Arturo Sanchez ‏@nycfurby 49s
I got double perfected by @KBradJStorm my evo run is over...
Who's to say Daigo will make top 8 this year? Didn't he arely reach it last year?
.fubarduck ‏@fubarduck 1m
Snake Eyez over Kyabetsu 2-1 to qualify Top 32 Winners
That dominance by Daigo on Valle was so good.
I do want to know who really put Daigo in losers though, what the hell.
Alex Valle IS trending worldwide.
Yes, what Twitter shows you is effected by your interests.
Lol wtf is this?
More GAFers go downRIP Art T_T
You can turn that off, and when you do, it looks like that.Yes, what Twitter shows you is effected by your interests.
Yes, what Twitter shows you is effected by your interests.
I'm still convinced Mago will win it this year like in my earlier predictions.
Dude is too solid.
Is this Livestreamer program complicated to install?
Yes, what Twitter shows you is effected by your interests.
Minimal salt from Sanford, cool
I've gotten around 50 street passes in the last hour. So many puzzles!
Probably because even if he loses he can eat tonight.