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Ever look at a photo and find something unexpected?

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aoi tsuki

Granted, this isn't the most creative example, but i brought my camera to work to catch some kids who were stealing tip money. They never came, but i was fooling around with the camera while i was talking to a semi-regular female customer (who's a Christian) and snapped this pic, cropped for relevancy and privacy.


i just found it sorta odd that she'd wear a thong, being a Christian and all.

Anyone else have similar examples?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Socreges said:
You should inform her parish. Bring a bible.

"Thou shalt not wear a thong."

-- Matthew 13:36

Matthew 13:69

I just wanted to correct your quote

aoi tsuki

That's a small region of a 1600x1200 image. Like i said, it wasn't intentional; i was actually trying to get a goofy facial as i whipped out the camera, but by time i opened the camera, focused, and shot, she was walking away.


In the distant future, a race of beings other than our own will study our internet to learn about our society. They will come across this thread, and then they will fully understand why this species failed.


You do know what happens when regular panties are worn with tight pants, right?

Think double-chins down below...
CaptainABAB said:
You do know what happens when regular panties are worn with tight pants, right?

Think double-chins down below...

Seriously, why is it the fat chicks that always wear thongs? I don't care for thongs, personally.

They ride up like a motherfucker.

aoi tsuki

CaptainABAB said:
You do know what happens when regular panties are worn with tight pants, right?

Think double-chins down below...
True. It may not be a thong per se, but it's definitely less than i'd expect her to wear (read: granny panties). It's more of a personal discovery than something the forum would be interested in, but it was just an example. i was really hoping this would turn into a thread where other people with cameras discussed their findings when they analyzed their shots, but oh well.
aoi tsuki said:
i was really hoping this would turn into a thread where other people with cameras discussed their findings when they analyzed their shots, but oh well.

Hmm, I think there's a ghost in this picture:

I kid you not, there's a naked women in this photo. It's like a "Where's Waldo" search to find her though. See if you can find her.




You just know she wears a tight thong and push up bra, then when she gets home she strips off in front of the mirror and oils herself up.

Then she thanks god for the blessing of her body, and how it will be so worth it when she finally marries and her new husband can share her good fortune.


The Shadow said:
I kid you not, there's a naked women in this photo. It's like a "Where's Waldo" search to find her though. See if you can find her.


when you say "naked woman"... you mean "bridge"... right?


The Shadow said:
I kid you not, there's a naked women in this photo. It's like a "Where's Waldo" search to find her though. See if you can find her.


Where!@#@!?! I cant find her!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
aoi tsuki said:
i just found it sorta odd that she'd wear a thong, being a Christian and all.

what about garters, taboo as well?

It's already been said, but that was pretty dumb.

aoi tsuki

No, it all just boils down to expectations of a Christian, having been raised in the faith myself, though i don't follow it.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I think it's just natural for a man to assume that a woman's wearing a thong just because it's sexually appealing...which it is, but it actually serves a practical purpose. It looks incredibly tacky whenever women wear full-on granny panties under pants, so they avoid it by wearing thong-type undergarments. I'm not sure where Christianity factors into it. I mean, a Christian man shouldn't be staring at a woman's ass (pfft) and a Christian woman should be able to wear whatever she wants under her clothing.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
aoi tsuki said:
No, it all just boils down to expectations of a Christian, having been raised in the faith myself, though i don't follow it.

still dumb, sorry. My CCD class never covered undergarments though.
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