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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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mac, I miss you. No one else here understands my hate for these losers.
I missed you too! Have faith that I could never leave you completely alone in this den of people who like awful characters.
it's like they didn't have enough money to animate everything
the only thing they adapted well are the kiss scenes
Oh God, the make out scenes in Campione were "adapted well?" Does this mean they were meant to be creepy and off putting in the novel too? From where I sat, comfortably on my couch-futon-bed-thingy, they were terrible. Good thing I use Campione as a sleep aid and not to get my rocks off or I'd have been mad about those scenes.


Maybe it's the OreImo avatar?

I dont mind kuroneko, though what ive heard of the light novels has me rethinking that stance
The Japanese turning everything into young girls is kind of terrible though, apart from maybe saber (which still didn't make much sense)


I dont mind kuroneko, though what ive heard of the light novels has me rethinking that stance
The Japanese turning everything into young girls is kind of terrible though, apart from maybe saber

The Japanese turned a cup of tea and a plate of waffles into moe girls. They can achieve anything.


No point posting unconfirmed Magi VA stuff at this point really. It'll be announced in less than 3 hours. Can't people just wait? :p


I dont mind kuroneko, though what ive heard of the light novels has me rethinking that stance
The Japanese turning everything into young girls is kind of terrible though, apart from maybe saber (which still didn't make much sense)

I would've imagined that Saber would be one of the more offensive ones. Sankarea and Tasogare X Amnesia are eh. Ghosts and zombies are malleable-enough premises that they don't really make a difference to me.

Edit: Ah, I completely missed the edit when I was typing the response!

The Japanese turned a cup of tea and a plate of waffles into moe girls. They can achieve anything.

They turned the tsunami into a moe girl. :V


I dont mind kuroneko, though what ive heard of the light novels has me rethinking that stance
The Japanese turning everything into young girls is kind of terrible though, apart from maybe saber (which still didn't make much sense)

how is old Saori suppose to be? She has to be out of high school right.
Exactly what you read.
Japanese seem to have a fixation with moeifying as many things as possible.


From the New World 1

The opening sequence is simply breathtaking. From the
, to the haunting purple sunset, to the introductory montage for the village set against the backdrop of the eerie choral chanting, and then the title card- that's the way to firmly establish an epic tone, and create the expectation for a grand story with an expansive scale.

Of course, this type of story tends to start small, and FtnW is no different. This episode serves the function of setup, and as a setup it is very effective in building anticipation for what comes next. We are introduced here to Saki, her friends, her family, and her educators. For the vast majority of the episode, we follow Saki's viewpoint as she goes through something like coming-of-age event. This is pretty smart writing because it allows for the presence of exposition that isn't obnoxious. It's also helpful to give us a character we can identify with when the setting is so strange; the obvious similarities to a medieval Japanese village only make the differences more pronounced.

This may seem obvious from the premise, but an extremely important aspect of the story seems to be TIME. However, the first episode deals with not only the passage of time on a large scale, but on a small scale. The editing is extremely non-linear, with repeated flashbacks and flash forwards at different times. This always has the potential to be extremely confusing, so it was fortunate that the editing was mostly clear and precise. Any momentary confusion is soon relieved as the show does a good job of placing things in a context such that you know more or less when each scene is taking place.

I don't think it's a spoiler to say that as the episode progresses, Saki learns that her village may be hiding some dark secrets. There's a lingering sense of unease that pervades the episode, and the hints towards unknown and magical things are tantalizing. The world-building in this first episode is superb, as the show understands that one of the keys to a believable world is implanting the idea that there's much more to it than the author has chosen to show you, and that if you were to peek behind the curtain, so to speak, you would not see a cluttered studio backlot, but an expansive and wondrous landscape that stretches far beyond the horizon.

So what to say of Masashi Ishihama's directorial debut? Well, as I think these screencaps make clear, he has a fantastic eye for iconic wide shots, and a wonderful grasp of how to use color and solid shapes. The grand and sweeping landscape shots, elaborately composed interior scenes, and the unconventional, low-key cinematography all help to give the episode an extremely cinematic feel. The lighting in particular is truly unlike what you see in the vast majority of anime, it almost feels filmic. The scene which introduces the children is delightful in how it counters the typical expectation of such scenes.
I mean, we can't even see them, really. Just silhouettes against a violet sunset.
And the animation lives up to expectations, which is to say it's great. I really loved the scene where
Saki's powers awaken
, there's such a believable impression of chaos and confusion reflected in the movement of the house.

To sum it up, From the New World 1 has spectacular animewatch.


