Why don't they just start streaming Marvel on another stream?
Is this the finals?
Hungrybox get bodied please. I dont think my body can take another half an hour of this
Matches are way too long.
I prefer anime.ahhhhh crap yeah Manga's gonna win.
so wait hbox is back in then?
Scheduled for two hours from now.
Probably at least 3.5 hours from now.
I prefer anime.
Where is your avatar from? I need to know for "educational" purposes...
3 stock limit would be a better solution than a time reduction. Then people would just play to time out which would drag it on.
i kept seeing this gif before and never understood it
until now lol
And people were mad that they started at 8am this year
I hope Mango 3-0s this guy.
assuming Mango wins without a reset Melee will have only ran 30 minutes over, you guys are exaggerating
It's still Melee being played?
This is way behind schedule then isn't it?