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EU Migrant Deal come into force today. 2300 security and migration officials arriving

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be interesting to see if there is crowd trouble, as of today if you are a migrant and go to Greece you either have to claim Asylum in Greece or you are deported to Turkey. You are also deported if your Asylum application is rejected by Greece

Greece are saying it is unrealistic to expect them to implement these changes instantly

An EU-Turkey deal to tackle the migrant crisis has formally come into effect.
Under the deal, migrants arriving in Greece are now expected to be sent back to Turkey if they do not apply for asylum or their claim is rejected.
The influx of people crossing to Greek islands grew ahead of the deadline, and Greece said it would not be able to implement the deal immediately.
On Sunday, volunteers on the Greek island of Lesbos were dealing with the first arrivals under the new regime.
Just hours before the agreement came into force, a four-month-old baby girl drowned when a boat carrying migrants sank off the Turkish coast, Turkey's Anadolu agency reported.
The deal says that for every Syrian migrant sent back to Turkey, one Syrian already in Turkey will be resettled in the EU.


Took long enough. Should close down the borders ages ago.
Just... Why? Seemed so completely random. And the police officer didn't dare to go with them, lol.
Unfortunately there are neighborhoods in Europe were this is now normal. The reaction from some youth groups to the media, police, fire fighters, ambulance crew is to throw stuff and attack. Police stand back to not "provoke". Jail times for stuff like this are a joke also.
I hope this works out for Europe. In Australia, telling illegal migrants that they wouldnt be allowed to live in Australia is pretty much how we stopped the boats and people smugglers.


I hope this works out for Europe. In Australia, telling illegal migrants that they wouldnt be allowed to live in Australia is pretty much how we stopped the boats and people smugglers.

Recently plenty of politicians and media has been talking about using Australia as an example to follow. So it's definitely not something that's getting ignored.


What the hell is this.

What do you mean what the hell is this? This is Europe now.
We have a problem with migrants unwilling to adapt their culture to the local cultures. Migrants that have grown up surrounded by violence in a lot of cases, with that violence influencing their behaviors.

I believe that in general the European population wants to find the right solutions, but having grown up in mostly peaceful lives for two to three generations depending on where you live, we really don't know how to deal with that violence while finding solutions true to our values. We want them to have good lives just like we do, we want them to adapt, we want them to enrich our cultures with the good parts of theirs because we certainly want nothing to do with those parts that restricts ours. But we also want them to do that freely and willingly. I think that's the hard part and that's what leading us to, mostly, inaction. And the situation worsens.

Things will be fine, I truly believe we'll make the right decisions with time, but every process is painful somehow and we'll have to compromise something.
Just... Why? Seemed so completely random. And the police officer didn't dare to go with them, lol.

It's nothing new. Stuff like this has been going on for decades now.

I'm fine with syrian (and people from other conflict zones) refugees seeking safety as long as they respect the cultural norms and at least try to learn the language of the place they end up in, and I'm sure there are quite a few of those, but people who come here with a 'us vs them' mentallity and refuse to act like decent human beings can fuck right off.


Look at all those racist comments. Interesting that someone in an other thread told me that it wasn't racism.

Well..I think the recent years have shown that european multiculturalism experiment ended up being a total failure. And it's not really racism. Europe is different from USA. Here the hate blossoms mostly along cultural and national divides, not racial ones. In many EU countries you can easily hear xenophobic epitets thrown at slavs, despite them being far more white than most western countries. Altough these days thatseems to subsiding, as xenophobes seem to be uniting against muslims migrants.


Just... Why? Seemed so completely random. And the police officer didn't dare to go with them, lol.

Disenfranchised youths which hate the society they grow in. It's a common sight all over europe, to the point that even when we get some thefts or other minor crimes in our helping center we just ignore it and not even denounce it. It may seems absurd that those people come and steal or beat people from charity organizations that help them, but it happens often. At the beginning i thought i shouldn't report on those happenings, but as they got worse i decided to report them to the coordinators and "higher ups" and they all shrugged it off as just another thing.
Also, as far as i know, it's always been northern africans from the Maghreb region, so there's probably some crime organization sindicate based in those regions that fuel it, i guess Marijuana cartels.

I don't think the problem is solved by giving those people money either. Some of them live relatively comfortable lives on welfare, but they still hate our society because they don't work and feel like outcasts. They also refuse to get psychological help because they're men from deep patriarchal societies who see that kind of help as deeply shaming. So they resort to alcholism, violence and whatsnot.

I think at a certain point we should not be held responsible for everyone that come here. There are many people who could get more help and they don't because others act like idiots and don't want any kind of psichological help and they don't go to prison either because of how slow and lenient our justice system is. We're not here to help everyone, but to help the most possible, and we should work toward that.


53 no go areas in Sweden? Does Sweden have a military? Straight in and deport those who instigate any notion of trouble.

As someone said, that country saved you and you treat people like that? These videos anger me greatly.
Good. Time to shut the borders, the refugee crisis has gone on long enough. Sweden needs to do mass deportations to sort things out. It pains me to say this, but this is the only thing that the Sweden Democrats are right on.


Good. Time to shut the borders, the refugee crisis has gone on long enough. Sweden needs to do mass deportations to sort things out. It pains me to say this, but this is the only thing that the Sweden Democrats are right on.

Well, migrationsverket (Swedish Migration Agency) recently concluded that around 80,000 people (about 50% who came last year) aren't qualified to stay so deportations are definitely in the works for those who aren't refugees.
Well, migrationsverket recently concluded that about 80,000 people (about 50% who came last year) aren't qualified to stay so deportations are definitely in the works for those who aren't refugees.