I see animewatch is spreading. Nice impressions btw, I only skimmed since I'll be watching it shortly, really been looking forward to this show.
Oh God, the make out scenes in Campione were "adapted well?" Does this mean they were meant to be creepy and off putting in the novel too? From where I sat, comfortably on my couch-futon-bed-thingy, they were terrible. Good thing I use Campione as a sleep aid and not to get my rocks off or I'd have been mad about those scenes.
Godou receiving a kiss to gain knowledge about his ennemy is a key factor for him to win his battles and the most misunderstood aspect from every outsider perspective. They handled the various kisses well but not what happenned before or after.. think as they took a lot of liberties with the source matérial..

I have very few friends - 13

BL wins ..
This episode reminded why i wrote to not watch another full season soon .. The interraction between the two heroines annoy me to no end and without the references , and some characters i wouldn't even have watched the end of season 1.

This episode reinforce the fact that science girl is the best character by 3 miles at least


sealed with a kiss
From the New World 1

The world-building in this first episode is superb, as the show understands that one of the keys to a believable world is implanting the idea that there's much more to it than the author has chosen to show you, and that if you were to peek behind the curtain, so to speak, you would not see a cluttered studio backlot, but an expansive and wondrous landscape that stretches far beyond the horizon.

But just look at what happened to poor SAO, people still haven't given it a rest for doing the same thing you praise here. :(


From the New World 1

I wish I was aware enough of scene composition and storytelling to make impression posts like this. What an impressive post.

You guys will just have to deal with my incredibly superficial impressions of OniAi if I do them (because I'm apparently the only one who's going to watch it). :D


Boku wa Imaginary Friends #1
I just rewatched the first episode of this a few hours ago myself.
(NicoNico put up the series this week, so rewatched for the comments.)


I don't know if I should call this show pathetic or depressing. I know what it's not though. Funny. You guys say Akikan is dumb, but at least it's entertaining dumb. This on the other hand is simply smh dumb.
So yeah I have pretty much the complete opposite opinion haha.
But the second episode is probably my favorite of the whole series, so maybe you'll like that one bett--

Boku wa no idea what my purpose is on this show #2



Why is this person even on this show? He's doing his best impression of Kyon, but Kyon at least had some witty banter to add to the conversation/monologues. This guy is just a poor straight man who clearly has no redeeming qualities. The show could have been just two girls fighting and making out and it'd have been improved twofold.
Yeah Kodaka's in the Kyon-type observer role.
I sort of share your feelings regarding him not being particularly relevant at first, but he winds up being needed for various reasons (his sister being the biggest) and can't really just be deleted without breaking things.
Speaking as someone who usually doesn't like harem anime, the fact that Kodaka mostly stayed out of the way and let the girls do their thing with each other was a big factor in me liking this show. (Although maybe not as big a factor as Buriki's character art.)


sealed with a kiss
I just rewatched the first episode of this a few hours ago myself.
(NicoNico put up the series this week, so rewatched for the comments.)

So yeah I have pretty much the complete opposite opinion haha.
But the second episode is probably my favorite of the whole series, so maybe you'll like that one bett--


Yeah Kodaka's in the Kyon-type observer role.
I sort of share your feelings regarding him not being particularly relevant at first, but he winds up being needed for various reasons (his sister being the biggest) and can't really just be deleted without breaking things.
Speaking as someone who usually doesn't like harem anime, the fact that Kodaka mostly stayed out of the way and let the girls do their thing with each other was a big factor in me liking this show. (Although maybe not as big a factor as Buriki's character art.)

If you want Buriki art, Denpa Onna does it a thousand times better
and has the bestest waifu ever to boot!



Godou receiving a kiss to gain knowledge about his ennemy is a key factor for him to win his battles and the most misunderstood aspect from every outsider perspective. They handled the various kisses well but not what happenned before or after.. think as they took a lot of liberties with the source matérial..
Uh, no. I don't think people are "misunderstanding" anything here, the make out scenes just look creepy. The dialog is bad. The kissing animation and choreography(?) is bad. I get that in the story for the lame harem dynamic to work and be kicked up a notch compared to other lame harems where the main touches none of the girls and yet remain in the standard harem form where the main's not actually making a clear decision which girl's the front runner or whatnot the author figured he'd need a way to make the main kiss different girls without actually choosing one of the girls or just being a player and thus came up with the stupid concept of him divining information from his charges via a kiss, I got that, no-one's misunderstanding that, I'm just saying that every time that happens it's unsettling, creepy, badly done and not hot at all.

