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EU Migrant Deal come into force today. 2300 security and migration officials arriving

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That video looked like a "police not doing their job" problem to me...

If they're not arresting criminals, then......there will be criminals committing crimes. It couldn't be any more obvious.

Clearly not everyone is a criminal or even negative, but allowing people to go rogue allows certain people to tar the entire group with the same brush and suffer consequences for it.

I dont know, just arrest the criminals?

What am I missing?
In perspective, here in Sweden, up until last fall, if you even dared to try and discuss immigration/refugees, you were seriously stamped a racist by default. We've had that situation for a long time, nobody wanted to touch the subject really, if they didn't have to from mid 90's until now.

We've clearly screwed up how we helped people, most of the time it was all about tossing as many refugees as possible into the same area, toss money at them, and hoped they stayed quiet. There are so many better ways we could have handled it, but since it was a taboo topic to discuss, we now have a few really juicy things to deal with and things are starting to surface that everyone in charge knew about, but just ignored.

Rinkeby is almost a warzone (get beat up for not attending prayer, get beat up if you're a woman in the wrong clothes, get beat up, grenades, stone tossing at busses and ambulances, guns aplenty.. you get the idea), and across the roads we have Husby, then we have 10 more similar areas that need help. This is just in Stockholm. The most annoying thing is how they can put *known* Al Qaida/IS/Hussein sympathizers into areas where the people who live there have fled from in the first place.

Some parts of London are also this messed up, my friend works in a really shitty neighborhood and legitly is afraid of the people there because you don't know who's going to stab or shoot you.
That video looked like a "police not doing their job" problem to me...

If they're not arresting criminals, then......there will be criminals committing crimes. It couldn't be any more obvious.

Clearly not everyone is a criminal or even negative, but allowing people to go rogue allows certain people to tar the entire group with the same brush and suffer consequences for it.

I dont know, just arrest the criminals?

What am I missing?
From what people post here, police is instructed to stay away mostly to not "provoke" the people there.

The problem is probably also with the prosecution. Even if the police arrest these people, they are brought to the station and free the same or next day. They get off with some community service or a short stay in jail - which will only improve their status in their group.
From what people post here, police is instructed to stay away mostly to not "provoke" the people there.

The problem is probably also with the prosecution. Even if the police arrest these people, they are brought to the station and free the same or next day. They get off with some community service or a short stay in jail - which will only improve their status in their group.

The problem is there's nothing you can do to stop them reoffending. They're probably poor as fuck, have no prospects, disconnected from society and are unemployable. What are you going to do, keep punishing them when they inevitably do something again? The source of the problem is far harder to treat.
The problem is there's nothing you can do to stop them reoffending. They're probably poor as fuck, have no prospects, disconnected from society and are unemployable. What are you going to do, keep punishing them when they inevitably do something again? The source of the problem is far harder to treat.
That's true, but that's a cycle they will need to break out off.

Plenty of people are poor and don't act this way. I can't really have much sympathy for people doing this.

Living in an immigrant neighborhood with some issues of its own (mostly different backgrounds though), there are plenty of poor people here on welfare and hanging around in the streets all day. Nothing like this is happening here, so I don't see why they would feel the need to act different.


Yes. You will only get real refugees, while denying any economic migrants. Also, afair they put the cap on the refugees at 72K.

Do you know what happens after that? Will Turkey continue to cooperate and take refugees without being able to send some to the EU?


Its strange how the reaction here changed from pro-migrant to anti-migrant with time. from one angle, I understand that different countries have the right to keep the situation under-control and save their sociological identity. and from another angle, I feel bad for the migrants who barely have any choice in all of this.


Wtf at the policeman in that video being all "you guys go ahead, I'm good out here".

Crazy when the police are noping out of some areas.

Happens all across Europe where there are areas with large minority populations. You could call them ghettoes, although really "no go zones" is a more apt term. London, Paris, Munich, Copenhagen, Brussels, etc. And yes, they DO exist.


In perspective, here in Sweden, up until last fall, if you even dared to try and discuss immigration/refugees, you were seriously stamped a racist by default. We've had that situation for a long time, nobody wanted to touch the subject really, if they didn't have to from mid 90's until now.

We've clearly screwed up how we helped people, most of the time it was all about tossing as many refugees as possible into the same area, toss money at them, and hoped they stayed quiet. There are so many better ways we could have handled it, but since it was a taboo topic to discuss, we now have a few really juicy things to deal with and things are starting to surface that everyone in charge knew about, but just ignored.

