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Extremist Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

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So they're receiving mail/packages while there?
I mean at this point the sheriff has basically allowed them to claim this place as their own. Maybe throw rugs weren't such a weird request since this is basically their home now... that they pay nothing to live there.

They get mail. They can go into town or wherever and come back. They still have power and internet access. More militia and supplies are allowed in. They are using government property to destroy fences. They have been confronting government employees.

Pretty amazing just watching this go on with zero response.

User 406

I wish people would have a little sympathy and listen to what these guys are saying.

They want people to stop sending dildos, so stop sending dildos already.

Now we need to send them lube.


I wish people would have a little sympathy and listen to what these guys are saying.

They want people to stop sending dildos, so stop sending dildos already.

Now we need to send them lube.

I'll get right to sending them some vaseline. That way they'll actually feel the burn.
Yeah no worries, I was just pointing out how absurd his position is, and how much of a double standard exists in America.

I don't think it's a huge leap to say that past events are influencing the way these agencies are approaching the situation more than race though. The agencies directly involved cite Ruby Ridge and Waco as the influencers for their approach now. But the double standard here is obvious when there are no such concerns when it involves black people and the tanks are immediately brought out. It's just that, in the past, it seems the federal government wasn't too shy about ending these standoffs with force but now they are. So what changed and what caused this change?

On another subject:

I'm also hesitant to throw around the label 'terrorist' for everything because of how broad the definition is and how much power it gives the government. It's responsible for how militarized the police have become. The dictionary definition could cover anything from setting off a nuclear device in New York to tying the President's shoelaces together when he's not looking. While it certainly could be applied here being that one of the legal definitions is:

"[T]he term 'terrorism' means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents

or the PATRIOT (I love that it's a real acronym, what a bunch of cheeseballs) Act's definition:

"activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any state; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S."

It could also apply to a whole lot of things that I don't want it to apply to because it strips away so many rights and gives the government so much power when dealing with it. We should be narrowing the definition and being more specific so these broad powers aren't applied to things they were never meant to be applied towards.


They get mail. They can go into town or wherever and come back. They still have power and internet access. More militia and supplies are allowed in. They are using government property to destroy fences. They have been confronting government employees.

Pretty amazing just watching this go on with zero response.

How have Feds not used any of that to just arrest them one at a time as they go to town?
Or cut their utilities?


If every single one of these guys doesn't get some jail time I will be really interested to know what the justification will be. I'll also be furious.
So they're receiving mail/packages while there?
I mean at this point the sheriff has basically allowed them to claim this place as their own. Maybe throw rugs weren't such a weird request since this is basically their home now... that they pay nothing to live there.

And they don't even have to work!


I wont be surprised if people send them food laced with laxatives or maybe a drug like LSD.

If they would actually eat clearly homemade food shipped to them, they deserve what they get lol

I am disgusted there has been no apparent pushback on them from the powers that be. I'm not saying storm the place and kill everyone, but why do they still have power? Why can they come and go as they please? What the hell is happening!?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
If they would actually eat clearly homemade food shipped to them, they deserve what they get lol

I am disgusted there has been no apparent pushback on them from the powers that be. I'm not saying storm the place and kill everyone, but why do they still have power? Why can they come and go as they please? What the hell is happening!?

Its not hard to lace something with acid, just take a syringe and inject it into a bottle of soda or something and boom, trippy time drink.


I don't think it's a huge leap to say that past events are influencing the way these agencies are approaching the situation more than race though. The agencies directly involved cite Ruby Ridge and Waco as the influencers for their approach now. But the double standard here is obvious when there are no such concerns when it involves black people and the tanks are immediately brought out. It's just that, in the past, it seems the federal government wasn't too shy about ending these standoffs with force but now they are. So what changed and what caused this change?

On another subject:

I'm also hesitant to throw around the label 'terrorist' for everything because of how broad the definition is and how much power it gives the government. It's responsible for how militarized the police have become. The dictionary definition could cover anything from setting off a nuclear device in New York to tying the President's shoelaces together when he's not looking. While it certainly could be applied here being that one of the legal definitions is:

or the PATRIOT (I love that it's a real acronym, what a bunch of cheeseballs) Act's definition:

It could also apply to a whole lot of things that I don't want it to apply to because it strips away so many rights and gives the government so much power when dealing with it. We should be narrowing the definition and being more specific so these broad powers aren't applied to things they were never meant to be applied towards.

