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f911 owned

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well not really...yet
Not really, Moore said he encouraged the downloading of the movie and Lions Gate backed him up. I wouldnt doubt that this is intentional
More like Lionsgate owned.

I don't think that Moore cares. I just think he'd probably want as many people as possible to see this thing.

EDIT: ^^ Not even Lionsgate is owned then I guess...


Not that I would ever download an illegal copy of a movie, but if I did I would probably find it very slow, so slow in fact, that it wasn't worth downloading in the first place.


Cloudy said:
Cool. I wanted to see this but no way I go to the movies to see a frikken' documentary lol

It's worth it. Catch an afternoon show or something. Plus, if you've seen any of Moore's other films then you would know that they are often more entertaining than anything Hollywood comes up with.


fbcamp said:
The movie should have been shown on TV, no one should have to pay to see propaganda.

You can consider most films with any sort of message as propoganda though. The best example I can think of would be Fight Club. I guess your enjoyment of movies like that mostly depends on where you stand in regards to the issues they tackle.


So, okay. Is this thread going to get locked, or not? I mean, this is basically on the same line as fansubs and unlicensed anime, as the artist (Moore) has shown an openness in the distribution of the film.
fbcamp said:
The movie should have been shown on TV, no one should have to pay to see propaganda.

I've bought copies of Frank Capra's "Why We Fight" series, as well as "Triumph of the Will" and the Disney Treasures "On the Front Lines." Essentially, I've paid money for propaganda, and don't really regret it.


As others have said previously, Moore does not care really (one exception) and this had been done on his own site a while back so big freaking deal. If he had made less than the 6 million it cost him to make the film instead of the $80 million it has made so far, then you can say he was owned... otherwise you're the one who is "owned" for being so ridiculous.


I'm not try to bash the movie or anything, I watched it and enjoyed it. Thankfully I downloaded it after it was sold out in almost every theater in manhettan. The movie's no different than whats shown regularly on PBS for free, imo there really was nothing worth paying $10 for.

Paying $10 for this movie is like paying $10 to go sit down in a theater and watch a two hour episode of Nova.
Alucard said:
You can consider most films with any sort of message as propoganda though. The best example I can think of would be Fight Club. I guess your enjoyment of movies like that mostly depends on where you stand in regards to the issues they tackle.

Please don't make such a ridiculous analogy as that. What in Fight Club, per se, would be of an equal representation of propaganda as Farenheit 911? I believe you are confused as to what propaganda is.

2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect


asking dangerous questions
Haven't you guys seen those anti-piracy ads before movies in theaters?
Not to sound ideological, but it's not really up to Moore to "let" the public download his film. It's not the big stars (or producers) that piracy is really hurting, but the minimum wage stagehands, carpenters, etc. in the movie industry.

Not that I really care - I hate those ads and just kicked off a download (thanks for the link!!). It's just that posting this link is every bit as "wrong" as posting a link to Spiderman 2. Just because Moore said he doesn't care doesn't make it "right". ;)


oh give me a fucking break. the people who stand to lose money if people stop going to the movies are the people with the largest investment in the media - those who have ownership, NOT those who are paid hourly and have no ownership.

those ads are classic appeals to emotion.


Haven't you guys seen those anti-piracy ads before movies in theaters?
Not to sound ideological, but it's not really up to Moore to "let" the public download his film. It's not the big stars (or producers) that piracy is really hurting, but the minimum wage stagehands, carpenters, etc. in the movie industry.

I don't think there were any of those in the production of this film.

on a different subject, it's a mystery to me how they managed to spend $6 million on making this film... Wonder how much of that went towards feeding Moore.


Unconfirmed Member
fart said:
oh give me a fucking break. the people who stand to lose money if people stop going to the movies are the people with the largest investment in the media - those who have ownership, NOT those who are paid hourly and have no ownership.

those ads are classic appeals to emotion.

Yeah, those people all still get paid the same amount even if the movie tanks.

It could sell zero tickets and they would all still get paid.

now if they made more money based on how well the movie performed you could claim that this would have an effect.
fbcamp said:
I don't think there were any of those in the production of this film.

on a different subject, it's a mystery to me how they managed to spend $6 million on making this film... Wonder how much of that went towards feeding Moore.

I remember reading(probably on here), that's how much he sold the rights of the movie for. Add a couple hundred dollars for tapes, and that's probably what the budget was for the film.


Pochacco said:
Haven't you guys seen those anti-piracy ads before movies in theaters?
Not to sound ideological, but it's not really up to Moore to "let" the public download his film. It's not the big stars (or producers) that piracy is really hurting, but the minimum wage stagehands, carpenters, etc. in the movie industry.

On the subject of propaganda....


documentaries are not easy to produce. eventually you have to pay your crew (and documentaries definitely need crews, even if they're not as large as your average film crew), your researchers (for a movie like moore's), editors, etc. you have to buy your tape or film, cameras, mics, lights, cable, plane tickets and other transportation, etc. etc.

add to that the footwork of tying it all together, getting to the place you need to be to get your shot is not stupid simple. it's hard enough and such a money losing proposition that well, you have to be crazy to actually do it.
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