Rinkeby is almost a warzone (get beat up for not attending prayer, get beat up if you're a woman in the wrong clothes, get beat up, grenades, stone tossing at busses and ambulances, guns aplenty.. you get the idea), and across the roads we have Husby, then we have 10 more similar areas that need help. This is just in Stockholm. The most annoying thing is how they can put *known* Al Qaida/IS/Hussein sympathizers into areas where the people who live there have fled from in the first place.

Why can't they send in the military and cleanse they place of those scumbags? Honestly? Why


Why can't they send in the military and cleanse they place of those scumbags? Honestly? Why

Seeing as how you've managed to suggest this more than once in the thread now it probably needs a response...

Because 1) the law outright forbids it after attempts to use the military on civilians predictably ended in massacres in the early 20th century and 2) because do you really expect it not to end the same way again? The military is trained in urban combat, not urban policing. That's the responsibility of the the police. What is their mission even supposed to be? Martial law? Military occupation of our own cities? And how is that going to convince the people living there that the state is not in fact their enemy if it starts acting like one?

Unless you meant "cleanse" in a literal sense in which case sure, bring in the tanks and the death squads. Sure seems like a proportional response and not something you'd expect of ISIS or Assad as opposed to Sweden.
Why can't they send in the military and cleanse they place of those scumbags? Honestly? Why
It's not about a lack of firepower, but actual solutions towards the problems in those neighborhoods. I am all for showing more force and punishing the people doing these crimes, but sending in the military in your own country for this is not a good idea.


That video looked like a "police not doing their job" problem to me...

If they're not arresting criminals, then......there will be criminals committing crimes. It couldn't be any more obvious.

Clearly not everyone is a criminal or even negative, but allowing people to go rogue allows certain people to tar the entire group with the same brush and suffer consequences for it.

I dont know, just arrest the criminals?

What am I missing?

They can't...
"Cleansing" those neighbourhoods is a really disturbing thought though, you cannot be seriously be advocating mass murder as a response.


"Cleansing" those neighbourhoods is a really disturbing thought though, you cannot be seriously be advocating mass murder as a response.

I seriously have no clue how one could fix this. There's just too many of them. Usually integration/assimilation works well if you take single migrant or at most a single family and throw them inside native population, with nobody else from their culture around, so they're forced o integrate, because they can't relly on anyone familiar. But there's already way too many migrants in Sweden. Instead of working to ingrate them the goverment just lazily let those ghettos to form and now it might be too late.

At this point probably only carrot and stick solution might work. Harhs sentences and deportations for anyone breaking the law, riot police squads regularly patrolling those neighbours, while at the same time some expensive programs that benefit those who choose to integrate.

Also, I think it's about time for the whole EU to start thinking about banning Niqabs and Burkas, as those make it completely impossible for any women wearing them to ever integrate into local population.


This video says more about the Swedish police than about refugees.

The individual officers are great in Sweden.

The problem is that we only have 17 800, that's it. and they don't all work at the same time of course.

If they went into the square with the camera team, a riot might have broken out.
They chose the safe way because of this.

The problem with the police is the top positions, some of them have no experience in the field.

The current chief Dan Eliasson was Director General of the Swedish Migration Agency 2007-2011.
Where he was one of the driving forces for increased immigration , and then went on to somehow take the same post at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency 2011 - 2014,
where he was involved in a scandal including deleting a bunch of internal mails so that investigation couldn't be carried out.
And now he is the National Police Commissioner.

In the short time that he has been commissioner, he has managed to do a reform of the police which 0% of the surveyed police officers have found to be an improvement over the prior structure.
Along with the way he sympathises more with the killer than the victim on the murder of a 22 year old woman who was killed by one of the asylum "kids" at her workplace, Dan doesn't really seem like a good guy.
If a terror attack happens in Sweden I feel that will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Hopefully it will never happen, but if it does either the main parties will 180 on their immigration policies or Sweden might as well welcome Prime Minister Jimmie into office.

And I'm going to admit this right now. If I was a Swedish citizen I would vote for the Sweden Democrats because of their stance on this single policy. That's how critical I feel the situation is right now. I did some research on them and all their other policies are shit, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. And I'm a minority and from an immigrant background (East Asian). I hope this post doesn't come back to bite me in the ass because I'm applying for a job with the UK migration agency (that pays a LOT for a job which needs no university education) which involves making decisions on people's asylum applications.
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