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Europa Universalis IV |OT| A Game of Blobs


So I am struggling on what to make as my next move. Started up a game as Portugal, banked a ton of prestige and stability through the 100 years war killing French ships and doing missions, and unlocked my first idea.

Now my options seem to be start colonizing or push into North Africa, but making cores out of those areas would put me way behind in terms of ideas, and I would be at risk for revolts since I can't convert their religion.

Should I just turtle up and bank points for more ideas before I go after anything or something else?


I'm playing as Burgundy. I'm wondering if i should form the Netherlands or not.

If I do decide to form the Netherlands then do I lose my land in France or just the cores?

You lose your land in France, but tbh, totally worth it.
NL gets +100% naval forcelimits. +100%. Grab naval ideas too and you can build an incredible merchant fleet.
I'm playing as Burgundy. I'm wondering if i should form the Netherlands or not.

If I do decide to form the Netherlands then do I lose my land in France or just the cores?

Burgundy to Netherlands is something of a kludge since Holland doesn't exist in EU4's start; you end up giving up all your French lands to France, switch culture, etc. Gelre to Netherlands is probably more gainful. Though I did see a suggestion that, as Burgundy, you could release all your French lands as vassals, then convert and possibly keep the vassals.


Burgundy to Netherlands is something of a kludge since Holland doesn't exist in EU4's start; you end up giving up all your French lands to France, switch culture, etc. Gelre to Netherlands is probably more gainful. Though I did see a suggestion that, as Burgundy, you could release all your French lands as vassals, then convert and possibly keep the vassals.

I can confirm you do keep vassals, I did Burgundy > NL and had Lorraine as a vassal and kept it. You don't lose that much though unless you expanded into France yourself. The low countries region ain't small.


Ok, question, I have taken all the areas of Granada and have been attempting to convert their religion since but my missionaries have made no impact at all... what is the best way to achieve this?


Such a good feeling smashing France when they are fighting England, and rebels. I then get them to give me 1500 gold, which pays for the war.
So I am struggling on what to make as my next move. Started up a game as Portugal, banked a ton of prestige and stability through the 100 years war killing French ships and doing missions, and unlocked my first idea.

Now my options seem to be start colonizing or push into North Africa, but making cores out of those areas would put me way behind in terms of ideas, and I would be at risk for revolts since I can't convert their religion.

Should I just turtle up and bank points for more ideas before I go after anything or something else?

Ignore N. Africa, it's worthless to you without strong religious ideas. Go westward from the Azores and Madeira, start colonizing Brazil. Sneak down the west coast of Africa. Build up your trade power.
Ok, question, I have taken all the areas of Granada and have been attempting to convert their religion since but my missionaries have made no impact at all... what is the best way to achieve this?

Take decisions that increase missionary power, take the religious idea group and get the +3 strength, conquer rome, conquer jerusalem, get an advisor that increases missinoary strength, etc etc.
Ok, question, I have taken all the areas of Granada and have been attempting to convert their religion since but my missionaries have made no impact at all... what is the best way to achieve this?

First off, the game will tell you if it's impossible or just a very, very long time. Anything over 100 months is a waste of time and money.

Spain's 2nd national idea is +2% missionary chance, several decisions give +% as does being Defender Of The Faith and Curia Controller. There's also hiring an adviser, but that can get pricey.


I swear every time I hit +3 stability or get close to it, the game throws an event at me to reduce it.

Get out of here, comets!


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Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Who else has expensive hobbies?
I love the trade system in this game. I'm playing as the Ottomans have a ton of fun focusing on seizing the Red Sea and Indian trade. Compare that to spamming or auto-sending merchants in the last game, there are so many interesting ways this trade system interacts with strategy.


Wow, now I want those supervikings from CK2. How much effort do you have to use in CK2 to get a working early start save with them in EUIV?

Also, these 'orders' fascinate so I'd love to get any ideas on how to get going with the Teutonic Order. The Germany area is such a huge mess with those little states that I have trouble getting my mind on it.
Also, these 'orders' fascinate so I'd love to get any ideas on how to get going with the Teutonic Order. The Germany area is such a huge mess with those little states that I have trouble getting my mind on it.

You're sandiched between Sweden, Poland and the empire, so outlook: not so good.

When you actually become Prussia/ Germany and have lots of territory, every fukken state will join the coalition against you and you'll have to have dedicated armies for whacking irritating 1-2k stacks that the crappy german protostates send at you over and over, just so you have a chance to siege something.


Screw you guys with your empires and your colonies. I'm gonna be an idiot and try to get Byzantium out of the hole it's in. I'm always an insane warmonger in grand strategy games so playing a nation that will get immediately crushed if it starts a war may force me to be more reasonable. Of course Byzantium is also broke and diplomatically weak, but what's the challenge in playing non crippled nations?

