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European hardware sales for Xbox 360= ~18,000 units/week.....can this be right??

Die Squirrel Die said:
Now it's a question of whether that trust and familiarity is enough to get over the higher price.

To people in the US the price of the PS3 is perceived as a barrier while the rest of the world sees it as business as usual. How many times does this have to be repeated?


jimbo said:
I don't mean to rain on the doomsdayer's parade, but I just have a question. If the 360 is selling around 80k in Europe right now, which is about 1/3 of what is doing in the US, isn't that about what the original Xbox was doing? And it's doing it without a immediate price drop a month afer launch, like that fiasco with the original Xbox. Or am I missing something?

No, you're right on the money.

The Xbox sold 5.5 million in Europe, and I don't think anyone sees the 360 doing worse. But they can't beat Sony that way.


Speevy said:
Nintendo is in a perpetual state of disaster and triumph. If Nintendo is right and they can reach a market that doesn't even consider the more powerful 360, then yes, they'll get second in Europe and probably reduce MS to third worldwide.

Of course, if they do the same thing in Japan, Sony's in trouble.

In my little utopia, Nintendo would take 1st everywhere. As I get older, I start to see what I miss in gaming.

I'm getting tired of how serious and realistic games are getting. I still enjoy them, but I just don't get excited about them as much as I used to. Games became a presentation of a development teams technical prowess rather than ability to deliver good gameplay.

Look at XBLA. The games graphics are subbpar compared to the full-priced games, yet they get so many downloads.

I think people are starying back to more simplistic fun games than the huge blockbuster shooters and Nintendo is going to deliver on that.
Bearillusion said:
To people in the US the price of the PS3 is perceived as a barrier while the rest of the world sees it as business as usual. How many times does this have to be repeated?

I reiterate, I meant in comparison to the 360.

I don't know what is up with me tonight, I keep missing out details in my posts.


I think people are starying back to more simplistic fun games than the huge blockbuster shooters and Nintendo is going to deliver on that.

What are some of these simplistic fun games that Nintendo is delivering?
Die Squirrel Die said:
I reiterate, I meant in comparison to the 360.

I don't know what is up with me tonight, I keep missing out details in my posts.

Yeah sorry after I posted I thought you may have meant that.


Sucks at viral marketing
So far, the 360 has been an overall disaster. The early launch has really hurt them, but they still have time to sort things out. The system still has a decent chance to be leader in the US, but very little chance worldwide.

I think there is still a decent chance that the PS3 won't be the market leader this gen, but it'll take a combination of Sony screwing up (launch, price, blu ray, delays, etc...), MS getting its act together, and Wii being a quick/strong success.

I think we'd almost all agree that we expect the PS3 to lose marketshare next gen. I've noticed that many of our Xbox-loving friends like to assume that that marketshare will automatically go to the 360. In all likelihood, anything Sony losses will probably be split fairly evenly between Nintendo and MS. The two systems cater to two different audiences that both thrived on the PS2.

I have a feeling that the next-gen "winner" won't be crowned by hardware but by software sales.


BTW, does anyone else think that the poor sales of the X360 outside of the US have something to do with the general anti-US and anti-Bush sentiment that is pervasive in the world right now? And not to mention Microsoft's continuing legal problems in Europe.

Factoring all that in, the average European probably won't have much love for an American made Microsoft console.


I've said this about 17 times on this board, but AGAIN:

No one publishes European weekly tracking figures for Europe. THERE ARE NO SUCH NUMBERS.

I don't know what the number cited in this interview was, it's probably a wildly off-base extrapolation from Microsoft's last shipment figures.

Which is not to say 360 sales are not lousy in Europe, because they are.
Rhindle said:
I've said this about 17 times on this board, but AGAIN:

No one publishes European weekly tracking figures for Europe. THERE ARE NO SUCH NUMBERS.

I don't know what the number cited in this interview was, it's probably a wildly off-base extrapolation from Microsoft's last shipment figures.