Its a gigantic leap when the status quo is hourly executions for the minority population. That is the more likely scenario, than the idea that the FBI(who isn't even really participating) is considering this as serious as Waco and Ruby Ridge, so they are doing nothing. And thats the plan. Its an even bigger leap when they are just allowed to freely terrorize the area. This is a gigantic blunder. IF this is the result of the FBI's new hands off approach, which I don't buy, at all, its doing nothing but allowing them to intimidate the towns people. Again, this is why its absurd. If this is FBI plan #4058.B, its even more dangerous. This will embolden idiots everywhere to scare towns wherever they live with guns and stalking.

These people aren't being seen as threats, because they are white. The likelihood with the satus quo in america, is that if they were Muslim, they'd be executed and labelled terrorists before the FBI woke up. The sherries would shoot them on sight, even if they literally had the same goals. No need to analyze the term, they'd be terrorist because t hey are using violence and stated intimidation for political goals. Thats the groups message. We aren't talking about some fringe people outside of a group that is ruining it for the rest, but they have stated their intentions with their fire arms, law breaking, and intimidation. This situation is no ruby ridge, and its no waco. They are just roaming free. They need to be arrested for violating the law.
Oregon Militiamen Appear To Be Preparing To Put Local Officials On 'Trial'

According to the Oregonian, self-proclaimed U.S. Superior Court Judge Bruce Doucette (not a real judge) arrived in Harney County Tuesday and is readying militiamen for a big old trial.

Doucette, who is reportedly associated with the sovereign citizen movement, met with individuals at the wildlife refuge Tuesday and said he believed there was substantial evidence against local officials to take action.

As the Oregonian reported, however, Doucette's plan was to appoint a "grand jury" of 25 local residents who would "convene in private and make its decisions in private."

Whatever the locals decide, Doucette said he will write up and share with the public.


as this thing continues to carry on and get more and more absurd, and the terrorists feel more and more bold, are people still happy with the "well at least no one is getting hurt/hands off" approach?

cuz it seems to me like thats backfiring bigtime


as this thing continues to carry on and get more and more absurd, and the terrorists feel more and more bold, are people still happy with the "well at least no one is getting hurt/hands off" approach?

cuz it seems to me like thats backfiring bigtime

I think the strategy should be to let them be, no need to cut power or anything. But - maybe stop mail delivery? Also, maybe arrest people going into town?


I wonder, can a sovereign citizen put another sovereign citizen on trial and pronounce them guilty. I mean if one can do it to other people. It'd be funny to see this guy get arrested by another group of them and have to face the same BS.


If that sheriff gets fired for gross incompetence, will something finally happen?

No, because he's not in control of the situation, the FBI are. The Sheriff can only do what the FBI allows, since jurisdiction is clearly and unambiguously federal. I think people seem to have a strange idea that it's local enforcement treating the militia with kid gloves, but those orders are coming from the federal level. If the FBI wanted to, they could be all over the place, but they've chosen -- wrong or right -- to minimize federal presence and work through the Sheriff.
No, because he's not in control of the situation, the FBI are. The Sheriff can only do what the FBI allows, since jurisdiction is clearly and unambiguously federal. I think people seem to have a strange idea that it's local enforcement treating the militia with kid gloves, but those orders are coming from the federal level. If the FBI wanted to, they could be all over the place, but they've chosen -- wrong or right -- to minimize federal presence and work through the Sheriff.

I imagine it's because many of these sovereign citizen type groups don't recognize federal authority. They recognize state and local authorizes with the sheriff being the most important as they are commonly elected by the people. I guess it's a way to deal with them within the confines of their belief system. I don't know if they are part of the sovereign citizen movement but it's common among these right-wing militias.

How is this even remotely close to a sharia court?
Having their own closed judiciary process that follows the broken logic of their irrational beliefs instead of an objective, fair, civilized, and neutral court? That's how it's like a Sharia court.

The only difference is that they don't have hands on any of these officials to enforce what will surely be guilty verdicts in every single instance.
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