My pick-ups from the sale:
Loved the demo. Missed it when it was last on sale, but no hesitation this time.
Really fun for shareplay sessions with friends, just chilling and laughing at the cuteness/physics.
Worth the 6 GBP if you're looking for a relaxing/quirky indie platformer.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
After 2 hours, initial impressions are mixed, but I'm enjoying it on the whole.
Doesn't have quite the same charm as the first game, but feels more "streamlined" (for better or worse).
Even though I understand it didn't live up to most peoples' expectations, at 9 GBP this felt like a bit of a steal.
Steamworld Dig
Heard good things and could not refuse to take the plunge at under 2 GBP.
Much more fun than the concept led me to believe, although the controls are a little "floaty".
Perfect fit for Vita in terms of visuals and data size. I love the platform for building a library of great little addictive games like this.