Which is not to say 360 sales are not lousy in Europe, because they are.

hell yea, keep that bs in check


Rhindle said:
Which is not to say 360 sales are not lousy in Europe, because they are.
How lousy could they be if MS says they're on track to have shipped 10 million systems in the first year? The console is selling well in America, but not that well. At best the US wouldn't even account for half of that for the year.
jimbo said:
I don't mean to rain on the doomsdayer's parade, but I just have a question. If the 360 is selling around 80k in Europe right now, which is about 1/3 of what is doing in the US, isn't that about what the original Xbox was doing? And it's doing it without a immediate price drop a month afer launch, like that fiasco with the original Xbox. Or am I missing something?

We have to remember the context.

The original XBox was far from a success here in Europe so comparing it to that and saying 'it is doing just as well' really isn't saying much.

2 'next gen' exclusive soccer games won't do anything for X360 in Europe. This was said in the massive PES/Konami threads but the XDF refused to accept it and as someone said earlier two next gen exclusive FIFA games hasn't done squat for it so far.

While many would like to dismiss the power of the brand Sony has been building for the past 10 years with their sheer dominance of 3 different territories those things don't happen by accident - just ask MS and all the problems they're having.

As such, you can expect PS3 in Europe to fly off the shelves whatever the price.


monkeymagic said:
We have to remember the context.

The original XBox was far from a success here in Europe so comparing it to that and saying 'it is doing just as well' really isn't saying much.

2 'next gen' exclusive soccer games won't do anything for X360 in Europe. This was said in the massive PES/Konami threads but the XDF refused to accept it and as someone said earlier two next gen exclusive FIFA games hasn't done squat for it so far.

While many would like to dismiss the power of the brand Sony has been building for the past 10 years with their sheer dominance of 3 different territories those things don't happen by accident - just ask MS and all the problems they're having.

As such, you can expect PS3 in Europe to fly off the shelves whatever the price.



I would bang a hot farmer!
monkeymagic said:
The original XBox was far from a success here in Europe so comparing it to that and saying 'it is doing just as well' really isn't saying much.
What was the final total for the Xbox in Europe? 5.5-6 million?


While many would like to dismiss the power of the brand Sony has been building for the past 10 years with their sheer dominance of 3 different territories those things don't happen by accident - just ask MS and all the problems they're having.

True, not even Nintendo dominated all 3 territories. Sega gave the NES and SNES a pretty good fight in Europe. Sony's domination was much more complete.


---- said:
How lousy could they be if MS says they're on track to have shipped 10 million systems in the first year? The console is selling well in America, but not that well. At best the US wouldn't even account for half of that for the year.
Clearing 10 million shipped by the end of the year shouldn't be a problem. They were at 5 million as of June 30. Three million units to North America in the second half of the year should be feasible, and 1-1.5 million to Europe, the rest elsewhere.

I think sales on par with Xbox1 during the next year or two is the best they can hope for in Europe. PS3 sales will be a fraction of PS2 sales during the equivalent period, probably a rather small fraction.
Faizal said:
True, not even Nintendo dominated all 3 territories. Sega gave the NES and SNES a pretty good fight in Europe. Sony's domination was much more complete.

Correct, although really this was more due to Nintendo being very sloppy in Europe more than anything.

Certainly the NES had way more software and a better library than what Sega could possibly offer.


Faizal said:
BTW, does anyone else think that the poor sales of the X360 outside of the US have something to do with the general anti-US and anti-Bush sentiment that is pervasive in the world right now? And not to mention Microsoft's continuing legal problems in Europe.

Factoring all that in, the average European probably won't have much love for an American made Microsoft console.
Not a factor.
Rhindle said:
I think sales on par with Xbox1 during the next year or two is the best they can hope for in Europe. PS3 sales will be a fraction of PS2 sales during the equivalent period, probably a rather small fraction.

Not really.

If you expect X360 sales to continue at 18,000 a week then that would make it almost 20% of current PS2 sales.

PS3 will at the very least match that but I'm expecting it to at least double it.

