Really, if you add in all the playable 101 characters its incredibly diverse. Only a handful of them have any meaningful plot characterization though.
Whats so special about that quote?
I have a great personal example of this. I've been going to comic conventions for about twenty-five years. I went to one about two weeks after The Avengers came out and we were all astonished. Not only was the thing packed like no other con I've seen, but it was packed with young women wearing Avengers shirts, clearly entering fandom for the first time. I was fortunate enough that day to be working a friend's table who published comics specifically geared to young girls and women, so I got to spend the whole day talking to people who were there because The Avengers had turned them onto comics, and nearly every one cited how amazing it was to see Black Widow kicking ass amongst the men.
In all my time I had never seen so many young women at a convention. Reaching out to people works.
Selfishness is when you have a problem and you look at other problems and say "My problem is worse, pay attention to me"
Empathy is when you have a problem and and look at other problems and say "I've been through stuff myself, and I know how it hurts. How can I help?"
Fergus Mills searches for the words. It's clear he wants to say this carefully. The 22-year-old from Macon, Ga. is black. His Xbox Live avatar is black. Except that it's not.P
Drawing it out of him, Mills says it's because of the avatar's body language. And while Mills doesn't say that's really a white guy on his screen, palette-swapped to look like him, he's pretty clear this representation is not from his neighborhood.P
"I can make him look like me, but have you noticed, when he's standing right there, the way he moves? It's ... weird," Mills said. "He puts his hand on his hip. He twirls his head. I've never seen people who act like that."
Remember when GTA San Adreas was announced? It's like....ok, you're not the only race that exist on this planet. Sorry.
You can select your race and gender.
Shout out to Rockstar, they seem to always do a great job of including all races/ethnicities in their games.
GTA4 dlc, Ballad of gay tony had a Dominican character as the protagonist. Thought it was pretty cool to play as someone from my country.
can I have brown hands in driveclub?
But are those things mutually exclusive to each other? The role of the protagonist and the representation of races among a game's cast can be handled within each individual product. Plus, the OP already pointed out the link between representations of minorities in media and white peoples' views of those minorities in real life.
I understand. Thanks for the answer. I think he ment it more in the way that he doesnt discriminate between people just because they have a different skin color. As that he personally dont care what skin color people have and that it is a non-issue for him. Hes just speaking from his point of view, at least that is how i understand it."I don't see race" is a way to sidestep the issue and is completely disingenuous to those who are daily reminded of their race due to discrimination. Its basically "I don't see race because I'm not facing discrimination".
That part confused me as well.The OP complains that the black guy from FFXIII is too stereotypical, but also that the Black avatar doesn't act black enough. Seems like a tough balance to strike.
I guess the solution would be to get more black people involved in the design process.
"I don't see race" is a way to sidestep the issue and is completely disingenuous to those who are daily reminded of their race due to discrimination. Its basically "I don't see race because I'm not facing discrimination".
Please tell me what fantastical imaginary Utopia you live in where race is not an issue and how many drugs do I have to take to get there?
How often do we see Chinese represented in video games?
It should be noted here thought that being of Native American ethnicity, or even still closely culturally tied does not prohibit you from engaging with modern American society.
Bunk is also one of the investigators of Stringer Bell's murder, during which Bunk uses the acronym "BNBG" - Big Negro, Big Gun - to sum up witness Andy Krawczyk's stereotypical description of the murderer.