Unfortunately you still get the Green Party in Sweden who still want to keep accepting basically anyone who comes from what I've heard, ignoring the fact that not all refugees are nice people and will abuse your hospitality. I hope 2016 will result in much, much fewer people entering Europe.


Good. Time to shut the borders, the refugee crisis has gone on long enough. Sweden needs to do mass deportations to sort things out. It pains me to say this, but this is the only thing that the Sweden Democrats are right on.

closing the borders won't end the refugee crisis....


Unfortunately you still get the Green Party in Sweden who still want to keep accepting basically anyone who comes from what I've heard, ignoring the fact that not all refugees are nice people and will abuse your hospitality. I hope 2016 will result in much, much fewer people entering Europe.

The green party ain't got nothing to say on the matter anymore since they announced the border restrictions though it seems.

closing the borders won't end the refugee crisis....

No, but restricting and deporting people that aren't even refugees in the first place is a good way to ensure that the people you help are in need and aren't just opportunistic economic migrants.
closing the borders won't end the refugee crisis....

It's better to help them out where they are and also take in people in a manageable way rather than the way it's being done right now though. They're being sold a false dream of Europe being an amazing place where they'll find happiness but instead find themselves poor and unemployed with no stake in society.


As a Greek citizen I really don't know how to feel about this... On one hand this will finally bring about some order when it comes to the migrant crisis in the Greek islands and on the other hand, many people running from war and terrorism will be stuck in the worst kind of limbo ever. How long is it gonna be before Turkey also finds a way to deport them?

I really don't know what the right move is in this case and I am glad I am not the one making the tough choices.


It wasn't an easy watch but I gotta say the mobility scooter moment was fairly amazing.

I don't have any problem with immigrants and refugees as long as they don't start creating little enclaves and refuse to assimilate. I don't want to see our relatively liberal society regress.

Are you able to give an example where this hasn't happened? Genuine question. I would have thought non integration easier than integration.


53 no go areas in Sweden? Does Sweden have a military? Straight in and deport those who instigate any notion of trouble.

As someone said, that country saved you and you treat people like that? These videos anger me greatly.

Different people have different levels of tolerance on what is acceptable when it comes to immigration and refugee policy.

Currently Sweden and other governments seem to find the trade-off(imaginary or empirically proven) acceptable.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Personally, i don't see this as net positive in anything but short-term humanitarian ideology. That's not enough for me.


Wtf at the policeman in that video being all "you guys go ahead, I'm good out here".

Crazy when the police are noping out of some areas.


Wtf at the policeman in that video being all "you guys go ahead, I'm good out here".

Crazy when the police are noping out of some areas.

Because if they arrest them it would be racist. It's crazy in Sweden. When they have pixelated pictures of arrested people they often lighten up their skins in photoshop. THey're also forbidden to describe ethnicity of suspects when interacting with media.


The Birthday Skeleton
So now the police are to blame?

Of course. Isn't this their main job?


Tasks and Objectives for the Police
The mission of the Swedish Police is to reduce crime and increase public safety. Through crime prevention, the police work to ensure that fewer crimes are committed. The aim is also for more crimes to be solved.

The police mission is also described in the Police Act (1984:387). Among other things, it states that the police shall prevent crime, monitor public order and safety, conduct reconnaissance and carry out criminal investigations.


Because if they arrest them it would be racist.

I don't buy this.

It's crazy in Sweden. When they have pixelated pictures of arrested people they often lighten up their skins in photoshop. THey're also forbidden to describe ethnicity of suspects when interacting with media.

Fine, then arrest them and help prepare the case against them without communicating their ethnicity. I don't see an issue here.

Also I don't see how any of this stops them from assisting a filming crew.


The police chiefs in their infinite wisdom have ruled that officers should stay out of these areas in order to not provoke the people living there (police presence in some area have sparked riots in the past)

The officers themselves probably have a different opinion on that matter, but they do as they are told.
poor Greece, totally fucked over by Germany twice

I saw place all the migrants inside Germany and let Germany deal with it since Merkel was the one who encouraged the situation


Because if they arrest them it would be racist. It's crazy in Sweden. When they have pixelated pictures of arrested people they often lighten up their skins in photoshop. THey're also forbidden to describe ethnicity of suspects when interacting with media.

In perspective, here in Sweden, up until last fall, if you even dared to try and discuss immigration/refugees, you were seriously stamped a racist by default. We've had that situation for a long time, nobody wanted to touch the subject really, if they didn't have to from mid 90's until now.

We've clearly screwed up how we helped people, most of the time it was all about tossing as many refugees as possible into the same area, toss money at them, and hoped they stayed quiet. There are so many better ways we could have handled it, but since it was a taboo topic to discuss, we now have a few really juicy things to deal with and things are starting to surface that everyone in charge knew about, but just ignored.

Rinkeby is almost a warzone (get beat up for not attending prayer, get beat up if you're a woman in the wrong clothes, get beat up, grenades, stone tossing at busses and ambulances, guns aplenty.. you get the idea), and across the roads we have Husby, then we have 10 more similar areas that need help. This is just in Stockholm. The most annoying thing is how they can put *known* Al Qaida/IS/Hussein sympathizers into areas where the people who live there have fled from in the first place.
poor Greece, totally fucked over by Germany twice

I saw place all the migrants inside Germany and let Germany deal with it since Merkel was the one who encouraged the situation

That's a very spiteful way to deal with things. As for Sweden, from what I hear the political climate has done a total 180 (hell, my views on this have completely 180'd) and now people and the mainstream parties are regularly saying that they don't want more refugees. I'm honestly surprised that self described Swedish feminists/liberals (Asa Romsson *cough*, she cried for fucks sake when the government closed the borders) support taking in more people who are illiberal and regressive. Our liberal society is being threatened from all sides, hopefully we still have a chance to save it from ruin.
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