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Extremely Late To Ze Party: 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' (Spoilerish)


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I first tried to get into this game way back when I just got my 64MB GeForce MX440. Apart from the moments of lagginess I experienced and the fact that the first few maps didn't wow me, I dropped it pretty quick. A few days ago I fired it up on my present system (overclocked Athlon 2500, Radeon 9800 Pro, etc) and after I sort of slugged through the less than exciting first few levels, the game really started to grow on me. Granted, some of the levels don't hold up too well these days (the forest-type outside levels looked like Astroturf with a fake tree sticking out here and there), but the 'extra' texture setting still looked pretty damn good and some of the levels really impressed me. I think the part that interested me most about the game was the emphasis on sniping, and lordy was that flamethrower ever a fun weapon. The maps towards the end of the game got particularly exciting, namely the mansion portion of the final village you raid (all stealth-like) and the really impressive dam level. I can't say I cared for the zombie-happy levels, and man was I let down when the great later levels were book ended with an incredibly crappy and easy final boss. I thought the opening CG sequence called this guy invincible? Oh, and his death: 'hurrrrrrr' <explodes into what appears to be two pounds of gibs>. Still, that sour moment aside, I really enjoyed the game and am kind of glad I waited until a point where I could play it at uber-highres and at about 600FPS.


RtCW isnt about the one player game. Although it is kinda good, it is all about multiplayer. During my university years I played almost a little too much RtCW MP. You know joining a clan and all that sh*t. It was insanly fun though.
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