Also completely unnecessary, all the witches, knights, shrine maidens, what have you, derived their information from books therefore Godou could actually start like studying Gods and shit and learning about them and get to a point where he doesn't need to kiss someone during the midst of a battle every time, of course then the show'd suffer because without the creepy zombie kisses what does the show have? Clever writing? Good fight scenes? Likable characters? An intriguing plot? Perhaps a pertinent and touching theme? Yep, I guess it better keep the zombie kisses.


HxH 2011 49

Damn, they handled that moment pitch perfectly. I was worried they'd fuck it up as it was one of the most memorable parts of the original run. Next episode's also gonna own bigtime.

I didn't know we were talking about Joshiraku.
Joshiraku's far more consistently entertaining and funny than Nichijou could ever hope to be~


But just look at what happened to poor SAO, people still haven't given it a rest for doing the same thing you praise here. :(

Well, the thing is that you also have to balance it by making sure the story you tell is just as interesting.

I wish I was aware enough of scene composition and storytelling to make impression posts like this. What an impressive post.

You guys will just have to deal with my incredibly superficial impressions of OniAi if I do them (because I'm apparently the only one who's going to watch it). :D

Don't worry, if you post here long enough your posts will improve. My impression posts were pretty crap before I was influenced by better posters.


I would've imagined that Saber would be one of the more offensive ones. Sankarea and Tasogare X Amnesia are eh. Ghosts and zombies are malleable-enough premises that they don't really make a difference to me.

Edit: Ah, I completely missed the edit when I was typing the response!

They turned the tsunami into a moe girl. :V

Saber would only be offensive if they made fanservice out of her
but Fate Zero played it straight right through


Shinsekai yori Episode 01


Man that intro sequence was great. I absolutely loved the music. As for the rest of the episode, the direction felt a bit weird at first but I do appreciate the non-linear direction as it helped set the overall tone of this show. It does an excellent job at building up the mysterious yet unsettling atmosphere of this world through vivid imagery and flashbacks. The
scene was particularly intense.

I wasn't a big fan of the character designs from the promotional art but they look great in motion and fit very within the context of the setting in my opinion. Still a bit confused at some of the terminology and some of the story since I'm not familiar with the source material at all, but I'm really interested to see how this continues. I liked this a lot and I really hope the rest of the show continues to be this strong.


Saber would only be offensive if they made fanservice out of her
but Fate Zero played it straight right through

Oh, okay. I figured that if you were bothered because of how much a show disregards the actual person a character was based on, Saber would be pretty bad (not as bad as some, but...). Not liking fanservice of these characters is understandable though too.

There's also Fate/Stay Night if you want Saber fanservice. :D




Wow so um this was really impressive. None of the ridiculous shit that Geass later descended into but rather just a solid wartale. I think if the show actually tries to just restrain itself then this could really turn out special. I actually liked the non-combat segments more and I think they did a great job depicting the EU as a whole, something the actual television series kinda ignroed. It's very mellow in tone and I'm enjoying that aspect of it a lot. Job well done on the part of the director.


Oh, okay. I figured that if you were bothered because of how much a show disregards the actual person a character was based on, Saber would be pretty bad (not as bad as some, though). Not liking fanservice of these characters is understandable though too.

There's also Fate/Stay Night if you want Saber fanservice. :D

ive already seen that show and it wasn't too great
King Arthur has been bastardized more often in western media than Japanese anyway


Hyouka 2 - 12

I am really enjoying this show, sure it had a lot of "typical anime shit" that I am tired off, but everything else was so presented. The mysteries didn't felt cheap, a lot of anime enjoy putting critical element required to solve the puzzle completely hidden, then have the main character will present it at the very last moment when they gave their "genius deduction skill". The support characters are likable and actually important on advancing the story, instead of everyone waiting for the main character to solve the mystery, they actually play a role using their skill to help solve the problem.

I was surprised how much of the plot progressed in one episode, every scenes contributed to the ongoing plot. If Hyouka scripts were made into anime by some other company, the story in the first eight episodes will be spread into 24 episodes, then fill the rest of the airtime with panties and shower scenes.

Some of the art style used when they are presenting the problem and solution reminded me of Bakemonogatari, kinda made me worry for a while, good thing they had enough money in the budget left over for a proper storyline. I finally found something worthwhile in this season beside K-On Movie, mission accomplished.

If there are one thing I don't like about the show, is how they made each character stands out by giving them abnormal personality. The main character didn't really need to be an emo, normal people can have problem too. The female lead didn't need to be dip-shit insane to convince someone to help solving the mystery. The whole show is cursed by the popularity of Haruhi, and the story will definitely be better if they didn't go out of their way to make the main character stands out.
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