I think I'm gonna try to turn it into an Ottoman friendly, Aegean based Venice competitor. And then try to stab them in the back.

Goodbye life.

A question though. I can't seem to find a way to turn a merchant from collecting from a trade node into forwarding trade. Am I missing something or do I have to recall him and resend him with different orders?


A question though. I can't seem to find a way to turn a merchant from collecting from a trade node into forwarding trade. Am I missing something or do I have to recall him and resend him with different orders?

IIRC, you go into the that trade node's menu, recall him, then when he gets back home there should be two options in that trade node menu for collecting or forwarding. After he gets there, select the trade map mode and there should be some buttons on that node to select which way you want it to go.


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Anyone got an idea whether putting my capital to southern italy would make me eligible for a HRE membership?


Won't stop picking the right nation
What a strange and bloody game this turned out to be. Austria was basically a non-factor after 1500, and the empire was so weak and internally divided that the protestant electorates banded together and voted for Great Britain. This forced me to ally with the remaining Catholic electors and wait to get called into the right wars to force convert everyone. I think something is wrong with the achievement though, because I also received ruina imperii, which should only fire when the HRE is dismantled.


Has problems recognising girls
Was is ze verdict?

How buggy is it?

If anything this seems to be the smoothest Paradox launch yet. It's not bulletproof and a weird moment may occur (like becoming your own heir upon death via mystical reincarnation skills) but it doesn't seem to affect the overall game substantially.


Was is ze verdict?

How buggy is it?

Not buggy at all, only problems I've encountered were a few MP things, but they're addressing those. I've played more than a few AAA games that were far more janky than this. No real excuse not to buy this and build a Danish superpower.


You're sandiched between Sweden, Poland and the empire, so outlook: not so good.

When you actually become Prussia/ Germany and have lots of territory, every fukken state will join the coalition against you and you'll have to have dedicated armies for whacking irritating 1-2k stacks that the crappy german protostates send at you over and over, just so you have a chance to siege something.

Damn. Maybe I'll just look at playing some country in Asia instead. :)

edit: or actually, I want to learn the new EU ropes with some smallish but non-doomed nation. Any contenders?


Damn. Maybe I'll just look at playing some country in Asia instead. :)

edit: or actually, I want to learn the new EU ropes with some smallish but non-doomed nation. Any contenders?

The Hansa is a good place to start. Other than Denmark no real large nations nearby, you're rich, you can learn the new trade mechanics quite nicely, you can experience the new Republic mechanics, you can use the HRE and Papacy mechanics etc.


A litlle update from my last game where a major European war started.

Well, I had 8k gold, after this war I was a bit down to 2-3k, expensive war.

Anyhow, I made white peace with castille and Austria, and just out of spite, I spent so much more cash and manpower and whatnot just to defeat Ligeria and Mantau, and defeated them I ded, but...

After I took some of their more expensive cities and made Ligeria a vassal, the HRE demanded it back, I just laughed at this of course, Im the biggest yes?

Well, during all these I had around 100k people revolting over seas due to high taxes.. impossible for my 14k standing army to keep down since when it moved to, todays, canada provinces, they revolted in mexico, so I had to settle with them and accept their terms which led to minus 50% tax income from dussin of provinces, I made at the height -100 gold month.

During all these HRE still complained and complained which resulted in this...:

Yes, I'm at war with all these nations...


The Hansa is a good place to start. Other than Denmark no real large nations nearby, you're rich, you can learn the new trade mechanics quite nicely, you can experience the new Republic mechanics, you can use the HRE and Papacy mechanics etc.

Ah yes, great idea! I think I'll run couple of games with first Hansa and then Castille.
What a strange and bloody game this turned out to be. Austria was basically a non-factor after 1500, and the empire was so weak and internally divided that the protestant electorates banded together and voted for Great Britain. This forced me to ally with the remaining Catholic electors and wait to get called into the right wars to force convert everyone. I think something is wrong with the achievement though, because I also received ruina imperii, which should only fire when the HRE is dismantled.

The achievements are utterly fucked right now. If you start the game as Najd, you are 99% guaranteed to get the "Jihad" achievement as soon as you unpause. A couple of other odd duck achievements likewise fire at random. According to the devs, 1.2 will fix most of these as well as put a clamp on the crazy "Border Friction" malus and the huge rebel stacks. There also appears to be some rumblings about crazy shenanigans with converted CK2 saves.

Still one of the best Paradox launches yet.


Bit of an odd question: is there any way to change the color that represents your nation in the diplomatic map view?

I've not tried it in EU4, but I imagine it's the same as EU3, in which case yes. It's just a case of finding the appropriate country file in the install directory and changing the RGB values. Although bear in mind you won't be able to play Ironman mode if you're not running with the vanilla game files.

edit: I misinterpreted, thought you meant Political View, not sure about Diplomatic.