20-40% is not a small fraction and that's ignoring launch units.


Not really.

If you expect X360 sales to continue at 18,000 a week then that would make it almost 20% of current PS2 sales.

PS3 will at the very least match that but I'm expecting it to at least double it.

20-40% is not a small fraction and that's ignoring launch units.

I think he means X months after the PS2 launched in Europe.


I think alot of forum goers will look back in a year 'Hmm.. the PlayStation 3 is really another PlayStation.' And I mean for all territories, not just EU.


Fuzzy said:
What was the final total for the Xbox in Europe? 5.5-6 million?
At the end of 2005, the XBox shipment breakdown was:

NA - 16M
Europe - 6M
Jap./Asia Pac. - 2M

I can't imagine that they've shipped many more (if any) to Europe in 2006.


Mojovonio said:
I'm getting tired of how serious and realistic games are getting. I still enjoy them, but I just don't get excited about them as much as I used to. Games became a presentation of a development teams technical prowess rather than ability to deliver good gameplay.
Look at XBLA. The games graphics are subbpar compared to the full-priced games, yet they get so many downloads.

I think people are starying back to more simplistic fun games than the huge blockbuster shooters and Nintendo is going to deliver on that.

Hyperbole x 2.

I guess you haven't seen the Stranglehold youtube video yet.
---- said:
How lousy could they be if MS says they're on track to have shipped 10 million systems in the first year? The console is selling well in America, but not that well. At best the US wouldn't even account for half of that for the year.

Because "shipped" figures don't necessarily mean much. PSP has shipped as many/more units than DS, though DS has clearly outsold it. At the time of the infamous "5 million sold" (shipped) the best case scenario had 3 million sold worldwide, with 2 million sitting on shelves/in transit.


Rhindle said:
Clearing 10 million shipped by the end of the year shouldn't be a problem. They were at 5 million as of June 30. Three million units to North America in the second half of the year should be feasible, and 1-1.5 million to Europe, the rest elsewhere.

I think sales on par with Xbox1 during the next year or two is the best they can hope for in Europe. PS3 sales will be a fraction of PS2 sales during the equivalent period, probably a rather small fraction.
Wait, but what is the territory breakup for the existing 5 million right now?
I agree with Mojo, in a way. While I'm a big proponent of advancing graphics (though I wouldn't consider myself a graphics whore... only in a few genres), I'm mostly turned off by games that strive for a realistic look. I vastly prefer games that have a stylistic or fantastic approach to visuals.


---- said:
Wait, but what is the territory breakup for the existing 5 million right now?
Through June 30/06, the X360 shipment breakdown was:

NA - 3.3 million
Europe - 1.3 million
Other - 0.4 million

The most telling figure though was that for the last quarter (April - June), only 200k were shipped to Europe.
---- said:
Wait, but what is the territory breakup for the existing 5 million right now?

I would assume at least 3 million of those shipped are to N.A, if not more. They've drastically reduced their shipments to Europe, according to some reports that came out the same time of the shipment announcement.

As for the sales breakdown, something like...

A bit more than 2 million in NA

~1 million in Europe (or so, hard to tell)

Japan - doesn't even register


Dalthien said:
Through June 30/06, the X360 shipment breakdown was:

NA - 3.3 million
Europe - 1.3 million
Other - 0.4 million

The most telling figure though was that for the last quarter (April - June), only 200k were shipped to Europe.
And Rhindle is saying that shipments for the 2nd half of the year would mirror this, but if Xbox 360 is not selling in EU then how will they get retailers to buy an additional 1-1.5 million units?

My Arms Your Hearse said:
Because "shipped" figures don't necessarily mean much. PSP has shipped as many/more units than DS, though DS has clearly outsold it. At the time of the infamous "5 million sold" (shipped) the best case scenario had 3 million sold worldwide, with 2 million sitting on shelves/in transit.
It means something. I really don't think MS could ship 10 million consoles to retailers if the system was only selling well in America. Like I said the system is selling okay here, but it's not selling that well. I think there's only like 2-2.5 million sold in the US.

