True or not, the fact that they would even consider the guy after the (continuing) investigation is shocking.
Liberty University, the largest Christian university in the world, uses religion as its calling card. The schools mission is to train champions for Christ, and its website greets visitors with a strong declaration  You Want a Christian University that Prepares You for Life. You Need Liberty.
But many people including Liberty students  began to publicly question the sincerity of the schools devotion to Jesus when Jerry Fallwell Jr., the president of the university, heartily endorsed President-elect Donald Trump back in January, well before the primaries were over.
And now, Libertys latest move  the hiring of athletic director Ian McCaw, who formerly held the same job at Baylor University  makes its proclamation of Christian values feel like nothing short of a farce.
This is the same Ian McCaw who resigned from Baylor earlier this year amidst the schools sexual assault scandal; the same Ian McCaw who was in the news just a few weeks ago when former Baylor Title IX coordinator Patty Crawford told ESPNs Outside the Lines that McCaw specifically asked her if the football players could get immunity from sexual assault allegations; the same Ian McCaw who the Baylor Board of Regents says knew about a student athletes allegation of gang rape against five football players and did absolutely nothing.