I don't understand the rule where you can't move the capital untill it is isolated? Want to move to the states!
Yeah, don't go over 100% overextension. Wasn't paying attention and just got in five years of battles in my Hindustan. Giant stacks everywhere. Got it under 100% again, almost broke, no manpower. And all my claims on India have expired during this revolt time... going to be an interesting few years rebuilding hoping no one attacks.


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You'd have to move your capital to an HRE province that was a core, I'm assuming?

How do I find out which one would be an HRE core?

Edit: just found it, its an indicator in the province overview. Now the question is whether annexing the papal states would be a good idea (1 province) or whether that could have big consequences.


Bit of a learning game for me this, but poor France is starting to get squashed between Burgundy and myself.

I didn't really have too many intentions in warring with the French, but I kept picking up claims from border tensions and ... with all the wars and civil unrest they had, seemed hard to turn down.


I have put an entirely unreasonable amount of time into this game already, and it's my first paradox game too (I did play CK2 a bit when I got it with EU4). Love it. Playing Ironman on Normal as Castille right now.

I'm having some trouble with pirates right now.
I sent my fleet to confront them, but I think I might have had my "Fleet Maintenance" too low and lost that battle handily. So then I maxed out fleet maintenance, gave the ship time to repair, and sent them back and failed again. Now there are more pirates and I'm not entirely sure how to free my islands from the blockade. Any help here?

Also, I've taken to killing off all of the Natives in a province before I colonize it. Is this a good idea?


I guess the things to check would be what class are your ships, bearing in mind that 5/8 of the pirate ships are heavy. If that's not it, make sure you're not using heavily out-dated ships. Also, remember that when turning the maintenance sliders for navy and army up, you still have to wait a couple of months for the current moral of your armies/fleets to fill up to the new maximum value. If none of those things help, then I suppose the pirates must have a godlike Admiral, in which case, ensure you're using an Admiral of your own.


I guess the things to check would be what class are your ships, bearing in mind that 5/8 of the pirate ships are heavy. If that's not it, make sure you're not using heavily out-dated ships. Also, remember that when turning the maintenance sliders for navy and army up, you still have to wait a couple of months for the current moral of your armies/fleets to fill up to the new maximum value. If none of those things help, then I suppose the pirates must have a godlike Admiral, in which case, ensure you're using an Admiral of your own.

Are ships upgraded with diplomatic tech like land units are with military? I admit I have been neglecting my diplo tech in favour of getting ideas, perhaps it's time to bring that up back to speed. I also don't have as many Heavy Ships as they do so that's another issue. I suppose I'll have to put some focus on my navy for a bit to get rid of this menace. In the mean time, is there anyway I can get my ships out of there without engaging the fleet? But anyway, thank you for the help!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ah, d'oh. They wont vote for me in the HRE because I have a female ruler atm. They really could have told me that though somewhere in a message/tooltip.


Ah, d'oh. They wont vote for me in the HRE because I have a female ruler atm. They really could have told me that though somewhere in a message/tooltip.

Not sure what its like in EU IV, but a female ruler couldn't become (or be voted for) the HRE in EU III.


Are ships upgraded with diplomatic tech like land units are with military? I admit I have been neglecting my diplo tech in favour of getting ideas, perhaps it's time to bring that up back to speed. I also don't have as many Heavy Ships as they do so that's another issue. I suppose I'll have to put some focus on my navy for a bit to get rid of this menace. In the mean time, is there anyway I can get my ships out of there without engaging the fleet? But anyway, thank you for the help!

That's right, diplomatic tech gets you new ships, and unlike your army, ships don't auto-upgrade when you unlock a new tier, you have to build new ones and then phase out the older ships.

In your specific situation, there's no way to leave that port without engaging the pirates I'm afraid, you're going to have to build up some new ships at home and send them over.

edit: Having said that, I think they've added a way for ships to avoid getting into combat in EU4, but I'm not at all sure how that works at the moment.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Not sure what its like in EU IV, but a female ruler couldn't become (or be voted for) the HRE in EU III.

Yeah, didnt know that but that was the reason. My female ruler just died and now they would vote for me again.


When I diplo-annexed Portugal I inherited their Navy and so I used that to beat the pirate ships. Now I've got my Early Carracks patrolling between the Antilles and North-East corner of South America, and my Barques protecting trade at Sevilla. I'm catching up in diplo tech and for my next idea group I'll probably pick a Military one since I'm ahead in military tech.

Best military idea group? Right now I'm leaning towards Defensive since I don't intend to do much in Europe except take over Aragon eventually and form Spain. Also, There isn't much going on in the Caribbean trade node. I'm guessing the value of a trade node is affected by the production of goods in the provinces that make up that trade area? So once I fill out the Caribbean there will be alot more there.
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