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ever heard that sleeping on your back can give you nightmares?

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I remember when I was a little kid being told that if you sleep on your back, you are likely to get bad dreams / nightmares. the reason being, supposedly, is something like, you are likely to "pinch a nerve" in your neck or back, or something like that, thus causing you to have a nightmare or nightmares. does this make any sense whatsoever?

I had a series of short nightmares last night, I was sleeping on my back the whole time. I kept waking up then going back to sleep having a mini nightmare each time. also, I had the well-known parallasis, where you cant move. the whole thing is very unpleasant and I basicly lost alot of sleep because of it, yet at the same time, I find the whole thing extremely interesting. so today I'm doing some research on some of these subjects..


I always sleep on my back, and I get that "paralysis" thing a lot, although sometimes it feels more like a nightmare. I've gotten used to it, and don't really mind it, except when I'm sleeping with a girl, where I'm afraid I'm going to freak her out.
I *ONLY* sleep on my back (every night). Never have I experceinced the "paralysis" phenoma nor do I have frequent nigtmares..or infrequent ones at that.
Sleep paralysis isn't caused by sleeping on your back. It's a condition where you can gather visual input through your eyes, but your conscious mind (and motor functions) are not active.

I also haven't heard about this sleeping on back = nightmare thing, but I had a long series of nightmares last night, and I was sleeping on my side. Presumably anyway, as I always sleep on my side.


I can get nightmares no matter how i sleep (back, stomache or either side), though last night i had a shitload of nightmares. slept (half asleep) on my back most of the night.

after not getting much actual rest, i said 'fuck this' then went to sleep on the sofa in the livingroom. only woke up like an hour ago
Sleep paralysis definitely seems to happen a lot more if you sleep on your back. It happens to me all the time when I sleep on my back, so I always try to stay on my side. As for nightmares... No clue.


Sleep paralysis sounds really interesting I don't think I've ever had it before. Only time I can remember something closest to the descriptions given is when I woke up and just my arm was completely numb. At first I thought I found the arm of a dead person and then I realized it was mine and put it in a position to get it's feeling back. I love all this talk about dreams and stuff.


Heh, yeah. I have the numb arm thing happen alot. Get up to take a piss and I have to pick up and carry my arm with me to the bathroom.
A friend of mine was dreaming he was being abducted by aliens, and in the dream he began saying the Hail Mary over and over again, and he woke himself up by screaming out the Hail Mary in real life. It freaked him out a bit. I don't know if he was sleeping on his back though.
Last night I had a dream that I found my GBA SP power adapter finally, so I could charge it up and play Mario Golf Advance again... Then I woke up and the power adapter really wasn't on my desk. I was despressed.

Kon Tiki

GigaDrive said:
I had the well-known parallasis, where you cant move. the whole thing is very unpleasant and I basicly lost alot of sleep because of it, yet at the same time, I find the whole thing extremely interesting. so today I'm doing some research on some of these subjects..

The few time that I did get the paralysis, it was caused by a nightmare, well I would not say nightmare, more like an intense exciting dream.

I do not sleep on my back for fear of nightmare or paralysis, it is for personal comfort, as I like to snuggle with the person (or pillow :p) beside me.
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