How much crazy can one mind hold? Foster, a keynote speaker at the Family Research Councils Ex-Gay Pride Month, is unhappy with all the attention surrounding the event. In a new blog post, he compares being gay to being a slave and likens ex-gay activists like himself to Harriet Tubman while painting gay rights advocates as modern-day slave holders.
Thus, Ill be publishing a series of articles on the parallels of slavery our forefathers faced from white slaveowners and their supporters in politics. They hated escaped slaves and did everything they could to stop them. Ill discuss how anti-EXhomosexual gay activists have become the new oppressors, driven by their hatred of former homosexuals. Ill highlight brave abolitionists who risked much to help freed slaves and how pastors can help freed homosexuals stay free by creating safety networks. Finally, I will talk about how EXGLBT can work together to expand the promise of freedom for all.
I freed a thousand slaves and I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves. Harriet Tubman
The parallel of Harriet Tubmans statement hit me really hard. Like the unflinching Mrs. Tubman, Ive led many homosexuals out of that slavery into the freedom of holiness. But it comes with the sobering realization that many more will never be free simply because they refuse to acknowledge the bondage of their sin.
The same prayer and faith in the promise of freedom given by God that brought Harriet Tubman and other EXslaves out of physical bondage, brought EXhomosexuals out of spiritual bondage. But now, our prayers of freedom are being widely mocked by the bigoted oppressors as praying away the gay. Our efforts to help other homosexuals gain their freedom are being branded fraudulent and dangerous. They highlight those who have fallen back into homosexuality as proof that our efforts for freedom are little more than snake oil tactics.
Interestingly enough, after Harriet Tubman escaped the first time from slavery Sept 17, 1849 with her two brothers, she went back. Its believed that her brothers influenced her to go back because they had familial ties they were very hesistant [sic] to be separated from. Under this new white hot standard of judgment homosexual activists use against EXhomosexuals who return to homosexuality because they experience separation anxiety, Tubman would be considered a failure and a fraud. She would be considered discredited and thus unqualified to tell other slaves they could be free.
But soon after she returned to slavery, she escaped again without her brothers to freedom. It was the genesis of her amazing courage to return numerous times to rescue black slaves and lead them to freedom.
In another post, Foster likens gay rights advocates to the Ku Klux Klan and police officers who violently repressed civil rights marchers, wondering if gay activists will resort to dogs, water hoses and bombs:
Case in point, two EXGLBT advocacy organizations declared July as Exgay Pride Month and consequently planned a celebration event to highlight the contributions and ongoing struggles of American citizens who are EXhomosexual. They made no demands on the gay community and asked nothing of them. In fact this was just a group of people who felt the need to encourage themselves and their families. Fair enough? Nope, not for homosexual activists. The announcement set off a frenzy of attacks. From theBoston Edge to jittery RightWingWatch, the online gay allied world exploded with numerous reports, blogs and oped pieces [sic] about the event. Even NBC News mentioned it! The stories were jammed with missiles named mockery, condemnation, bullying, discrimination, judging, unwarranted name calling, bigotry, intolerance and all the detestable vices homosexuals claim have no place in a fair and equal America. But it became very clear that in the eyes of homosexuals, they are the only ones who can simultaneously engage in such vicious behavior while at the same time pretending to decry it.
Remember, the nonexistence of EXhomosexuals is incontrovertible dogma in gay orthodoxy. Exgays cant exist because if they do, then it destroys their other parallel lie that all homosexuals are born gay and cannot change. Perhaps this premature shock and awe attempt is because they sense a serious threat to their foundational mistruths. And of course you can couch your fear in shallow comedic bullying:
In case, youve never heard of VoV [Voice of the Voiceless], its basically an anti-ex-gay defamation group, or, in other words, a group of self-haters who feel picked on.
Thats exactly the way the Klan reacted when African Americans showed up to vote or to march for their right to be recognized as full US citizens. If this doesnt work, maybe the gay activists will resort to dogs, water hoses and bombs. Another favorite tactic of racists were to employ vicious written caricatures of their black victims. Likewise, gay activists use grotestque sexual caricatures against Exhomosexuals (and their supporters)
Today, another leader in the ex-gay movement has written a letter of apology for the hurt and pain caused by his work at Exodus International. That being said, DL Foster of Ex-Gay Pride Month is out with a new diatribe likening gay rights advocates to slave owners. After comparing himself to Harriet Tubman, this time Foster sees himself as a Frederick Douglass figure who was able to escape the gay life plantation.
Gay activists and white American slave owners are two sides of the same coin, animated by the same spirit, Foster writes. Just like the delusional slave owners depite [sic] their lies, imtimidation [sic], violence, ridicule and unjust laws ultimately lost, homosexual activists will discover one day they too will lose the war.
Reading more about Frederick Douglass and the hate he endured from the slave owners simply because he wanted his brothers and sisters to be free, reminded me of what a gay activist said recently about EXhomosexuals. Ex-gays are as rare as the Dodo bird., quipped homosexual Wayne Besen who spends his waking hours attempting to do what slave owners did to Douglass, Tubman and other abolitionists. Besen uses the same strategy of the slave owners: paint the abolitionists as uneducated, unhinged loons fighting a losing battle. Ridicule became their oft used tool when outright intimidation failed to deter those bearing the message of freedom.
If youve noticed, gay activists religiously cite the American Psychological Associations no change doctrine as irreversable [sic] proof that no homosexual can change. If they do, its theorized, such a person will be emotionally damaged even to the point of suicide. Or you will also hear this: you can change your behavior, but you cant change your orientation. These ridiculous assertions have become the basis of passing unjust laws and prohibiting counselors from helping people who want to escape the gay life plantation. So why not just tellblacksgays that change is impossible so they can life a happy life as a slave?
As my friend explained to me, Douglass again proved that it was the slave owners who were fighting a losing battle. Douglass detailed his life as a slave with such finesse, that only a person who was once enslaved on the plantations of racist America could have written it.
Gay activists and white American slave owners are two sides of the same coin, animated by the same spirit. It reminds me of the many times homosexual activists have claimed that I was never gay to begin with. Unable to refute my broad knowledge of the homosexual lifestyle that I lived for 11 years, a Chicago lesbian angrily told me, You were never a true gay, because true gays cannot change their orientation. As ludicrous as it sounds, I recognized it as one of those tools they use when they run out of options against EXhomosexuals like myself who are forward and articulate emancipation messengers. ‪
Just like the delusional slave owners depite [sic] their lies, imtimidation [sic], violence, ridicule and unjust laws ultimately lost, homosexual activists will discover one day they too will lose the war. Our Liberator has come and we are free.
How much crazy can one mind hold?