PSP on the otherhand sells well in most parts of the world so it is believable that the retail could absorb a lot of shipments.


Ah, it's the end of august. The days are growing longer, the nights are becoming cooler, and the fanboys have emerged from their summer nests to posture at one another, waving their bits in the air as they sing their nasal siren song of sales and sanctimony. :lol


So if 1.3 million have already been shipped to Europe as of June and an additional 1-1.5 million will be shipped this year you have to figure there will be about 2.5 million Xbox 360's in Europe this year.

I guess even though the 18K a week figure implies only about 1 million being sold per year the truth is that a huge portion of video game hardware sales take place during the last couple of months of the calendar year.

m0dus said:
Ah, it's the end of august. The days are growing longer, the nights are becoming cooler, and the fanboys have emerged from their summer nests to posture at one another, waving their bits in the air as they sing their nasal siren song of sales and sanctimony. :lol
Actually the days have been growing shorter since June 21st. I wish they were growing longer.
Chiggs said:
Judging by that, the PS3 isn't so hot, either. Wii FTW.

I'm calling it now.

Europe this upcoming generation:


USA this upcoming generation:

1.PS3 (probably)

Japan this upcoming generation:



Gold Member
Moderation Unlimited said:
I'm calling it now.

Europe this upcoming generation:


USA this upcoming generation:

1.PS3 (probably)

Japan this upcoming generation:


I can agree with this. It definitely looks like a toss up in the States. Microsoft had better ****ing watch it, or there gonna end up in 3rd place.


Moderation Unlimited said:
I'm calling it now.

Europe this upcoming generation:


USA this upcoming generation:

1.PS3 (probably)

Japan this upcoming generation:


I think that the order will be the same as last generation, but that Wii will be a stronger 2nd place in Japan, and Xbox 360 will be a stronger 2nd place in NA/EU, but only because it launched a year early instead of a year late.

The Xbox 360 is starting with a 2 million headstart in Europe instead of 2 million behind like Xbox. Even if they sell at exactly the same rate as the original Xbox they will gain some marketshare in Europe this generation. Wii is a complete wildcard, it could be a huge hit, a spectacular failure, or sell about as well as Gamecube. Hard to predict the reaction to Wii. In terms of marketshare PS3 has the price working against it and not having a years headstart on the competition like PS2. I think Sony will lose some marketshare, but not enough for Nintendo or Microsoft to pull into 1st in any territory.
People who think the price is normal or ok in europe for the ps3 is having a serious joke. Now way in earth is £425 normal, there is alot of people unhappy with the price tag. The 360 seems to be doing very well in the uk.


Mojovonio said:
If the 360 comes out 3rd will MS' shareholders allow another money pit to be made?

If they can establish consistent quarterly profit at some point this gen they will have acheived a significant victory of sorts regardless of their pecking order on the marketshare ladder.


Speevy said:
The Xbox sold 5.5 million in Europe, and I don't think anyone sees the 360 doing worse.

I'm just being mean here, but people said the same thing about Japan. :p You're right though, 360 will probably do better.


Moderation Unlimited said:
I'm calling it now.

Europe this upcoming generation:


USA this upcoming generation:

1.PS3 (probably)

Japan this upcoming generation:


So basically the PS3 wins.


Chili Con Carnage!
360 is too expensive to appeal to anyone but the hardcore in Europe right now, its a very price sensitive market as we saw with Xbox, people see much more value in a £110 PS2 (rightly so with all thats available).

In the UK at least, the xbox brand is strong, its a household name for sure. But it wont take off until the price & software is right. It might take the PS3 coming at £425 for people to see what a 'bargin' the 360 is.

Its never gonna beat PS3 in Europe, but i would be supprised if they werent closer than last time.


supermackem said:
Lol wow 5 people dont like x360 in germany wow gaf scores another win what a sad bunch you lot are.

:lol :lol

Yeah no kidding. That short video really doesn't prove much either way.
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